1. If happiness would shine from its planet,
The longing one would not get lost in the abyss of dimensions.
١. لَو حانَ مِن كَوكَب الإِسعادِ إِشراقُ
ما حارَ في غَيهَبِ الأَبعادِ مُشتاقُ
2. O full moon whose cheek is reddened with shyness,
Don't you feel sympathy for the one your separation has made suffer?
٢. يا بَدرَ تَمٍّ دَمي في خَدِّهِ شَفَقٌ
أَما لَدَيكَ لِما أَلقاهُ إِشفاقُ
3. And how can I propose when barriers abound?
But my heart yearns for the society of humans.
٣. وَكَيفَ أَخطُبُ وَصلاً وَالخُطُوبُ عَدَت
لَكن فُؤادِي لِغيدِ الإِنسِ تَوّاقُ
4. Can I hope for just days and a good destiny,
When sorrow and affliction persist and grow?
٤. هَل أَرتَجي عَدلَ أَيّامِي وَقِسمَتَها
لِلحالِ وَالبالِ إِملاقٌ وَإِقلاقُ
5. How much I long to ascend yet stumble,
And how much I long to be happy yet sin!
٥. وَكَم أَرومُ صُعُودِي وَهُوَ مُختَلَقٌ
وَكَم أَرومُ سُعُودي وَهُوَ إِخلاق
6. Whenever I arrive at a watering place, I avoid it,
And with thirst I burn instead of quenching it.
٦. إِذا حَلا مَورِدٌ حَلأتُ عَنهُ فَمِي
وبِالذماءِ مِن الإِظماءِ إِحراقُ
7. Has not enough fluttering weakened this lamenting lover
That failure is intended for all his hopes?
٧. أَما كَفى خَفَقانٌ بِتّ شاكِيَهُ
حَتّى يُرادَ مِن الآمالِ إِخفاقُ
8. The garden of generosity called me to pluck its fruits.
But my sickness said: No! Custom should not be broken!
٨. رَوضُ السَماحِ دَعانِي لاقتِطافِ جَنىً
فَقالَ سُقمِي وَلا للعُرفِ إِنشاقُ
9. Have mercy, oh my sickness! My pain should suffice you -
A cheek reddened by my streaming blood.
٩. رُحمَاكَ يا سَقَمِي يَكفيكَ مِن أَلَمِي
خَدٌّ بِفَيضِ دَمِي قَد خَدَّهُ الماقُ
10. Oh God, I have melted from my burning,
And my tears flow and fall from my eyes.
١٠. اللَهَ في رَمَقي قَد ذُبتُ مِن حُرَقِي
وَعاثَ في حَدَقِي دَمعٌ وَإِيراقُ
11. I long for my beloved though they are veiled from me -
Does longing for loved ones ever cease?
١١. أَشتاقُ نَحوَ أَحِبّائِي وَتَحجبُني
أَلَم تَبت قَطُّ لِلأَحبابِ تَشتاقُ
12. I see you made my loved ones taboo, though they deserve
That moons and full moons be associated with them.
١٢. تَراكَ نَزّهتَ أَحبابِي وَحُقَّ لَهُم
عَن أَن تُؤَلَّفَ أَقمارٌ وَأَرماقُ
13. Oh you who ask about my sorrows after those dear have gone -
Separation was long so there is no use to complain!
١٣. يا سائِلي عَن شَكاتِي بَعدَ مَن بَعُدُوا
طالَ الفِراقُ فَما لِلشَكوِ إِفراقُ
14. I will complain about the stinginess of my time to one generous -
If one who meets me comes, stinginess will not remain.
١٤. سَأَشتَكي بُخلَ أَزماني إِلى كَرَمٍ
إِن جاءَهُ مَلَقِي لَم يَبقَ إِملاقُ
15. I will set out with fury, barefoot and poor,
If passion shakes the spear, slicing is its function.
١٥. وَأَنتَضي ذا نِفارٍ مِن ظُبا فِقَري
إِن هُزّ في فَيلَقٍ فِالهامُ أَفلاقُ
16. And I will take revenge with a cutting sword,
As gazes take revenge on each other with gazing.
١٦. وَأَدرِكُ الثَأرَ بِالنَقعِ المثارِ لَهُ
بِكُلّ ما تُدرِكُ الأَحداقَ إِحداقُ
17. With my sword I will strike the door of victory, not with my mouth -
Victory's key is the sword and poetry is closed.
١٧. بِالنصل أَقرَعُ بابَ النَصرِ لا بِفَمِي
النَصرُ مفتاحُهُ وَالشعرُ مِغلاقُ
18. I roam all countries adorned by my words
As if adorned with necklaces on necks.
١٨. أَجُوبُ كُلَّ بِلادٍ زانَها كَلِمِي
كَأَنَّما زُيِّنَت بِالحَليِ أَعناقُ
19. I waste away due to the work of an ungrateful slanderer -
His tongue split and the canine tooth split.
١٩. أَنّي يَضيعُ بِصُنعٍ مِصقَعٌ نَكَلٌ
لِسانَهُ مُفلَقٌ وَالعَضبُ مِفلاقُ
20. I follow the star until I find a moon -
Its radiance to the sun apparent and hidden.
٢٠. أُسايِرُ النَجمَ حَتّى أَجتَلِي قَمَراً
سَناهُ لِلشَمسِ مَحّاءٌ وَمَحّاقُ