
Not everyone who fills eyes with beauty

ليس من يملأ العيون جمالا

1. Not everyone who fills eyes with beauty
Is one who fills hearts with perfection

١. لَيسَ مَن يَملَأُ العُيونَ جَمالاً
غَيرُ مَن يَملَأُ القُلوبَ كَمالا

2. And the fellow lover, passionate with yearning, whom
Even the lion takes the gazelle as his beloved

٢. وَأَخو العِشقِ ذو الهَيامِ الَّذي قَد
تَخِذَ اللَيثُ في هَواهُ الغَزالا

3. O beauty, I loved in you a trait
I hope for no other's union but yours

٣. يا جَمالاً عَشِقتُ مِنهُ خِصلاً
لَستُ أَرجو لِغَيرِهِنَّ وِصالا

4. May God increase you in nobility and my certainty
Of perfection, when I see the crescent moon

٤. زادَكَ اللَهُ رِفعَةً وَيَقيني
بِكَمالٍ إِذا رَأَيتُ الهِلالا

5. I gathered in you, O beauty, noble qualities
The impossible desires praise from them

٥. جَمَعتُ فيكَ يا جَمالَ مَعانٍ
يَتَمَنّى المَديحَ مِنها المَحالا

6. Or isn't in you that determination which one day
Made light of mountains

٦. أَو ما فيكَ ذَلِكَ العَزمُ ما وَج
هٌ يَوماً إِلّا اِستَخَفَّ الجِبالا

7. From you, words are preceded by deeds, whenever
Words were preceded by deeds among people

٧. يَسبِقُ القَولَ مِنكَ فِعلٌ إِذا ما
سَبَقَ القَولُ في الأَنامِ الفِعالا

8. O son of one who made the examples fall short
That we see anyone like him

٨. يا اِبنَ مَن قَصَّرَ الأَماثِلَ طَرا
أَن يَرَونا لِذاتِهِ أَمثالا

9. Son of the pole of the age in absolute justice
Time has not shown his equal anytime

٩. نَجلُ قَطبِ الزَمانِ عَدلاً عَلى ال
إِطلاقِ لَم يُبدِ نِدَّهُ الدَهرُ حالا

10. I do not wish to describe what you are in
I cannot bear this arena

١٠. لَستُ أَبغي وَصفاً لِما أَنتَ فيهِ
أَنا ما إِن أُطيقُ هَذا المَجالا

11. Neither gratitude nor thanks for what I cherished
Of affection for a friend, whom I see bound to your name

١١. لا وَلا شُكرَ ما مَحَضتُ مِنَ ال
وُدِّ صَديقاً تَراهُ بِاِسمِكَ آلى

12. And time continues reciting thereof
Thus, thus and not otherwise, or it would perish

١٢. وَزَمانٌ يَظَلُّ يَنشُدُ عَنها
هَكَذا هَكَذا وَإِلّا فَلالا