
When will I be informed of your affection, O you

متى أبلغ من إقبالك الأملا

1. When will I be informed of your affection, O you
To whom I gave my soul, but you did not accept

١. مَتّى أُبلَّغُ مِن إِقبالِكَ الأَملا
يا مَن وَهَبتُ لَهُ نَفسِي فَما قَبِلا

2. It should suffice you that you burdened my heart with
What other people's hearts could not endure

٢. يَكفِيكَ مِنّيَ أَن حَمَّلتَ قَلبِيَ ما
لَم تَستَطِع قُلوبُ الناسِ فَاحتمَلا

3. You abandoned me after intimacy you used to give
Oh my, who has tasted abandonment after being brought together

٣. هَجَرتَ بَعدَ وِصالٍ كُنتَ تَبذُلُه
يا وَيحَ مَن ذاقَ هَجراً بَعدَما وُصِلا

4. O people of Najd, I called upon you
While the separation has blocked the ways between us

٤. يا أَهلَ نَجدٍ وَمِن وَجدٍ دَعَوتُكُمُ
وَالبَينُ قَد سَدَّ فِيما بَينَنا السُبُلا

5. Grant me your pleasure, o lover of your love
Content with your passion whether you are kind or harsh

٥. هَبُوا رِضاكُم لِمَشغُوفٍ بِحُبّكُمُ
راضٍ بِحُكمِ هَواكُم جارَ أَو عَدَلا

6. Greet an outlander, estranged, disconnected
Yearning guides towards the loved ones, connected

٦. صِلُوا غَرِيباً عَنِ الأَوطانِ مُنقَطِعاً
يُهدِي حَنيناً إِلى الأَحباب مُتَصِلا

7. O you who changed after them
While we did not take anyone in replacement of their love

٧. يا مَن تَبَدَّلَتِ الأَحوالُ بَعدَهُمُ
بِنا وَلَم نَتّخِذ مِن حُبّهم بَدَلا

8. Jesus wandered the horizons, while your love
Did not budge between my inner feelings, nor moved

٨. تَنقّلَت في الفَلا عِيسي وَحُبّكُمُ
بَينَ الجَوانِحِ لَم يَبرَح وَلا اِنتَقلا

9. I went away from you while my heart is in your dwellings
I wonder, as the estrangement grew long, what did it do

٩. رَحَلتُ عَنكُم وَقَلبي في مَنازِلِكُم
يا لَيتَ شِعري وَطالَ العَهدُ ما فَعَلا

10. It suffices me in this estrangement that I did not wrong you
It would not have been who is far from his loved ones erred

١٠. حَسبي عَلى البُعدِ أَنّي ما سَلَوتُكُم
لا كانَ مَن بانَ عَن أَحبابِهِ فَسَلا

11. I did not mention patience and solace after you
Nor did you forget indifference and boredom

١١. لَم أذكُرِ الصَبرَ وَالسُلوانَ بَعدَكُمُ
وَلا تَناسيتُمُ الإِعراضَ وَالمَلَلا

12. Even the birds of your dwellings' vicinity
Got lost to us, and even your specter was scarce

١٢. حَتّى النَواسِمُ مِن أَكنافِ رَبعِكُمُ
تاهَت عَلَينا وَحَتّى طَيفُكُم بِخِلا

13. Revive a soul that perished in your love
And heal a body that your longing emaciated

١٣. تَدارَكُوا مُهجَةً في حُبّكُم فَنِيَت
وَعَلِّلُوا جَسَداً مِن شَوقِكُم نَحَلا

14. Send regards to revive the dead of your estrangement
Or a light breeze that heals ailments

١٤. أَهدُوا التَحِيَّةَ تُحَيُوا مَيتَ هجرِكُمُ
أَو النَسيمَ عَلِيلاً يُبرِئُ العِلَلا

15. I wish the morning breeze told of my agony so that
The resident may know what the roamer faces of woes

١٥. لَيتَ الصَبا حَدّثَت عَن لَوعَتي فَعَسى
يَدرِي المُقيمُ بِما يَلقاهُ مِن رَحَلا