
A dream of your mother's slave girl pictures you

سما لك من أم العبيد خيال

1. A dream of your mother's slave girl pictures you,
And without seeing you my thirst is unquenched and my tears flow.

١. سَما لَكَ مِن أُمِّ العُبَيدِ خَيالُ
وَدُونَ لِقاها أَجرُعٌ وَسَيالُ

2. O Sama, our riding together was as though plunging
Through the billows of the Euphrates in flood.

٢. سَما وَمَطايانا كَأَنَّ اِقتِحامَها
غَوارِبَ أَمواجِ الفُراتِ فِيالُ

3. You brought back a joy that had gone,
And days bitter and long made me forget it.

٣. فَأَهدى سُروراً عازِباً كانَ قَد مَضى
وَأَنسَتهُ أَيّامٌ مَرَرنَ طِوالُ

4. Then you returned, and stayed not long away - as though
I had pledged myself hastily for your return.

٤. وَعادَ فَلَم يَلبَث فَواقاً كَأَنَّما
عَلَيهِ بِتَعجيلِ الرُجوعِ كفالُ

5. So I determined to pay the blood-price though
I am in both cases his father and uncle.

٥. فَشايَعتُهُ أَقضي الذِّمامَ لِأَنَّني
لِذاكَ أَبٌ في الحالَتَينِ وَخالُ

6. Until we reached the bridge and canal where
The dear, noble people make their homes.

٦. إِلى أَن بَلَغنا الجِسرَ وَالتُرعَةَ الَّتي
بِأَكنافِها الحَيُّ الكِرامُ حِلالُ

7. My eyes were opened, and it was clear to me there
That what I craved was unlawful to me.

٧. وَحانَت لِعَيني يَقظَةٌ بانَ عِندَها
بِأَنَّ الَّذي قَد كُنتُ فيهِ مُحالُ

8. Alas for her whose trick set my passion astir,
Though joys were forbidden me, hers were allowed!

٨. فَواهاً لَها تَهوِيمَةً بَعَثَت جَوىً
حُرِمتُ لَهُ اللّذّات وَهيَ حَلالُ

9. She showed me the camp of my tribe, and near it
Were hills and dunes, heights and sandy wastes.

٩. أرَتني دِيارَ الحَيِّ قَومي وَدُونَها
وِهادٌ وَأَطوادٌ عَلَت وَرِمالُ

10. Each evil-natured son of villainy,
His form is shrunk by the Jinn of the waste who terrify him.

١٠. وَكُلَّ اِبنِ شَرٍّ قَرنُهُ مِن رِدائِهِ
يَرى شَخصَهُ جِنُّ الفَلا فَيُهالُ

11. God watch over those camps! Though there crept
To us from them long caravans, winding trails,

١١. رَعى اللَهُ هاتيكَ الدِيارَ وَإِن سَرَت
إِلَينا أَفاعٍ أَنبَتَت وَصِلالُ

12. I say to a band from 'Uqail whom I met
As their camels moved towards one or other coast,

١٢. أَقُولُ لِرَكبٍ مِن عُقَيلٍ لَقيتُهُم
وَأَعناقُها لِلقَريَتينِ تُمالُ

13. "Greetings, men! your land is bountiful.
Though clouds come down to it dense, yet they unload no hail.

١٣. أَيا رَكبُ حُيِّيتُم وَجادَت بِلادَكُمُ
غَمائِمُ أَدنى سَحِّهِنَّ سِجالُ

14. When you come to the land of Hasa and are faced
By tents against a background of long hills,

١٤. إِذا جِئتُمُ أَرضَ الحَساءِ وَقابَلَت
قِبابٌ بِضاحي بَرِّها وَتِلالُ

15. Then rest there from the noonday heat awhile
Though some tired and thirsty camels sprawl there."

١٥. فَأَرخُوا لَها فَضلَ الأَزمَّةِ ساعَةً
وَإِن كانَ أَينٌ مَسَّها وَكَلالُ

16. Till you reach the road and mosque to which
Men living there and men dead there turn to pray.

١٦. إِلى أَن تُوافوا الدَربَ وَالمَسجِدَ الَّذي
بِهِ الحَيُّ حَيٌّ وَالشَمالُ شَمالُ

