
Call upon inspiration as much as you can call upon it

ناد القريحة ما استطعت نداءها

1. Call upon inspiration as much as you can call upon it
Indeed, rights require you to fulfill them

١. نادِ القَريحَةَ ما اِستَطَعتُ نِداءَها
إِنَّ الحُقوقَ لِتَقتَضيكَ أَداءَها

2. No matter how much inertia afflicts it, for
The miracle of Ahmed is what makes its water gush

٢. مهما ينل منها الجمود فإن من
إعجاز أحمد ما يفجر ماءها

3. No matter how much the clouds accumulate on its horizon
For today, you have what brings back its serenity

٣. مَهما تَراكَمَتِ الغيومُ بِأُفقِها
فَاليَومُ عِندَكَ ما يُعيدُ جَلاءَها

4. Do not make excuses that early misfortunes have closed
Its path and plain upon it

٤. لا تَعتَذِر عَنها بَكرَ نَوائِبٍ
سَدَّت عَلَيها نَهجَها وَسَواءَها

5. For the most important thing clouds intend when they pass
Is the abundance of its rain and generosity

٥. فَأَهَمُّ ما هَمَتِ السَحابُ إِذا مَرَّت
هوجُ العَواصِفِ دَرَّها وَسَخاءَها

6. The right to speak frankly takes the flints and indeed
Swords are honed by constant sharpening

٦. وَالحَكُّ يَستَوري الزِنادَ وَإِنَّما
تُربي الصَوارِمَ بِالصِقالِ مَضاءَها

7. And the spear gains sturdiness through straightening
And horses display their might in galloping

٧. وَالرُمحُ يَكسَبُ بِالثِقافِ مَتانَةً
وَالخَيلُ يُظهِرُ عَدوُها خَيلاءَها

8. Far be it that talents would be stingy with their gifts
As long as Shawqi takes care of inspiring them

٨. حاشا القَرائِحَ أَن تَضَنَّ بِوَدقِها
ما دامَ شَوقي كافِلاً أَنواءَها

9. The supreme poet whose words
Genius guaranteed would remain through time

٩. الشاعِرُ الفَذُّ الَّذي كَلِماتَهُ
ضَمَنَ النُبوغُ عَلى الزَمانِ بَقاءَها

10. His eloquence made the early poets forgetful
And Hawazen and Thaqif became ransoms for it

١٠. أَنسَت فَصاحَتَهُ أَوائِلَ وائِلٍ
وَغَدَت هَوازِنٌ مَعَ ثَقيفٍ فِداءَها

11. For every creature he sends forth a poem
That adorns all creatures with splendor

١١. في كُلِّ كائِنَةٍ يَزِفُّ قَصيدَةً
توتي جَميعَ الكائِناتِ بَهاءَها

12. All meanings became his possession
So he attained from them whatever virgin he desired

١٢. غَدَتِ المَعاني كُلَّها مِلكَها لَهُ
فَأَصابَ مِنها كُلَّ بَكرٍ شاءَها

13. And he clothed the Arabic tongue in fine mantles
Alas, time waits not for its demise

١٣. وَكَسا اللِسانَ اليَعرُبِيَّ مَطارِفاً
هَيهاتَ يَنتَظِرُ الزَمانَ فَناءَها

14. Countries will immortalize in honoring him
A memory that blankets their lands and skies

١٤. سَتُخَلِّدُ الأَوطانُ مِن تَكريمِهِ
ذِكرى تُطَبِّقُ أَرضَها وَسَماءَها

15. If the language of Arabs did him justice
Its mornings and evenings would bless him

١٥. لَو أَنصَفَت لُغَةُ الأَعارِبِ قَدرَهُ
