
Can a lover forget passion and find peace

أيقدر أن ينسى الغرام ويسلوا

1. Can a lover forget passion and find peace
When he disobeys the critics to obey his desire?

١. أَيقدِرُ أَن يَنسى الغَرامَ وَيَسلُوا
مُحِبٌّ عَصى العُذالَ في طاعَةِ الهَوى

2. His eyelids are clutched by wakefulness and tears
While his mind finds comfort in ecstasy and fervor.

٢. فَأَجفانُهُ في قَبضَةِ السُهدِ وَالبُكا
وَمِقوَدُه في راحَةِ الوَجدِ وَالجَوى

3. A heart suffering from intense longing complains of thirst
So his eyes hold the disease and his mouth, the cure.

٣. فُؤادٌ بِحَرِّ الشَوقِ يَشكُو مِن الظَما
فَفِي طَرفِهِ داءٌ وَفي ثَغرِهِ دَوا

4. My secrets have been revealed and worry hides me,
My inner self exposed though my body's obscure.

٤. بَدَت لَكَ أَسراري وَأَخفانِيَ الضَنى
فَسِرّيَ مَنشُورٌ وَجِسمي قَد اِنطَوى

5. I'm surprised my secret was too narrow to hide
How could it contain the excess of love I endure?

٥. عَجِبتُ لِسِرّي ضاقَ عَن كَتمِ سِرِّهِ
فَكَيفَ حَوى مِن فَرطِ حُبِّكَ ما حَوى

6. To God I complain of the sorrow I've been caused
If you don't let me express and speak of my cure.

٦. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكُو ما أُجِنُّ مِن الأَسى
إِذا لَم تُبِح لِي أَن أَبُوحَ وَأَشكُوا

7. Oh you, who twists a debtor with loans, unwind!
Haven't you heard what will come of one twisted before?

٧. أَيا مُوسِراً يَلوي بِدينٍ لِمُعسِرٍ
أَلم تَدرِ ما قَد جاءَ في مُوسِرٍ لَوى

8. Oh you who ignites my passion's flames within me,
Would you burn a heart for as long as you've kept your fire?

٨. وَيا مُضرِماً نارَ الجَوى في جَوانِحِي
أَتُحرِقُ رَبعاً كَم أَطَلتَ بِهِ الثَوى

9. My critic attacked me with blame, if only he saw
My beloved, he'd be shy of such harshness for sure.

٩. أَلَحَّ عَذُولي بِالمَلامِ وَلَو رَأى
حَبِيبيَ لاستَحيى مِن العَذلِ وَارعَوى

A moon, as I saw him when darkness retired,

١٠. مُحَيّاً كَما أَبصَرتُ مِن قَمَرِ الدُجى
وَجيدٌ كَما حُدِّثتُ عَن ظَبيَةِ اللِوى

11. A gazelle, as told of the hill's dweller demure,
A fragile gaze like those who blame his love

١١. وَطَرفٌ ضَعِيفٌ مثلَ حُجّهِ لائِمي
عَلى حُبِّهِ أَو مثل صَبرِيَ لِلنَوى

12. Or my patience for my vows, restrained yet mature,
It aims from his eyes towards me arrows

١٢. يُسَدِّدُ مِن جَفنَيهِ نَحوِيَ أَسهُماً
مَواقِعُها مِنّي المقاتِلُ لا الشَوى

13. Whose marks I welcome - not those which injure,
With a glance, it can kill, with a glimpse, bring to life

١٣. يُميتُ بِلَحظٍ ثُمَّ يُحيي بِرَشفَةٍ
فَفِي طَرفِهِ داءٌ وَفي ثَغرِهِ دَوا

14. So his eyes hold the disease and his mouth, the cure.
If the knights of passion equal Badr's Urwa

١٤. إِذا عُدَّ فُرسانُ الهَوى مِثلُ عُروَةٍ
وَقُيسٍ فَإِنّي فِيهُم حامِلُ اللِوا

15. And Qays, among them you'll find me endure,
My mind hasn't forgot our farewell stance,

١٥. وَلَم أَنسَ فِكري ساعَةَ البينِ مَوقفِي
وَمُنآدُ أَضلاعي زَفيرٌ قدِ اِستَوى

16. My ribs' sighs have steadied, longing yet pure,

١٦. وَعَينِيَ تَدمى ثُمَّ تَدمَعُ تارَةً
فَتَنثُر ياقُوتاً هُناكَ وَلُؤلُوا

17. My eyes bleed then tear, scattering now and then
Rubies here, pearls over there, glistening jewels.

١٧. تَوَلَّوا بِقَلبِي كَيفَ بِالعَيش بَعدَهُم
وَخَلَّوا فُؤادي مِثلَ رَبعِهِمُ قَوى

18. They've turned my heart away, how to live beyond them?
Leaving my soul like their abode, broken, obscure.

١٨. فَإِن كانَ مَحبُوبِي أَرادَ مَنِيّتِي
فَقَد نالَ مِنّي بِالنَوى فَوقَ ما نَوى

19. If my beloved wishes my demise,
Through intent, he's attained what's beyond his desire.

١٩. مَواثيقُهُ مَرعِيّة جارَ أَو رَعى
وَمَثواهُ في طَيِّ الحَشى سارَ أَو ثَوى