1. O' embodiment of virtue, in whose overflowing grace
Is a full moon, an ocean, a serpent, and a lion,
١. أَبا الفَضائِلِ يا مَن في مُفاضَتِهِ
بَدرٌ وَبَحرٌ وَثُعبانٌ وَرئبالُ
2. Do not swear by the words of alarmists though
They have embellished; they remain in this position
٢. لا تَحلِفَنَّ بِقَولِ المُرجِفينَ وَما
قَد زَخرَفُوا فَعَلى ذا الوَضعِ ما زالُوا
3. I knew you as an unshakable mountain that
The adversities of ‘Aad cannot shake
٣. فَقَد عَهِدتُكَ طَوداً ما تُزَعزِعُهُ
نَكباءُ عادٍ فكَيفَ القِيلُ وَالقالُ
4. Who would worry about a forest when you are its guardian
And around you the lion prowls mightily?
٤. مَن ذا يَهُمُّ بِغابٍ أَنتَ ضيغمُهُ
وَحَولَكَ الأُسدُ في الماذِيِّ تَختالُ
5. You were alone, no army or troops
Yet they came to you, so tell me what they attained
٥. قَد كُنتَ وَحدَكَ لا جُندٌ وَلا عَدَدٌ
وَقَد أَتَوكَ فَقُل لي ما الَّذي نالُوا
6. Other than burning farms, where old women
And infants were devastated
٦. هَل غَيرُ إحراقِ غَلّاتٍ وَقَد شَقِيَت
بِهِم عَجائِزُ هِمّاتٌ وَأَطفالُ
7. All this does not soothe one angry
Nor does it relieve the resentful's anguish
٧. وَكُلُّ ذا لَيسَ يُشفى غَيظَ ذي حَنَقٍ
وَكَيفَ يَشفي غَليلَ الحائِمِ الآلُ
8. Had you wished, every region of their land
Would have been filled with lament and howling
٨. وَأَنتَ لَو شِئتَ أَضحَت كُلُّ ناحِيَةٍ
مِن أَرضِهِم وَبِها نَوحٌ وَإِعوالُ
9. But established wisdom and piety prevented you
That the ignorant rabble cannot perceive
٩. لَكِن أَبى لَكَ حِلمٌ راسِخٌ وَتُقىً
ما لا تَوَهَّمهُ غَوغاءُ جُهّالُ
10. You know you are still an impenetrable protector
For champions, tribulations are but a filter
١٠. وَأَنتَ تَعلَمُ لازِلتَ المَنيعَ حِمىً
أَنَّ الشَدائِدَ لِلساداتِ غِربالُ
11. Al-Mutanabbi said it well, his wisdom
Remains narrated, his proverbs recited
١١. قَد أَحسَنَ المُتَنَبّي إِذ يَقولُ وَما
زالَت لَهُ حِكَمٌ تُروى وَأَمثالُ
12. Glory is only attained by a wise champion
Who can withstand what breaks the great
١٢. لا يُدرِكُ المَجدَ إِلّا سَيّدٌ فَطِنٌ
لِما يَشُقُّ عَلى الساداتِ فَعّالُ
13. It is you we mean, so may the hopes not cease
Of those who seek you, until the Day of Judgment
١٣. وَأَنتَ ذاكَ الَّذي نَعني فَلا اِنقَطَعَت
إِلى القِيامَةِ لِلراجيكَ آمالُ
14. Rejoice and delight in this blessed month, for
Victory and prosperity have come to you
١٤. وَسُرَّ وَاِسعَد بِذا الشَهرِ الأَصَمِّ فَقَد
وَافاكَ يَصحَبُهُ نَصرٌ وَإِقبالُ
15. Submit, live in all-encompassing bliss and esteem
As long as distress remains for the wretched
١٥. وَاِسلَم وَدُم في نَعيمٍ شامِلٍ وَعُلاً
ما دامَ لِلعَيشِ بِالوَعساءِ إِرقالُ