1. Is fate really against us as its cycles turn?
Or is it that all meet their destiny in the end?
١. أَحَقّاً عَلَينا الدَهرُ دارَت دَوائِرُه
أَما أَنَّهُ لِلدينِ صارَت مَصائِرُه
2. On this day doubt assailed Islam
With dire tidings, though once deemed trifles.
٢. فَشَدَّ عَلى الإِسلامِ ذا اليَومَ ريبُهُ
بِخَطبٍ وَكانَت لا تُعَدُّ كَبائِرُه
3. Yet it is fate whose name we proclaim
That no man lives who shall not taste decay.
٣. إِلّا أَنَّهُ الدَهرَ المُصَرَّحُ بِاِسمِهِ
بِأَن لا فَتىً إِلّا غَدا وَهوَ داهِرُه
4. Stripped now of all cover, its links
Are naught but harbinger of catastrophe.
٤. بَواتِرُهُ فينا مُجَرَّدَةٌ وَما
بَواتِرُهُ وَاللَهُ إِلّا بَوائِرُ
5. Each day in the wilds it lies in wait
To cry 'No escape from what you fear!'
٥. لَها كُلَّ يَومٍ في البَرِيَّةِ فَتكَةً
تُناديكَ لا مُنجاةُ مِمّا تُحاذِرُه
6. How many a massive angel has it snatched
Bracelets and wristlets stripped from his side?
٦. فَكَم مَلَكَ ضَخمٌ تَخطِفُهُ الرَدى
قَساوِرُهُ مِن حَولِهِ وَأُساوِرُه
7. It broke Kisra, destroying his might,
And Caesar it felled, his guards of no avail.
٧. تَخَرَّمَ كِسرى كاسِراً حَدَّ بِطشِهِ
وَقَيصَرَ أَردى ما وَقَتهُ مَقاصِرُه
8. Still it destroys all prideful glory,
Every age's ornament brought to nothing.
٨. وَما زالَ يُفنى كُلَّ عِزٍّ يَؤُمُّهُ
بِبَأسٍ وَيُلقى كُلِّ قِرنٍ يُساوِرُه
9. It is death, none can bar its decree
When the One Omnipotent issues His command.
٩. هُوَ المَوتُ مِن ذا دافِعٍ مُبرَمِ القَضا
إِذا الواحِدِ القَهّارِ وافَت أَوامِرُه
10. So glory to Him alone all faces bow
None lives but by His will He lays them low.
١٠. فَسُبحانَ مَن تَعنو الوُجهُ لِوَجهِهِ
وَلا حَيَّ إِلّا وَهوَ بِالمَوتِ قاهِرُه
11. Today it called Muhiddin to its side
Drawing him near, to be His neighbor.
١١. دَعا اليَومَ مُحي الدينِ نَحوَ جَنابِهِ
يَقرُبُهُ مِن قُدسِهِ وَيُجاوِرُه
12. Though his passing fills every quarter with grief
In the Gardens his state is blissful and fair.
١٢. سَرى نَعيُهُ في كُلِّ حَيٍّ فَفي الوَرى
تَعازيهِ لَكِن في الجِنانِ بَشائِرُه
13. Affairs of religion proceed on their course
Despite his loss, jurisprudence tears her dress.
١٣. وَباتَت شُؤونُ الدينِ تَجري شُؤونُها
عَلى فَقدِهِ وَالفِقهُ تَدمى مَاجِرُه
14. All mourn him with tears of blood
Though their laments are but excuse for their distress.
١٤. وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ يَبكي عَلَيهِ دَماً
فَما عَواذِلُهُ في الحُزنِ إِلّا عَواذِرُه
15. By his loss, the radiant East is made dark
Its horizons dimmed, its views obscured.
١٥. لَعَمرُكَ ما لِلشَرقِ ذا اليضومَ اِقتَمَت
مَشارِقُهُ وَاليَومَ أَظلَمُ ناظِرُه
16. Still the faith has burning coals remaining
And the law a thread still clings though it fray.
١٦. وَلِلدينِ وَجدٌ لَيسَ تَطفَأُ نارُهُ
وَلِلشَرعِ طَرفٌ لَيسَ يَقلَعُ ما طِرُه
17. An affliction has struck Islam's sons
On this day - her pulpits weep inconsolably.
١٧. أَصابَ بَني الإِسلامِ خَطبَ عَرَمرَمٍ
بِذا اليَومَ فَالإِسلامُ تَبكى مَنابِرُه
18. His mention has spread to all corners
Known to past and present, desert-dweller and city.
