
My self exposed by a stingy beloved

بنفسي معرضة باخله

1. My self exposed by a stingy beloved
I strive yet she kills me, jesting

١. بِنَفسِيَ مُعرِضَةٌ باخِلَه
أَجِدُّ وَتَقتُلُنِي هازِلَه

2. I'm amazed by tenderness inclining to her
Yet no tenderness in her is inclining

٢. عَجِبتُ لِعَطفٍ لَها مائِلٍ
وَلَيسَت لِعَطفٍ بِهِ مائِلَه

3. She described the softness of bending branches
Yet acts like a fading channel

٣. وَقَدٍّ حَكى ناعِماتِ الغُصُونِ
وَيَفعَلُ فِعلَ القَنا الذابِلَه

4. Firm in the hearts of Passion
As if her judgments were fair

٤. مُحَكّمَةٌ في قُلوبِ الأَنا
مِ لَو أَنّ أَحكامَها عادِلَه

5. I yielded my soul to her, yet she transgressed
Upon me with averting glances, stingy

٥. سَمَحتُ بِرُوحي لَها وَاعتدَت
عَلَيَّ بِطَرفِ الكَرى باخِلَه

6. She denies me her union, yet empty pride
Deceives me she is generous

٦. وَتَمنَعُنِي وَصلَها وَالفُتُو
رُ يُوهِمُنِي أَنَّها باذِلَه

7. My tears and sighs for her suffice as witness
To my agony, droplets flowing

٧. كَفاها شَهيداً عَلى لَوعَتي
نُحُولِي وَأَدمُعِيَ السائِلَه

8. I'm steadfast in my love for her
While my soul parts from my body

٨. وَأَنّي مُقيمٌ عَلى حُبِّها
وَنَفسِيَ عَن بَدَني راحِلَه

9. She's my life, and without her, who do I have
Except a killing adversity?

٩. لَماها حَياتِي وَمَن لِي بِهِ
وَمِن دُونِهِ مُقَلٌ قاتِلَه

10. Intoxicated with eyes that cloud the mind of the infatuated
So he sees right as wrong

١٠. سَكارى يُسَكِّرنَ عَقلَ اللَبي
بِ حَتّى يَرى حَقَّهُ باطِلَه

11. She wasted my springtime days and then departure
Made joys fleeting thereafter

١١. وَفَت لِيَ عَصرَ الصِبا ثَمّ زا
لَ فانقَلَبَت بَعدَهُ زائِلَه

12. Youth and old age met as appointed
Each has traits that intervene

١٢. وَوَصل الكِعاب كَعَهدِ الشبا
بِ كُلٌّ لَهُ صِفَةٌ حائِلَه

13. Long have I suffered from love's turmoil
Yet my soul attained no gains

١٣. لَقَد طالَ ما تَعِبَت بِالغَرا
مِ نَفسِي وَما أَدرَكت طائِلَه