1. Tell the valiant you have attained happiness,
And you were not wrong in what you aimed for.
١. قُل لِلحَصينِ لَقَد أَصَبتَ سَعادَةً
وَما كُنتَ فيما رُمتَهُ بِمَعيبِ
2. Amongst the warriors in battle there was no horseman,
Who could challenge him in valour but the beloved one.
٢. وَما كانَ في جَمعِ المُحِلّينَ فارِسٌ
يُبارِزُهُ في النَقعِ غَيرُ حَبيبِ
3. What faint-hearted man would venture into battle,
Where you did not feel fear, unlike the timid.
٣. وَأَيُّ اِمرىءٍ يَأوي الحُرورَ بِمَعرَكٍ
يَهابُ وَلكِن كُنتَ غَيرَ هَيوبِ
4. Oh Lord, the day you call me to the like of this,
I shall not be there to answer your call.
٤. فَيا رُبَّ يَومٍ قَد دَعاني لِمِثلِها
فَلَم أَكُ في ما سالَني بِمُجيبُ