1. Delight my eyes with that beautiful sight,
And let my soul outpace, for my body is ephemeral in you.
١. مَتِّع جُفُوني بِذاكَ المَنظَرِ الحَسَنِ
وَاستَبِقِ رُوحي فَإِنَّ الجِسمَ فِيكَ فَنِي
2. My self longed for you, oh its tormentor,
And found your tribulations sweet.
٢. حَنَّت لِلُقياكَ نَفسِي يا مُعَذِّبَها
وَاستَعذَبَت فِيكَ ما تَلقى مِنَ المِحَنِ
3. My Master, heal this ailing one, for you are its physician,
And be gentle with a heart that finds peace in you, oh my peace.
٣. مَولايَ عَلّل عَليلاً أَنتَ مُمرِضُهُ
وَارفُق بِقَلبٍ بِهِ سُكناكَ يا سَكَني
4. My religion and my worldly life are combined in your reflection.
Oh you who combines the full moon and the tender branch.
٤. دِينِي وَدُنيايَ في مَرآكَ قَد جُمِعا
يا مَن تَجمَّعَ مِن بَدرٍ وَمِن غُصُنِ
5. Come with your face, and take my soul as a price,
For the price of union is nothing but souls.
٥. أَقبِل بِوَجهِكَ وَاقبَل مُهجَتِي ثَمَناً
ما لِلوصالِ سِوى الأَرواحِ مِن ثَمَنِ
6. With the magic in your eyes that killed my determination,
And left my body sick.
٦. بِما بِعينَيكَ مِن سِحرٍ قَتَلتَ بِهِ
لُبّى وَمِن سَقَمٍ أَورَثتَهُ بَدَني
7. I craved your face eagerly, oh you who tormented me,
Yet I delighted in you when you tortured me.
٧. نَعّم بِوَجهِكَ مُشتاقاً لِرُؤيَتِهِ
يا مَن تَنَعَّمتُ فيهِ حينَ عَذَّبَني
8. When my eyelids caught a glimpse of you, they ignited
A fire that illuminates my cheeks and burns me.
٨. يا مَن إِذا لَمَحَتهُ مُقلَتي قَدَحَت
ناراً تُنِيرُ بِخَدَّيهِ وَتُحرِقُني
9. Your tenderness makes me hope for affection, yet your heart is
Harsh with what I suffer from yearning in you.
٩. عِطفاكَ تُطمِعُ في عَطفٍ وَقَلبُكَ لي
قاسٍ عَلى ما أُقاسي فيكَ مِن شَجَنِ
10. I suffered from your absence what even inanimate objects would be too delicate for,
Yet your heart did not show mercy or soften.
١٠. قاسَيتُ بِعدَكَ ما رَقَّ الجَمادُ لَهُ
فَما لِقَلبِكِ لَم يُشفِق وَلَم يَلِن
11. I gave you my soul, not holding it back,
So if you accept, it will be the noblest of gifts.
١١. وَقَد وَهَبتُكَ نَفسِي لا أَمُنّ بِها
فَإِن تَقَبَّلتَ كانَت أَشرَفَ المِنَنِ
12. By God, oh you who were harsh with me, ask your eyelids why
They divided sickness between us and kept the beauty for themselves.
١٢. بِاللَهِ يا مَن جَفاني سَل جُفونَكَ لِم
قاسَمنَنِي السُقمَ وَاستأثَرنَ بالوَسَنِ
13. It satisfies me in religion and life to have your approval. Whoever
Traded the world for you cannot be accused of loss.
١٣. حَسبِي مِنَ الدَينِ وَالدُنيا رِضاك وَمَن
باعَ الوَرى بِكَ لَم يُنسَب إِلى الغَبَنِ
14. Your memory comforts the longing lover after you,
Like the stranger is comforted toward loved ones and homeland.
١٤. بِذِكرِكُم يَأنَسُ المُشتاقُ بَعدَكُمُ
أُنسَ الغَريب إِلى الأَحبابِ وَالوَطَنِ
15. Your love is evident even if I hide it. And when
Can anything overcome what appears openly?
١٥. يُدرى هَواكَ وَإِن أَخفَيتُهُ وَمَتى
يَغلِب عَلى السِرِّ شَيءٌ كانَ في العَلَنِ