1. When the ancient East boasts of a master
Whose mention fills its gatherings with joy,
١. إِذا اِفتَخَرَ الشَرقُ القَديمُ بِسَيِّدٍ
تَميدُ بِذِكراهُ اِبتِهاجاً مَحافِلُه
2. And the scales of glory are set right, as he comes
To defeat all rivals and contend with them,
٢. وَنُصِتَ مَوازينُ الفِخارِ وَقَد أَتى
يُماتِنُ كُلُّ خَصمِهِ وَيُساجِلُه
3. Who but Saladin are heads bowed to recall?
Who can equal him?
٣. فَمَن كَصَلاحِ الدينِ تَعنو لِذِكرِهِ
رُؤوسَ أَعاديهِ وَمَن ذا يُعادِلُه
4. His loyalty dwells deep in hearts
And his qualities enact all-encompassing deeds.
٤. يُخالِطُ أَعماقَ القُلوبِ وَلاؤُهُ
وَتفعَلُ أَفعالَ الشُمولِ شَمائِلُه
5. I swear if his name were called out today
In the abode of empire, not a blossom in its gardens would stay green.
٥. وَاُقسِمُ لَو في الحَيِّ نودِيَ بِاِسمِهِ
لَدى سَنَواتِ المَحلِ لا خُضرُ ماحِلُه
6. He has agents of both war and peace, each
Able to humiliate the enemy and fight him.
٦. لَهُ عامِلا حَربٍ وَسِلمٍ كِلاهُما
كَفيلٌ بِإِذلالِ العَدُوِّ وَقاتِلُه
7. His glory humbles the neck of every foe
And his favor graces the neck of every rival appeasing him.
٧. مُهَنَّدُهُ في عُنقِ قَرنٍ مُساوِرٌ
وَمِنَّتُهُ في عُنقِ خَصمٍ يُجامِلُه
8. The noble free man who purified
His nature never killed like the pardoning that included even him.
٨. وَما قَتَل الحُرُّ الأَبِيُّ الَّذي زَكَت
سَجاياهُ كَالعَفوِ الَّذي هُوَ شامِلُه
9. Not every day does his anger flare over an outrage,
Nor does he ever tire of clemency, even if his agent did.
٩. وَما كُلِّ يَوماً عَضبُهُ عَن كَريهَةٍ
وَلا مَلَّ مِن حِلمٍ وَلَو مَلَّ عامِلُه
10. His swords drip blood for ages
As do their two edges, shedders of blood.
١٠. تَظَلُّ طَوالَ الوَقتِ تَندى سُيوفُهُ
دِماءً وَتَندى جانِبَيها فَواضِلُه
11. So many a hostile foe has rushed into war
Only to die, leaving widows to live on his fame.
١١. فَكَم مِن عَدُوٍّ قَد تَرَدّى بِحَربِهِ
قَتيلاً وَعاشَت مِن نَداهُ أَرامِلُه
12. In war, he once surpassed his aims
And always, his seeker attains his goal.
١٢. وَفي الحَربِ قَد تَخَطّى مَراميهِ مَرَّةً
وَفي كُلِّ حالٍ لَيسَ يُخطِئُ نائِلُه
13. For the misery of enemies, his tears pour down
Never has the tearful one lacked a tearful companion.
١٣. تَفيضُ عَلى بُؤسِ العِداةِ دُموعُهُ
وَلَم يُلفِ يَوماً سائِلُ الدَمعِ سائِلُه
14. It is as though all people together
Were his family, so whoever suffers, he aids.
١٤. كَأَنَّ الوَرى كانوا أَهاليهِ جُملَةً
فَمَهما يَكُن مِن بائِسٍ فَهوَ كافِلُه
15. Whoever understands man among men understands him,
For he sees all people as his dependents.