17. There you will meet the kings, sons of Abü
About me, at that point, questions multiply.

١٧. فَثَمَّ تُلاقُونَ المُلوكَ بَني أَبي
وَيَكثُرُ عَنّي حينَ ذاكَ سُؤالُ

18. Then say to them, "We left your brother
Where the seeker of glory meets his fate;"

١٨. فَقُولُوا لَهُم إِنّا تَرَكنا أَخاكُمُ
بِحَيث مَآلُ الراغِبينَ مَآلُ

19. With a king whose praises no tongue can sound,
Though encomiasts prolong their efforts to extol.

١٩. لَدى مَلِكٍ لا يَبلُغُ الوَصفُ مَدحَهُ
وَإِن أَطنَبَ المُدّاحُ فيهِ وَقالُوا

20. He shoulders alone duties that would make
On other shoulders weigh most heavily.

٢٠. حَمُولٌ لِأَعباءِ الأُمورِ وَإِنَّها
عَلى غَيرِهِ لَو رامَها لَثِقالُ

21. He preserves intact a name safe from all slurs
And wealth flows freely to freely-opening palms

٢١. لَهُ أَبَداً عِرضٌ مَصونٌ عَنِ الخَنا
وَمالٌ لِمُمتاحِ النَوالِ مُذالُ

22. He is the king whose court no false coin enters,
However long at law opposing pleaders brawl.

٢٢. هُوَ المَلكُ لا يَجري البَذا في نَدِيِّهِ
وَإِن طالَ قِيلٌ في الخِصامِ وَقالُ

