
Ask the enchanter of the eyelids who fulfills his promise

سلوا ساحر الأجفان ينعم بوعده

1. Ask the enchanter of the eyelids who fulfills his promise
And does not waver in his word to me

١. سَلُوا ساحِرَ الأَجفانِ يُنعِم بِوَعدِهِ
وَلا يَلوهِ لَيَّ التَثَنّي لِقَدِّهِ

2. For his love set my longing aflame and kindled my ribs
As the fire of youth was kindled by his cheek

٢. فَقَد وَهَواهُ أَلهَبَ الشَوقُ أَضلُعي
كَما أُلهِبَت نارُ الشَبابِ بِخَدِّهِ

3. And clothed my body in the sickness from the sickness of his glance
And taught my patience weakness from the frailty of his fidelity

٣. وَأَلبَسَ جِسمي السُقمَ مِن سُقمِ طَرفِهِ
وَعَلّم صَبرِي الضَعفَ مِن ضُعفِ عَهدِهِ

4. O you like a moon whose crescent humbled the new moon with its face
As the blue of clouds wraps around its coolness

٤. فَيا قَمَراً غارَ الهِلالُ بِوَجهِهِ
كَما التَحَفَت زُرقُ السَحابِ بِبُردِهِ

5. You rise on my horizon, so it is the happiest night for me
As the full moon rose on the horizon of its good fortune

٥. تَطَّلع بِأُفقِي فَهيَ لَيلَةُ أَسعُدِي
كَما لاحَ بَدرُ التمِّ في أُفقِ سَعدِهِ

6. You have taken possession of my soul and heart and left
Nothing but a wisp, if you would accept my gift

٦. تَمَلّكتَ رُوحِي وَالفُؤادَ فَلَم تَدَع
سِوى رَمَقٍ إِن كُنتَ تَقبَلُ أُهدِهِ

7. With my soul a listless, charming gazelle
Beauty tomorrow is a necklace and its centerpiece is his necklace

٧. بِنفسِي غَزالٌ فاتِرُ اللَحظِ فاتِنٌ
غَدا الحُسنُ عِقداً وَهوَ وُسطى لِعِقدِهِ

8. Eyes were confused by him in wonder
When has the wine of cheeks mixed with the honey of his smile?

٨. تَحيَّرَتِ الأَلحاظُ مِنهُ تَعَجُّباً
مَتى اِمتَزَجَت خَمرُ الرُضابِ بِشَهدِهِ

9. With lips whose draught would heal the sick with its sip
With a coolness that would revive the lovesick with its chill

٩. بِفِيهِ لَمىً يَشفِي العَليلَ بِرَشفِهِ
عَلى بَردٍ يُذكِي الغَليلَ بِبَردِهِ

10. As for ruby-red wine melted in pearls and tenderness
Which melted the heart of passion in the fire of his fervor

١٠. أَما وَعَقيقٍ ذابَ في دُرِّ وَجنَةٍ
أَذابَت فُؤادَ الصَبِّ في نارِ وَجدِهِ

11. The breath of musk, if inhaled, would seduce him
The scent of pearls, if he smiles, would express it

١١. وَنَفحَةِ مِسكٍ إِن تَنَّسم يُهدِهِ
وَرائِقِ دُرٍّ إِن تَبَسَّمَ يُبدِهِ

12. Indeed, I feared that nearness would end my bliss
And I would not enjoy the time of his promise

١٢. لَقَد خِفتُ أَن يَقضِي السُرورُ بِقُربِهِ
عَلَيَّ وَلَم أَنعَم بِساعَةِ وَعدِهِ

13. So, my Lord, delight me with the nearness of his tomb
And delight him to me from the aloofness of rejection and gift him

١٣. فَيا رَبِّ أَنِّسنِي بِقُربِ مَزارِهِ
وَأَنِّسهُ لِي مِن نَفرَةِ الصَدِّ وَأَهدِهِ