
Does the night traveler know when the guide leads the way,

هل تعلم العيس إذ يحدو بها الحادي

1. Does the night traveler know when the guide leads the way,
That resolve comes from ribs and hearts so steadfast?

١. هَل تَعلَمُ العيسَ إِذ يَحدو بِها الحادي
إِنَّ السُرى فَوقَ أَضلاعٍ وَأَكبادِ

2. Do the walkers in that caravan know
That purpose lies between souls and bodies?

٢. وَهَل ظَعائِنُ ذاكَ الرَكبَ عالِمَةً
إِنَّ النَوى بَينَ أَرواحٍ وَأَجسادِ

3. Since they left, my heart has composed
Elegies and songs of sadness in their wake.

٣. تَحَمَّلوا فَفُؤادي مُنذُ بَيَّنَهُم
في إِثرِهِم نَضوُ تَأويبٍ وَإيسادِ

4. Their dwellings are visited in every far reach,
And their veil, if it knew, would better love the visitor.

٤. يَرتادُ مَنزِلُهُم في كُلِّ قاصِيَةٍ
وَحَجبُهُ لَو دَرى أَحرى بِمُرتادِ

5. Between souls lies what would suffice you,
If you sought the depths, against traversing the wasteland.

٥. بَينَ الجَوانِحِ ما لَو أَنتَ جائِبُهُ
أَغناكَ عَن لَفِّ أَغوارٍ بِالبادِ

6. How many times I recite poetry to my loved ones, and they to me
In India - oh how far my recital has removed me!

٦. كَم بِتُّ أَنشُدُ أَحبابي وَأُنشِدُهُم
في الهِندِ يا شَدَّ ما أَبعَدَت إِنشادي

7. Were I to confide in my soul, it would make them hear
My words as if they were witnesses though absent.

٧. وَلَو أُناجي ضَميري كُنتُ مُسمِعَهُم
قَولي كَأَنَّهُم في الغَيبِ أَشهادي

8. Whoever's goal is less than the night traveler's
Should desire less than waves and mirages.

٨. مَن كانَ دونَ مَرامي العيسِ مَنزِعُهُ
فَلي هَوى دونَ أَمواجِ وَأَزبادِ

9. Beneath the Pleiades, if the beloved wanders astray
Then my bliss - what an excellent guide he finds!

٩. دونَ الخَضارِمِ إِن ضَلَّ الحَبيبُ سُرىً
فَإشن وَجدِيَ نِعمَ القائِفِ الهادي

10. A passion as lovely as if the age knew
That nothing else would settle in the breast but the companion.

١٠. هَوىً بِأَروَعِ لَو أَنَّ الزَمانِ دَرى
لَمّا أَحَلَّ سِواهُ الصَدرُ بِالنادي

11. Sami of lofty lineage - his origins
Have no lack of support in glory's realm.

١١. سامي الأَرومَةِ في أَعراقِهِ نِسَبِ
في المَجدِ لا يَشتَكي مِن ضَعفِ إِسنادِ

12. Smoother than the evening shadows of the valley are his features,
And at the darkness of night, the rock of the valley.

١٢. أَرَقَّ مِن شَمأَلِ الوادي شَمائِلِهِ
وَعِندَ شَدِّ اللَيالي صَخرَةَ الوادي

13. If people measured their status
Against the lofty, they would need for help in it ladders.

١٣. مِن مَعشَرِ لَو يَقيسُ الناسِ شَأوِهِمُ
إِلى العُلا اِفتَقَروا فيهِ لِأَرصادِ

14. O you whose return would replace our past
Erasing thereby the burden of epochs and ruins.

١٤. يا مَن لَنا رَدُّهُ مِن فائِتٍ عَوَضِ
يُمحي بِهِ وَزرَ أَحقابِ وَآمادِ

15. That they hid you did no harm to the veiled stars
Nor did the sheathing of a sword harm it when sheathed.

١٥. أَن يَحجِبوكَ فَما ضَرَّ النُجومَ دُجىً
وَلا زَرى السَيفَ يَوماً طَيُّ أَغمادِ

16. No harm that fortune's tryst is delayed for long
For the sweetest water to drink is from the rain-channel.

١٦. لا بَأسَ إِن طالَ تَجِزُّ السَعدَ مَوعِدُهُ
فَأَعذَبَ الماءَ شَرباً في فَمِ الصادي

17. May your nights' resentments be folded away,
And may their cup be drained of bitterness and grudges.

١٧. عَسى لَياليكَ إقَد سُلَّت ضَغينَتُها
وَقَد صَفَت كَأسَها مِن سُؤرِ أَحقادِ

18. May time resume peace unperturbed,
For time can wear the raiment of opposites.

١٨. وَاِستَأنَفَ الدَهرُ سَلماً لا يَكدَرُها
فَالدَهرُ قَد يَرتَدي حالاتُ أَضدادِ

19. If fate had favored a people with grace,
None would meet the likes of you with felicity.

١٩. لَو كانَ يسعِدُ قَومَ قَدرٍ فَضَلَّهُم
ما لاقَ مِثلَكَ أَن يَحظى بِإِسعادِ