
I swear, when her suns rise upon me

أقسمت إذا طلعت علي شموسها

1. I swear, when her suns rise upon me
And the horizons are adorned with her beauty as she is their bride

١. أَقسَمتُ إِذا طَلَعَت عَلَيَّ شُموسَها
وَزَهَت بِها الأَرجاءِ وَهيَ عَروسَها

2. She is in the highest place in beauty
And with her, the fairest of cities is Tarsoos

٢. أَعلى مَحلٍ في الجَمالِ مَحلُها
وَبِها فَأَجمَلَ بَلدَةَ طَرسوسَها

3. I envied not the lovers except for one
Whom the Lord of the Throne made her companion

٣. لَم أَحسُدِ العُشّاقَ إِلّا واحِداً
أَحظاهُ رَبُّ العَرشِ فَهوَ جَليسُها

4. In a gathering that makes the forbearing sigh
Two cups are equal for her- her glance and her cup

٤. في مَجلِسٍ يَدَعُ الحَليمَ مُرَنِّحاً
سِيّانَ فيهِ لِحاظِها وَكُؤوسُها

5. No enamored one saw her except she would give
That smooth-cheeked one her soul and her preciousness

٥. ما إِن رَأَتها مُهجَةٌ إِلّا فَدَت
ذاكَ المُحَيّا نَفسَها وَنَفيسِها

6. And of the wonders, she is shooting and bent
Her charm makes the boldness of men submissive

٦. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ وَهيَ ريمَةٌ رامَةٌ
تَعنو لَها غُلبُ الرِجالِ وَشوسُها

7. She is a gazelle, and you have gained from Dhi Gham
One whom the best of armies cannot equal

٧. هِيَ جُؤذُرٍ وَلَكُم سَبَت مِن ضَيغَمِ
لا يَستَبيهِ مِنَ الجُيوشِ خَميسَها

8. The lionesses attacked her and she was still a gazelle
Whose kicking hooves split the lions' heads

٨. جارَت عَلَيها وَهيَ بَعدَ ظُبَيَّةً
نَكباءُ تَصطَلِمُ الأُسودَ ضَروسُها

9. Since the delicacy of her fingers' infancy
The delights of events have kissed her

٩. فَعَدا عَلَيها مُذ نُعومَةِ ظَفرِها
خَبَباً نَعيمَ الحادِثاتِ وَبَوسِها

10. After lofty palaces, I saw her
In the brokenness of her palace, its moth

١٠. بَعدَ القُصورِ العالِياتِ رَأَيتُها
في كَسرِ بَيتِ قَصرِها ناموسِها

11. After abundant riches, wearing the mantle
Of the times in an ever-changing world

١١. بَعدَ الثَراءِ الجَمِّ حُلَّةً صانِعِ
وَلِكُلِّ حالٍ في الزَمانِ لَبوسِها

12. For her spins the white of dexterous fingers
Darker than silk its darkness measures her

١٢. تَمضي لَها في الغَزلِ بيضُ أَنامِلٍ
ظَلَمَ الَّذي هُوَ بِالحَريرِ يَقيسُها

13. Cotton teases her with its softness in her hand
And satin wished it could caress her skin

١٣. القَطنُ يَهزَاُ بِالدَمَقسِ بِكَفِّها
وَالخَزُّ وَدَّ لَو أَنَّهُ مَلموسُها

14. Spinning has come alive for us through her
Cutting panels that pierce the breasts

١٤. في الغَزلِ أَصبَحَ وَلَنا بِهِ
مُتَحَرِّكاً قَطَعَ تَيضقُ طُروسُها

15. Kings wish for her like her for their sons
But the Lord of Kings despairs her loss

١٥. يَرجو المُلوكَ نَظيرُها لِبَنيهِم
فَيَعودُ رَبُّ المُلوكِ وَهوَ يَئيسُها

16. I loved Jesus and the cross for her sake
Until her priest nearly converted me

١٦. اَحَبَبتُ عيسى وَالصَليبُ لِأَجلِها
حَتّى يَكادُ يَؤُمُّ بي قَسيسُها

17. And I opposed Shaykh Tamimi who
Was never aroused by the tunes of her strings

١٧. وَأُخالِفُ الشَيخَ التَميمي الَّذي
ما كانَ يَطرَبُ سَمعُهُ نا قوسَها

18. Had he witnessed her face, her chastity
With her beauty, her devotion would not have led him

١٨. لَو كانَ شاهِدُ وَجهَها وَعَفافِها
مَعَ حُسنِها ما آدَّهُ تَقديسَها

19. She has assaulted us, though weak in herself
With assaults that tread the foe underfoot

١٩. بَطَشَت بِنا وَهيَ الضَعيفُ بِذاتِها
بِطَشاتُ أَنوَرُ بِالعِداةِ يَدوسَها

20. That hero about whom, when mentioned
The gloomy faces are lit with joy

٢٠. هُوَ ذَلِكَ البَطَلُ الَّذي في ذِكرِهِ
أَبَداً يُضيءُ مِنَ الوُجوهِ عَبوسَها

21. With him hopes returned, his good fortune unbroken
Through him the misfortunes vanished from the lands

٢١. عادَت بِهِ الآمالُ سُعودُهُ مَوصولَةً
فيها تَغيبُ عَنِ الدِيارِ نُحوسَها

22. And I see all the arrogant ones humbled before him
Their heads bowed low beneath the dust of his shoes

٢٢. وَأَراهُ كُلَّ الكاشِحينَ أَذِلَّةً
مَخفوضَةً بِذَرى عُلاهُ رُءوسَها