
She broke her vow, though it was right for it to be kept

نكثت وحق لعهدها أن ينكثا

1. She broke her vow, though it was right for it to be kept
My eyelids' illness from that was openly discussed

١. نَكَثَت وَحُقَّ لِعَهدِها أَن يُنكَثا
مَرَضُ الجُفونِ بِذاكَ عَنها حَدّثا

2. The weakness of vows is, for the weak-willed, a lesson
An ancient religion, not an innovation just established

٢. ضُعفُ العُهُودِ مِنَ الضِعافِ لَواحِظاً
دِينٌ قَدِيمٌ لَيسَ بِدعاً مُحَدَثا

3. If she makes a promise, her way is not to fulfill
Or if she swears an oath, her path is to break it

٣. إِن واعَدَتكَ فَشَأنُها أَلّا تَفِي
أَو أَقسَمت فَسَبِيلُها أَن تَحنَثا

4. With my soul I'd elegize her waist's softness
If her heart ever softened or grieved for me one day

٤. بِالنَفسِ مَن أَرثِي لِرقّةِ خَصرِها
لَو رَقَّ يَوماً قَلبُها لِي أَو رَثى

5. She always shows you the traits of complaint, yet
A drunken stupor's wont is not to last or perpetuate

٥. أَبداً تُرِيكَ شَمائِلَ الشَكوى وَما
مِن شَأنِ سُكرٍ أَن يَدُومَ وَيَلبَثا

6. The softness of her cloak, her cheeks' redness, her
Bewildering glance, her effeminate speech

٦. لِينَ المَعاطِفِ وَاحمرارَ الخَدِّ وَالن
نَظَرَ المحيَّرَ وَالكَلام الأَخنَثا

7. An Arab woman hiding her beauty though if
Revealed, it would entrance any Roman who saw it thrice

٧. عَرَبيَّةٌ تُخفِي مَحاسِنَ لَو بَدَت
لِلرّوم وَحَّدَ مِنهُمُ مَن ثَلَّثتا

8. The full moon in darkness, the startled oryx, the
Lush branch, the disheveled sand dune

٨. بدرَ الدُجى وَالشادِنَ المَذعُورَ وَال
غُصنَ المَنعَّمَ وَالكَثِيبَ الأَوعَثا

9. Not idly assembled are the masterpieces of her beauty
Rather to toy with minds and confuse thoughts

٩. ما جُمِّعَت عَبَثاً بَدائِعُ حُسنِها
لَكِن لِتَلعَبَ بِالعُقولِ وَتَعبَثا

10. She wears her adornments as a talisman for her beauty
Fearing eyes, who knows what they might generate

١٠. لَبِسَت حُلاها عُوذَةً لِجَمالِها
خَوفَ العُيون وَما عَسى أَن تُحدِثا

11. I saw a sun studded with stars, a crescent
Moon inscribed with Pleiades scattered

١١. فَرَأيتُ شَمساً بِالكَواكِبِ قُلِّدَت
وَهِلالَ تَمٍّ بِالثُرَيّا رُعِّثا

12. I drew swords but saw nothing like her glance
More given to shredding hearts and shredding shields

١٢. خُضتُ السُيُوفَ فَما رَأَيتُ كَلَحظِها
أفرى لِحَبّاتِ القُلُوبِ وَأَفرَثا

13. And I met terrors, but saw nothing like an abode's
Ruin or a pact of mine being renounced

١٣. وَلَقِيتُ أَهوالاً فَلَم أَرَ كَالنَوى
لِحَشايَ أَنكى أَو لِعَهدِيَ أَنكَثا

14. No day of our parting was, for souls, as woeful
Or plentifully watered with flowing tears

١٤. لا كانَ يَومَ فِراقِنا مِن مَوقِفٍ
ما كانَ أَكرَبَ لِلنُفوسِ وَأَكرَثا

15. O she to whom I sent my soul obedient
Yet she refused with her ghostly form to be brought to life

١٥. يا مَن بَعَثتُ لَها بِرُوحي طائِعاً
وَأَبَت بِطَيفِ خَيالِها أَن تَبعَثا

16. I complained openly even if you did not hear
What issues forth must exhale and breathe

١٦. صَرَّحتُ بِالشَكوى وَإِن لَم تَسمَعِي
لا بُدَّ لِلمَصدُورِ مِن أَن يَنفَثا

17. What do I gain from foolishness, yearning
Flirting, and being coy and feminine?

١٧. ما لِي أَجِدُّ صَبابَةً وَتَشَوُّقاً
وَتَلاعِبِينَ تَمَاجُناً وَتَخَنُّثا

18. You've made my body an inheritance for disease
And left my heart an inheritance obsessed with love

١٨. صَيَّرتِ جِسمِي لِلسّقامِ مُوَرَّثاً
وَتَرَكتِ قَلبِي بِالغَرامِ مُؤَرَّثا

19. So I became, in youth, extremely obsessed with you
And in old age, overly delicate and deficient

١٩. فَشُغِفتُ فيكِ مَعَ الشَبابِ تَطَرُّفاً
وَسَلَوتُ عَنكِ مَعَ المشِيبِ تَحَنُّثا