23. He turned away, and turned all good our way,
So that barren lands became fertile this year,

٢٣. تَوَلّى فَأَولى كُلَّ خَيرٍ فَأَصبَحَت
بِهِ المُهَجُ العَطشى وَهُنَّ نِهالُ

24. And he went to his subjects with drooping wing,
On his garments the awe and the majesty clear.

٢٤. وَلاقى الرَعايا خافِضاً مِن جَناحِهِ
وَفي بُردَتَيهِ هَيبَةٌ وَجَلالُ

25. His bounty, had the ocean vied with it
Would show no sign of exhaustion as crossers ply,

٢٥. جَوادٌ لَو اِنَّ البَحرَ عارَضَ جُودَهُ
لَما اِبتَلَّ لِلمُجتازِ فيهِ قِبالُ

26. Had the Indian scimitar his temper's edge
It would not quail though heads were hills on high.

٢٦. وَلَو أَنَّ لِلعَضبِ اليَمانِيِّ عَزمَهُ
لَما كادَهُ أَنَّ الرُؤوسَ جِبالُ

27. Had the lion his heart, he would not blench
Though dust before him rose in human form.

٢٧. وَلَو أَنَّ لِلضِرغامِ قَلباً كَقَلبِهِ
لَما هالَهُ أَنَّ التُرابَ رِجالُ

28. He is the sun in splendour and height and mark
As his name denotes him, while kings are night stars.

٢٨. هُوَ الشَمسُ نُوراً وَاِرتِفاعاً وَشارَةً
كَما قَد تَسَمّى وَالمُلوكُ ذُبالُ

29. By him Basrah the luminous turned to the fair breeze of fortune
Though channels for ill luck there used to abound,

٢٩. بِهِ البَصرَةُ الفَيحاءُ أَقبَلَ سَعدُها
وَقَد كانَ فيها لِلنُحوسِ مَجالُ

30. He sought to discover its chronic complaints
And heal disorders however obstinate,

٣٠. تَوَخّى شَكاياها الَّتي بَرَحَت بِها
فَأَبرَأَ مِنها الداءَ وَهوَ عُضالُ

31. But for him still residing in her land
Would be abasement, humiliation and defeat.

٣١. وَلَولاهُ لَم يَبرَح مُقيماً بِأَرضِها
هوانٌ وَذُلٌّ شامِلٌ وَنَكالُ

32. He drove affliction away from her, hoping for reward,
Not as though disappearance of it was his aim,

٣٢. أَزالَ الأَذى عَنها اِحتِساباً وَرَغبَةً
وَما كانَ مَرجُوّاً لِذاكَ زَوالُ

33. And he exiled from her the despots in his zeal
To calm the terrified and make glad the weak

٣٣. وَأَقصى وُلاةَ الجَورِ عَنها حَميَّةً
لِيَسكُنَ مَرعُوبٌ وَيَنعُمَ بالُ

34. Never may his days pass, they resemble
Water's cool taste, and the wish of men for rain,

٣٤. فَلا عُدِمَت أَيّامُهُ الغُرُّ إِنَّها
لَتَعدِلُ طَعمَ الماءِ وَهوَ زُلالُ

35. And I swear the nights bring none such as he -
How, when not all men are men of worth?

٣٥. وَأُقسِمُ ما تَأتي اللَيالي بِمِثلِهِ
وَأَنّى وَما كُلُّ الرِجالِ رِجالُ

36. O you who seek his glory's pinnacle, awake!
You will find that course of yours is leading astray.

٣٦. فَيا أَيُّها الساعي لِيُدرِكَ مَجدَهُ
أَفِق إِنَّ هَذا السَعيَ مِنكَ ضَلالُ

37. Spare yourself what you cannot attain, since you may see
The efforts of Shimsh al-Dawla will never repay.

٣٧. وَدَع عَنكَ ما لا تَستَطيعُ فَقَد تَرى
مَساعيَ شَمسِ الدَينِ لَيسَ تُنالُ

38. When scholars in merit are told off some day
Then all are attendants on his superior merit.

٣٨. إِذا عُدَّ أَهلُ الفَضلِ يَوماً فَكُلُّهُم
عَلى فَضلِهِ لَو يُنشَرونَ عيالُ

39. To each one come honour and praiseworthy parts
But to him pertains accomplishment supreme;

٣٩. لِكُلِّ اِمرِئٍ مِنهُم خِصالٌ حَمِيدَةٌ
وَلَكِنّ شَمسَ الدّينِ فيهِ كَمالُ

40. In him you observe whatever of grace each owns
Together with fine traits none shares but he.

٤٠. تَرى عِندَهُ ما عِندَهُم مِن فَضِيلَةٍ
وَفيهِ خِلالٌ فَوقَها وَخِلالُ

41. Modesty, daring, clemency, strength and firm resolve,
Bounty unstinting - into bounty none pries -

٤١. حَياءٌ وَإِقدامٌ وَحِلمٌ وَقُدرَةٌ
وَحَزمٌ وَجُودٌ لَيسَ فيهِ مِطالُ

42. Knowledge and faith and justice and tenderness,
Piety, abstinence too, and comeliness;

٤٢. وَعِلمٌ وَإِيمانٌ وَعَدلٌ وَرَأفَةٌ
وَنُسكٌ وَرَهبانِيَّةٌ وَجَمالُ

43. He is pressed on by those seeking knowledge or gentle rain
From the cloud, each with his request free to propose.

٤٣. تَزاحَمَ أَهلُ العِلمِ وَالطالِبُو النَدى
لَدَيهِ لِكُلٍّ في هَواهُ سُؤالُ

44. To the student of law, solutions meticulously drawn,
To suitors of bounty, bounty he throws.

٤٤. فَلِلطّالِبي الفَتوى بَيانٌ مُعَلَّلٌ
كَذاكَ لِطُلّابِ النَوالِ نَوالُ

45. A ransom for you, diadem bright of all kings' brows,
Your stirring to action means laurels or loss

٤٥. فِدىً لَكَ يا تاجَ المُلوكِ مَعاشِرٌ
سِيادَتُهُم لِلمُسلِمينَ وَبالُ

46. To Muslims, while for doing good, hands short is their span
But in things scandalous their arms are long.

٤٦. لَهُم عَن فِعالِ الخَيرِ أَيدٍ قَصيرَةٌ
وَلَكِنَّها في المُخزِياتِ طِوالُ

47. Without you here is a necklace a wise youth's thought knotted -
Seeing all praise not addressed, Sir, to you mere gall.

٤٧. فَدُونكَ عِقداً صاغَهُ الفِكرُ مِن فَتىً
يَرى أَنَّ مَدحاً في سِواكَ خَبالُ

48. Nor am I smoothing the path with my eulogies
To the mighty, what though my wealth decline.

٤٨. وَلَستُ بِمُهدٍ لِلرِجالِ مَدائِحي
وَإِن قَلَّ مالٌ أَو تَغَيَّرَ حالُ

49. But kindness stirred me, companionship too and love
And for noble hearts this is polish deserved.

٤٩. وَلَكِنَّ نُعمى حَرَّكَتني وَصُحبَةٌ
وَوُدٌّ وَهَذا لِلكِرامِ صِقالُ

50. Never has foeman snatched sudden advantage of you
Unawares, while ever you raid on his land.

٥٠. فَلا ظَفِرَت مِنكَ الأَعادي بِغِرَّةٍ
وَلا زِلتَ تَغزُو أَرضَها فَتُدالُ

51. Full meed you attained, Sir, hero undaunted, your bier is not
Followed, after mighty men die, by encamping allies.

٥١. وَجُزتَ المَدى يابا شُجاعٍ وَلا عَدَت
فِناءَكَ مِن بَعدِ الرِجالِ رِحالُ