1. O my tears, relieve me of the fire of my sorrows
For I knew you both as the best of my helpers
١. يا مَدمَعَيَّ اِكفِياني نارَ أَحزاني
إِنّي عَهِدتُكُما مِن خَيرِ أَعواني
2. A fire rages in my heart, could you
Quench it with pouring and calmness?
٢. نارٌ تَأَجُج في قَلبي فَهَل لَكُما
أَن تُطفِئاها بِتَسكابٍ وَتَهتانِ
3. If today I have no comforting beloved
Then which day has my presence and tenderness?
٣. إِن لَم يَكُنِ اليَومِ لي رَنّاتٌ ثاكِلَةٌ
فَأَيُّ يَومٍ لَهُ وَجدي وَتَحناني
4. I spend the nights without seeing a specter I love
Split between confusion and anxiety
٤. أَقضي اللَيالي لا أَحظى بِطَيفٍ كَرى
مُوَزَّعاً بَينَ حَيرانٍ وَحَرّانِ
5. I have nothing but cups of tears as company
And nothing but the stars of night as my regret
٥. ما لي بِغَيرُ كُؤوسِ الدَمعِ مُغتَبِقٌ
وَلَيسَ غَيرَ نُجومِ اللَيلِ نَدماني
6. Manliness refuses a heart not burning
For a lover and an eye not crying
٦. تَأبى المُروءَةُ قَلباً غَيرَ مُتَّقِدٍ
عَلى حَبيبٍ وَطَرفاً غَيرَ رَيّانِ
7. Glory never let me onto its lofty backs
If it had not deafened my heart and forsaken me
٧. لا بَوَّأَتني المَعالي مَتنَ صَهوَتِها
إشن كانَ لَم يُصمِ قَلبي فَقَد خَلاني
8. Not every brother whose death comes
Falls upon the heads of his family like a collapsed building
٨. وَلَيسَ كُلُّ أَخٍ تَأتي مُنيَتُهُ
عَلى رُؤوسِ ذَويهِ دَكَّ بُنيانِ
9. We have lost you, O Abdel Salam, you were
The hoped for in lands and homelands
٩. أَنّا فَقَدناكَ يا عَبدَ السَلامِ لَدنَ
كُنتَ المُرَجى لِأَوطارٍ وَأَوطانِ
10. You were a pillar for it, indeed a nation took refuge
From foes in its nobles and pillars
١٠. وَكُنتَ رُكناً لَها إِنَّ أُمَّةً لَجَأَت
مِنَ الوَرى لِأَساطينِ وَأَركانِ
11. The brilliant quality tires whoever competes with it
And the killing distinction from knowledge and proof
١١. الباهِرُ الخَصلُ يَعيى مَن يُسابِقُهُ
وَالقاتِلُ الفَصلُ عَن عِلمٍ وَبُرهانِ
12. It casts from its entities whoever aims
Every bow of thought missing it
١٢. يَرمي بِكُلِّ مُراشٍ مَن كَنائِنِهِ
عَن كُلِّ قَوسٍ مِنَ التَفكيرِ مُرنانِ
13. His praises were diverse, we say for them
Glory to their composer in the thread of humanity
١٣. كانَت مَحامِدُهُ شَتّى نُقولٌ لَها
سُبحانَ ناظِمِها في سَلكِ إِنسانِ
14. Refined manners in wool and in rags
And advisor of affection in secret and openly
١٤. مُهَذَّبُ الخَلقِ في صَوفٍ وَفي كَدَرِ
وَناصِحُ الوُدِّ في سِرٍّ وَإِعلانِ