1. By my life! The deaf man has given a sermon
That stirs gloom in the hearts of Muslims
١. لَعَمري لَقَد قامَ الأَصَمُّ بِخُطبَةٍ
لَها في صُدورِ المُسلِمينَ غَليلُ
2. By my life! If I gave allegiance to Sufyan
And forsook my religion, I would be ignorant
٢. لَعَمري لَئِن أَعطَيتُ سُفيانَ بيعَتي
وَفارَقتُ ديني إِنَّني لَجَهولُ
3. To God I complain of what you see in our steeds
Weakened by equal rationing, only a few
٣. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو ما تَرى بِجِيادِنا
تَساوُكَ هَزلى مُخَّهُنَّ قَليلُ
4. Assailed by the archers from every side
Until their vigor turned to frailty
٤. تَعاوَرَها القُذّافُ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
بِقَومَسَ حَتّى صَعبُهُنَّ ذَلولُ
5. If the siege should waste them away, then perhaps
Amidst them a precious martyr may fall
٥. فَإِن يَكُ أَفناها الحِصارُ فَرُبَّما
تَشَحَّطَ فيما بَينَهُنَّ قَتيلُ
6. A dear loss to the clan, whose absence
They would ransom with any substitute
٦. قَتيلٌ عَزيزٌ في العَشيرَةِ فَقدُهُ
يَوَدّونَ لَو يَشرونَهُ بِبَديلُ
7. And they were almost led by fervor
To neigh at the tent flaps with zeal
٧. وَقَد كِدنَ مِمّا أَن يُقَدنَ مِنَ الوَجى
لَهُنَّ بِأَبوابِ القِبابِ صَهيلُ
8. So O soul, patience, all that is destined comes
And there is no way to what you know
٨. فَيا نَفسُ صَبراً كُلُّ ما حُمَّ واقِعٌ
وَلَيسَ إِلى ما تَعلَمينَ سَبيلُ
9. And rise to the keep's embrasures and look
Upon a trench in which the siege is long
٩. وَقَومي إِلى دُروازِقِ الحِصنِ فَاِنظُري
إِلى خَندَقٍ فيهِ الحِصارُ طَويلُ