1. Be patient, do not hurry against us, son of Ma`mar
For you are not, even if you increase, like the confused one
١. تَأَنَّ وَلا تَعجَل عَلَينا اِبنَ مَعمَرٍ
فَلَستَ وَإِن أَكثَرتَ مِثلَ المُهَلَّبِ
2. And you have no war tactic in fierce war
Nor do you have anyone who can save you with a mother or father
٢. وَلا لَكَ في الحَربِ المُلِحَّةِ خُطَّةٌ
وَلا لَكَ مَن يُفديكَ بِالأُمِّ وَالأَبِ
3. As the living used to chirp to him
Every impossible day he faces adversity
٣. كَما كانَت الأَحياءُ طُرّاً تَقولُهُ
لَهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ مُستَحيلٍ عَصَبصَبِ
4. So if it were other than us who meet, he would say to us, “Go!”
And if it were other than him we meet, we would say to him, “Go!”
٤. فَلَو غَيرَنا يَلقى لَقالَ لَنا اِذهَبوا
وَلَو غَيرَهُ نَلقى لَقُلنا لَهُ اِذهَبِ
5. But we have all been afflicted with chronic misfortune
Lashing and stabbing with a worn out, broken spear
٥. وَلكِن مُنينا بِالحَفيظَةِ كُلُّنا
جِلاداً وَطَعناً بِالوَشيجِ المُعَلَّبِ
6. That is how we all were, O son of Ma`mar
While you are like a spider's fragile web
٦. كَذلِكَ كُنّا كُلُّنا يا اِبنَ مَعمَرٍ
وَأَنتَ كَبَيتِ العَنكَبوتِ المُذَبذَبِ
7. So if you throw it at us, and you will not do it
You will embark with it the worst of our battles
٧. فَإِن رَمُتَها مِنّا وَلَستَ بَفاعِلٍ
رَكِبتَ بِها مِن حَربِنا شَرَّ مَركَبِ
8. For our spears are not short or blunt
Nor are we afraid of the attack of the attacker
٨. فَلَسنا بِأَنكاسٍ قِصارٍ رِماحُنا
وَلا نَحنُ نَخشى وَثبَةَ المُتَوَثِّبِ
9. And we do not say time is the protection of our matter
In every situation, it was the obedience of Mu`sab
٩. وَلَسنا نَقولُ الدَهرَ عِصمَةُ أَمرِنا
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ كانَ طاعَةُ مُصعَبِ
10. Rather we say, judgment is for God alone
And in God we are content and the blessed Prophet
١٠. وَلكِن نَقولُ الحُكمُ لِلَّهِ وَحدَهُ
وَبِاللَهِ نَرضى وَالنَبِيِّ المُقَرَّبِ