صَلَّت عَلَيهِ صَباحَها وَمَساءَها

16. For every subject Shawqi obtained its pinnacles
His verses reached hearts and cured them

١٦. مِن كَلِّ مَوضوعٍ أَصابَ شَواكِلاً
بَلَغَت بِمَقتَلِها الصُدورُ شِفاءَها

17. Shakespeare cries for the likes of it
And Goethe enviously spends the night loathing it

١٧. يَبكي شِكِسبيرَ عَلى أَمثالِها
وَيَبيتُ غَوَتهُ حاسِداً عَلياءَها

18. If the gods of eloquence had known Shawqi
They would have softened their great pride

١٨. وَلَوَ أَنَّ آلِهَةَ الفَصاحَةِ عِندَهُم
أَدرَكنَ شَوقي خَفَفَّتُ غُلَواءَها

19. The East's artisan whose tones
Clear its horizons of clouds

١٩. صَنّاجَةَ الشَرقِ الَّذي نَبَراتُهُ
تَجلو المَشارِقَ عِندَها غَمّاءَها

20. In each letter of his composition
Is a melody that stirs its joy and tears

٢٠. في كُلِّ حَرفٍ مِن حُروفِ يَراعِهِ
وَتَرٌ يُثيرُ سُرورَها وَبُكاءَها

21. No affliction befell Islam without
His poetry returning its echoes

٢١. ما حَلَّ بِالإِسلامِ بَأسُ مُلِمَّةٍ
إِلّا وَرَجَّعَ شِعرُهُ أَصداءَها

22. Revealing its horrors, detailing its pains and cure
His poems were images to revive his country

٢٢. يُبدي فَظاعَتَها وَيوسِعُ هَولَها
وَصفاً وَيُذكِرُ داءَها وَدَواءَها

23. And I see nights cannot empower a nation
Unless its intimate thoughts are its poets

٢٣. كانَت قَصائِدُهُ لِبَعثِ بِلادِهِ
صُوَراً اَرادَ مِنَ البَلى إِحياءَها

24. How history in its pages has proven
Nations whose chanting inspires their foundation

٢٤. وَأَرى اللَيالي لا تَعزِز أُمَّةً
إِن لَم يَكُن سَوّاسُها شُعَراءَها

25. By my life, a tribe is lost in life
If its actions do not accompany its names

٢٥. كَم اَثبَتَ التاريخُ في صَفَحاتِهِ
أُمَماً غَدا اِنشادُها إِنشاءَها

26. And Arabs do not start gathering their groups
Unless you hear their anthem and fervor

٢٦. ضَلَّت لِعَمري في الحَياةِ قَبيلَةٌ
لَم تَصطَحِب أَفعالُها أَسماءَها

27. He honored us with Ahmad, a poet true
Bearing in spirit its mark

٢٧. وَالعَربُ لا تَبدَأ بِجَمعِ جُموعِها
إِلّا سَمِعتَ نَشيدَها وَحَداءَها

28. I recite his poems so my mind fills
With joy dispelling its sorrows and hardship

٢٨. أَكرَمَ بِأَحمَدَ شاعِراً وافى لَنا
في روحِ حامِلاً سيماءَها

29. And I remain proud of them as if for me
Apart from all people, is their praise and sublimity

٢٩. أَتلو قَصائِدَهُ فَتَملَأُ مُهجَتي
فَرَحاً يُزيلُ هُمومَها وَعَناءَها

30. My soul has sincere affection for him
Fulfilling the covenant of its growth

٣٠. وَأَظَلُّ مُفتَخِراً بِها فَكَأَنَّ لي
دونَ الأَنامِ ثَناءَها وَسَناءَها

31. We attribute to Lakhm the strength of its origin
And it seeps from heavenly water in clarity

٣١. نَخَلت لَهُ نَفسي مَوَدَّةَ وامِقٍ
وَفّى عِهادُ عُهودِها إِنماءَها

32. No flaws can be expected of it