١٥. وَمَن فَهِمَ الإِنسانَ في الناسِ فَهمُهُ
رَأى أَنَّ كُلَّ العامِلينَ عوائِلُه
16. Thus is he whose habit is civilization,
Of sheer honesty, nothing makes him swerve.
١٦. كَذَلِكَ مَن كانض التَمَدُّنُ دَأبُهُ
سَجِيَّةَ صِدقٍ مَحضَةً لا تُزايِلُه
17. Not like one who falsely claims civilization,
Whose words his actions have proven false.
١٧. وَلَيسَ كَمَن باتَ التَمَدُّنُ يَدَّعي
مَقاوِلُهُ قَد كَذَّبَتها مَفاعِلُه
18. He learned from the West an aim whose cutting sharpness
Wounds, and whose rider and footman have come to fight us,
١٨. تَعَلَّم أَهلَ الغَربِ طَراً قَضُّهُ وَقَضيضُهُ
وَفارِسُهُ رامَ النِزالَ وَراجِلُه
19. Hundreds of thousands, and the Frenchman alone,
Would tomorrow be a nation on earth if his seeker gained success.
١٩. مِئاتُ أُلوفٍ وَالفَرَنسيسُ وَحدَهُ
غَداً أُمَّةً في الأَرضِ أَن صالَ صائِلُه
20. And Richard, the lionheart, in every stance,
Backs him, equaling his height.
٢٠. وَريكارَد قَلبُ اللَيثِ في كُلِّ مَوقِفٍ
يُؤازِرُهُ في طولِهِ وَيُماثِلُه
21. And from the German nation, a horde
Led from the furthest end of earth by its ruler.
٢١. وَمِن أُمَّةِ الأَلمانِ جَيشٌ عَرَمرَمٌ
يَسيرُ بِهِ مِن أَبعَدِ الأَرضِ عاهِلُه
22. It is the great land, and there is no Caesar
Except it, and never did its armies crawl towards us,
٢٢. هِيَ الأَرضُ الكُبرى وَما ثَمَّ قَيصَرٌ
سِواها وَلَم تَزحَف إِلَينا جَحافِلُه
23. Until one youth of the Ayyubid line faced them alone,
A man whose inclinations are swaying.
٢٣. فَصادَمَهُم مِن نَجلِ أَيّوبَ وَحدَهُ
فَتىً بِهِم جَمعاً تَميلُ مَوائِلُه
24. Ally of unwavering loyalty, he gives shelter to the guest
But now he finds his own dwellings threatened.
٢٤. حَليفُ وَفاءٍ لا يُضامُ نَزيلُهُ
وَلَكِنَّهُ أَمسى يُضامُ مُنازِلُه
25. He trusts in God, none other,
And whoever entrusts other than God, He will forsake him.
٢٥. لَهُ ثِقَةُ اللَهِ لَيسَت بِغَيرِهِ
وَمَن يَرجُ غَيرَ اللَهِ فَاللَهُ خاذِلُه
26. He said, though their crowds made the mountains weary,
"My God shall do today what He will do!"
٢٦. وَقالَ وَقَد تَعيى الجِبالُ جُموعُهُم
لِيَفعَلَ إِلَهي اليَومَ ما هُوَ فاعِلُه
27. The two groups clash around whenever
The fires of a war are kindled by those who lit its flames.
٢٧. وَيَصطَدِمُ الجَمعانِ حَولَينِ كُلَّما
خَبتَ نارُ حَربٍ أَوقَدَتها مَشاعِلُه
28. He scattered the Syrian army, smell their troops!
They returned like gusts scattered by the east wind.
٢٨. ذَرا بِرِجالِ الشامِ شُمَّ جُيوشِهِم
فَعادوا كَعَصفٍ بَدَّدَتهُ مَآكِلُه
29. He subjected all those citadels
Though they are nothing but verses of the Book.
