1. My heart cares not for glances though they torment and consume,
While to the eye what wearies the heart and makes it faint.
١. لِقَلبي ما تَهمي العُيونَ وَتَأرَقُ
وَلِلعَينِ ما يُبلى الفُؤادُ وَيُرهِقُ
2. I was not one whose love exhausted his heart,
But who knows the ways your charm makes one fall in love.
٢. وَما كُنتُ مِمَّن يُرهِقُ العِشقَ قَلبَهُ
وَلَكِن مَن يَدري فُنونُكَ يَعشَقُ
3. I was not one whose gaze was pierced by the arrow of your glance,
To swoon for that, but to watch you is more wondrous.
٣. وَما كُنتُ مِمَّن يَرشُقُ السَهمَ لَحظَهُ
فَيَهوى لِذا لَكِن يَراعُكَ أَشيَقُ
4. It struck all hearts yet it
Sprinkled them with nobility before it left.
٤. أُصِبتُ بِهِ كُلَّ القُلوبِ وَأَنَّهُ
لِيَنضَحَها بِالنَبلِ قَبلَ يَفوقُ
5. I left people captives of your love, but I
Am your captive in the field of your excellence, free.
٥. تَرَكتُ الوَرى أَسرى هَواكَ وَإِنَّما
أَسيرُكَ في مَيدانِ فَضلِكَ مُطلَقُ
6. With you, you stole gentleness from nature,
So you have the right to be tender and to emancipate.
٦. لَدَيكَ اِستَرَقتَهُم مِنَ الطَبعِ رِقَّةً
فَأَنتَ لَهُم حَقٌّ رَقيقٌ وَمُعتَقُ
7. I attracted their hearts with these meanings,
And my addiction, by God, is that elegance.
٧. جَذَبتُ بِهاتيكَ المَعاني قُلوبَهُم
وَتيمَها وَاللَهُ ذاكَ التَأَنُّقُ
8. Speech, when you utter it among a gathering,
Becomes from you like moist pearls, well-arranged.
٨. كَلامٌ إِذا أَلقَيتَهُ في جَماعَةٍ
غَدا مِنكَ مِثلَ اللُؤلُؤُ الرَطبُ يَنسُقُ
9. Upon it is the divine light's touch
That almost glitters at its edges.
٩. عَلَيهِ مِنَ النورِ الإِلَهي مَسحَةً
تَكادُ عَلى أَرجائِهِ تَتَأَلَّقُ
10. The fountains of wit and the springs of wisdom
Shade the garden of knowledge pouring.
١٠. مَناهِلَ الطافِ وَأَعيُنَ حِكمَةٍ
تَظَلُّ عَلى رَوضِ المَعارِفِ تَغدَقُ
11. The branch of eloquence spends the night thriving
And ascending the growth of rhetoric, climbing.
١١. يَبيتُ بِها غُصنُ البَلاغَةِ ناضِراً
وَريقاً عَلى نَبتِ الفَصاحَةِ يَسمَقُ
12. Greetings to the face of the Imam Muhammad,
Revived by it the water of life murmuring.
١٢. سَلامٌ عَلى وَجهِ الإِمامِ مُحَمَّدٌ
مُحَيّا بِهِ ماءَ الحَياةِ يَتَرَقرَقُ
13. And to God belong the pearls of the sea, the pearls of Muhammad,
From it, branches of knowledge spread out.
١٣. وَلِلَهِ دُرُّ البَحرِ دَرُّ مُحَمَّدٍ
تَتَوَّجَ مِنهُ لِلمَعارِفِ مَفرَقُ
14. And his sublime morals, if I wished to describe them
And if I did not, they would inspire and make me speak.
١٤. وَأَخلاقِهِ الغَرا إِذا شِئتَ وَصفَها
وَإِن لَم أَشَأ توحي إِلى وَأَنطِقُ
15. An Imam winning in the qualities of intellect and scripture,
Preceding the goals of a fulfilled wise man.
١٥. إِمامٌ بِخَصلِ العَقلِ وَالنَقلِ فائِزٌ
سَبوقَ لِغاياتِ حَكيمٍ مُحَقَّقُ
16. If he rose in the arena of virtue, its environs would shorten
Before the extent of his splendor racing ahead.
١٦. إِذا ما اِنبَرى في حَلبَةِ الفَضلِ قَصُرَت
حَوالي مَداهُ حِليَةَ هُن سَبقُ
17. The preacher of the world with truth for truth manifesting,
A supporter and for falsehood, declining and perishing, an adversary.
١٧. خَطيبُ الوَرى بِالحَقِّ لِلحَقِّ مُظهِرٌ
ظَهيرٌ وَلِلبَطَلانِ مُردٍ وَمَزهَقُ
18. When he stood above the pulpits, judging,
What misguidance then does not erase and obliterate?
١٨. إِذا قامَ مِن فَوقِ المَنابِرِ فاصِلاً
فَأَيُّ ضَلالٍ لَيسَ يَمحي وَيَمحَقُ
19. The world sways upon hearing his sermon
And is amazed that the wooden poles do not sprout leaves.
١٩. تَميدُالوَرى عِندَ اِستِماعِ خَطابِهِ
وَتَعجَبُ لِلأَعوادِ إِذ لَيسَ تورِقُ
20. When he stood for the pure Hanafi rite arguing,
And for thought a refuge not torn apart.
٢٠. فَما قامَ بِالحَقِّ الحَنيفي صادِعاً
وَلِلفِكرِ شَملٌ باتَ لَيسَ يُمَزِّقُ
21. He has the famed pen that sheds its ink
With blades, when unsheathed, unsheathing.
٢١. لَهُ القَلَمُ المَشهورُ يَزري مِدادَهُ
بِتِبرٍ إِذا في مَهرِقٍ هُوَ مُهرِقُ
22. The wonders of my Master are in Muhammad His servant,
And your Lord gives what He wills and sustains.
٢٢. عَجائِبَ مَولى في مُحَمَّد عَبدُهُ
وَرَبُّكَ يُعطي ما يَشاءُ وَيَرزُقُ
23. Is there, my Master, any virtue in this world
Except that you are most befitting of it?
٢٣. لَكَ اللَهُ يا مَولايَ هَل مِن فَضيلَةٍ
بِهَذا الوَرى إِلّا بِها أَنتَ أَليَقُ
24. And in hope that, in fulfilling an obligation,
My heart alongside it ceases to pulsate.
٢٤. وَفي أَمَلٍ أَنّى لَدى فِعلِ واجِبٍ
أَسكُنُ قَلباً دونَهُ باتَ يَخفِقُ
25. If one like me obtained a word from your speech
Honoring him, then he is fortunate, successful.
٢٥. إِذا نالَ مِثلي مِن كَلامِكَ لَفظَةً
تُشرِفُهُ فَهوَ السَعيدُ المُوَفِّقُ