١٨. فَطَبَّقَ آفاقَ البَرِيَّةِ ذِكرُهُ
وَسارَ بِهِ بادي الزَمانِ وَحاضِرُه
19. A sea whose treasures crowd every throat
An imam whose knowledge fills every mouth.
١٩. إِمامٌ بِأَفواهِ الجَميعِ عُلومُهُ
وَبَحرٌ بِأَعناقِ الجَميعِ جَواهِرُه
20. Blessed being of excellent repute, worshipper
Gentle natured, bright-faced, his probity plain.
٢٠. مُبارَكٌ خَلقُ طيبُ الذِكرِ عابِدٌ
مَهذَبُ طَبعٍ مُشرِقِ الوَجهِ سافِرُه
21. Remnant of past righteous ancestors
The like of whom made saints' wares abound.
٢١. بَقِيَّةَ ذاكَ السالِفِ الصالِحِ الَّذي
بِأَمثالِهِ الأَقطابِ جَلَت ذَخائِرُه
22. His secrets rose and his soul purified
He had a sublime journey, though veiled to hearts.
٢٢. قَد اِرتَفَعَت أَسرارُهُ وَتَطَهَّرَت
لَهُ سَيرَ غُرٌّ حَكَتها سَرائِرُه
23. In his time the guiding knowledge
Spread its gleam, its lanterns shone everywhere.
٢٣. وَأَصبَحَ في أَيّامِهِ عِلمَ الهُدى
تَعُمُّ البَرايا بِالضِياءِ مَنايِرُه
24. The day his knowledge ended with his passing
Pillar of knowledge collapsed, its edifice fell.
٢٤. تَداعَت بِيَومِ العِلمِ يَومَ وَفاتِهِ
وَخَرُ عِمادِ الفَضلِ وَاِنهَدَّ عامِرُه
25. Jurisprudence tore its face in lament
As the intricacies he clarified faded away.
٢٥. وَراحَ عَلَيهِ الفِقهُ يَلطُمُ وَجهَهُ
إِذا اِنتَكَثَت مِمّا دَهاهُ مَرائِرُه
26. I did not know resilience's armor could fail
When fate's decree comes, patience takes flight.
٢٦. وَلَم أَدرِ أَنَّ الصَبرَ تَفَنّى دُروعُهُ
إِذا أَن قَضى وَالعَزمُ تَفري مَغافِرُه
27. I am done shedding the tears of every weeping eye
As all who grieve are exhausted of plaintive cries
٢٧. فَقَد فَرَغتُ مِن كُلِّ باكٍ دُموعِهِ
كَما نَزَفَت مِن كُلِّ راثٍ مَحابِرُه
28. He left the abode of evanescence for one
Where his life in eternity flows on forever.
٢٨. تَرَحَّلَ عَن دارِ الفَناءِ إِلى الَّتي
بِها عَيشُهُ في الخُلدِ تَجري كَواثِرُه
29. The lofty mountain of splendid glory is humbled
The burgeoning sea of abundant grace retired.
٢٩. فَقَد دَكَّ طَودُ باذِخِ المَجدِ شامِخٌ
وَغُيضَ بَحرُ زاعِبِ الفَيضِ زاخِرُه
30. The trenchant sword of steely resolve is sheathed
The piercing moon of brilliant light obscured.
٣٠. وَأَغمَدَ سَيفَ صارِمِ الحَدِّ باتِرٌ
وَغُيبَ بَدرُ ثاقِبِالنورِ باهِرُه
31. Greetings to a grave whose soil contains
Our eminent, fragrant, resplendent friend.
٣١. سَلامٌ عَلى قَبرٍ تَضَمَّنَ تُربُهُ
فَذاكَ الحَدُّ ساطِعُ العُرفِ عاطِرُه
32. His dust was watered by the rain clouds
While the living ceaselessly turn to him.
٣٢. سَقَت تُربُهُ الوَطفا وَلا بَرِحَ الحَيا
يُراوِحهُ في رَجعِهِ وَيُباكِرُه
33. Death is but the path our uncle tread
The bridge all must cross, none shall evade.
٣٣. وَما المَوتُ إِلّا مَسلَكُ عَمِّ نَهجِهِ
وَجِسرُ جَميعِ الخَلقِ لا بُدَّ عابِرُه
34. Man is only mortal, son of the mortal,
Whom birth ushered in and death shall finish.
٣٤. وَما المَرءُ إِلّا مَيتٌ وَاِبنُ مَيتٍ
وَمَن بَدَؤَهُ الميلادُ فَالمَوتُ آخِرُه