٢٩. وَسَخَّرَ هاتيكَ المَعاقِلُ كُلَّها
وَلَيسَت سِوى آيَ الكِتابِ مَعاقِلُه
30. Some asked about him at Hittin, chains jangling,
The morning after the banner of truth was raised by its bearer,
٣٠. وَسَل عَنهُ في حِطينِ يَوماً عَقَبقَباً
غَداةَ لِواءِ الحَقِّ عُزِّزَ حامِلُه
31. And about the King of the Franks as his captive,
As Lanat wept for him, her ornaments jingling.
٣١. وَعَن مَلِكِ الإِفرِنجِ وَهوَ أَسيرُهُ
وَلِرناطِ إِذ تَبكي عَلَيهِ حَلائِلُه
32. Who had raided it and whose ropes had grown long.
Was there ever a fortress for a nation like Syria,
٣٢. هُنا اِنتَصَفَ الشَرقُ الأَصيلُ مِنَ الَّذي
أَغارَ عَلَيهِ وَاِستَطالَت طَوائِلُه
33. Towards which the West crawled, its cauldrons boiling?
Whoever aims for noble Syria
٣٣. فَهَل كانَ مِثلُ الشامِ حِصناً لِأُمَّةٍ
تَمَشّى إِلَيها الغَربُ تَغلي مَراجِلُه
34. Must know its coast before penetrating deep.
My homeland! We must not neglect prudence for a moment
٣٤. وَمِن قَصدِ الشامِ الشَريفِ فَإِنَّهُ
لِيَعرِفهُ قَبلَ التَوَغَّلِ ساحِلُه
35. In an age whose rivers are choked with crowds.
Be vigilant, do not slumber at any trickery
٣٥. فَيا وَطَني لا نَترُكِ الحَزمَ لَحظَةً
بِعَصرٍ أُحيطَت بِالزِحامِ مَناهِلُه
36. Or words that resemble truth but are false.
A deceit against the Turks, it is said, is aimed,
٣٦. وَكُن يَقِظاً لا تَستَنِم لِمَكيدَةٍ
وَلا لِكَلامٍ يُشبِهُ الحَقَّ باطِلُه
37. But its ropes are to trap both our nations.
Remember the old times, and you will know the new:
٣٧. وَكَيدٌ عَلى الأَتراكِ قيلَ مُصَوَّبٌ
وَلَكِن لِصَيدِ الأُمَّتَينِ حَبائِلُه
38. For each latter stage grew out of its first steps.
If your brother has wronged you, surely
٣٨. تَذَكَّر قَديمَ الأَمرِ تَعلَم حَديثُهُُ
فَكُلٌّ أَخيَرُ قَد نَمَتهُ أَوائِلُه
39. It is the matter causing it that misled him.
There is no way but unity for one who dreads
٣٩. إِذا غالَتِ الجَلِيَّ أَخاكَ فَإِنَّهُ
لَقَد غالَكَ الأَمرُ الَّذي هُوَ غائِلُه
40. His home being shrouded by what crowds it.
We have no refuge but the crescent
٤٠. فَلَيسَت بِغَيرِ الاتِّحادِ وَسيلَةٌ
لِمَن عافَ أَن تَغشى عَلَيهِ مَنازِلُه
41. Where glory is obtained by one who hopes in it.
Even if the fate of others does not caution us
٤١. وَلَيسَ لَنا غَيرَ الهِلالِ مَظَلَّةً
يَنالُ لَدَيها العِزُّ مَن هُوَ آمِلُه
42. We have one we can ask, so we are not devoid.
My people will know I do not cheat them,
٤٢. وَلَو لَم يَفدِنا عِبرَةً خَطَبَ غَيرَنا
لَهانَ وَلَكِن عِندَنا مَن نُسائِلُه
43. And however long the night drags on, dawn will join it.
٤٣. سَيَعلَمُ قَومي أَنَّني لا أَغشَهُم
وَمَهما اِستَطالَ اللَيلُ فَالصُبحُ واصِلُه