None can impugn its structure

٣٢. نَعزو إِلى لَخمٍ مِتانَةً أَصلَها
وَتَمُزُّ مِن ماءِ السماءِ صفاءَها

33. You asked that my poetry fulfill my affection
And I find it falls short of matching it

٣٣. لا ترتجي منهاالنمائم ثلمة
كلا ولا توهي الهنات بناءها

34. My bond with poetry is as if it were
A debt the winds demanded be paid

٣٤. ناشَدتَ شِعري أَن يَفي بِمَوَدَّتي
وَأَراهُ يَعجَزُ أَن يَجيءَ كِفاءَها

35. I call but what would please me does not come
And poetry is finding souls approval

٣٥. قَد صارَ عَهدي بِالقَريضِ كَأَنَّهُ
دِمَنٌ تَقاضَتها الرِياحُ عَفاءَها

36. And poetry is depicting consciences flourishing
Drawing out their curves and bends

٣٦. أَدعو فَلا يَأتي الَّذي أَرضى بِهِ
وَالشِعرُ أَن تَجِدَ النُفوسَ رِضاءَها

37. And poetry leaves meanings depicted
So you can nearly touch their haze

٣٧. وَالشِعرُ ما رَسَمَ الضَمائِرَ ناثِلاً
مِنها الكَنائِنَ نافِجاً أَحناءَها

38. And poetry is where it is said "who said this?"
Not "who vomited this?"

٣٨. وَالشِعرُ ما تَرَكَ المَعاني مُثَّلاً
فَتَكادُ تَلمِسُ بِالَكُفِّ هَباءَها

39. And there is a soul, bitter, that sometimes
Dictates to me its whims from on high

٣٩. وَالشِعرُ حَيثُ يُقالُ مَن ذا قالَها
ما الشِعرُ حَيثُ يُقالُ مَن ذا قاءَها

40. If you do not first find inciting me
You blame me for its praises and rhyme

٤٠. وَهُناكَ نَفسٌ مَرَّةً ما تَأَتَلي
تُملي عَلَيَّ مِنَ العُلا أَهواءَها

41. Oh Shawqi, you left the race behind
With leadership that made racers trail it

٤١. إِن لَم تَجِدين في العَجاجَةِ أَوَّلاً
نَكَرتَ عَلَيَّ ثَلاثَها وَثَناءَها

42. Necks sever seeking its goals
Even wishes do not hover near it

٤٢. وَفَّرتَ يا شَوقي السِباقَ عَلى الوَرى
بِرِياسَةٍ باتَ السِباقُ وَراءَها

43. By God, you gave leadership its due
And grasped its necklace and gained its love

٤٣. تَتَقَطَّعُ الأَعناقُ عَن غاياتِها
حَتّى الأَماني لا تَحومُ حِذاءَها

44. And you trounced all the brilliant
And triumphed over the garden of genius in all things

٤٤. تَاللَهِ أَعطَيتَ الرِياسَةَ حَقَّها
وَعَقَدتَ حَبوَتَها وَنِلتَ حباءَها

45. When I saw you had drained the depths of its nature
I cast off from myself its bucket and pulley

٤٥. وَبَذَذتَ أَهلَ العَبقَرِيَّةِ كُلَّهُم
وَبَزَزتَ جَنَّةَ عَبقَرَ أَشياءَها

46. So be joyous on the throne of leadership in poetry that
Handed you its banner and loyalty

٤٦. لَمّا رَأَيتُكَ قَد نَزَحتَ قَليبَها
أَلقَيتَ عَنّي دَلوَها وَرَشاءَها

47. And do right for an Arabic nation
For you remain the joy of its eye and light

٤٧. فَاِسعَد بِعَرشِ إِمارَةِ الشِعرِ الَّتي
أَلقَت إِلَيكَ لِواءَها وَوَلاءَها

٤٨. وَتَهَنَّ وَاِبقَ لِأُمَّةٍ عَرَبِيَّةٍ
لا زِلتَ قُرَّةَ عَينِها وَضِياءَها