
My stance remains firm despite the crushing blows of time,

ردى مر الحتوف ولا تراعي

1. My stance remains firm despite the crushing blows of time,
Undeterred am I by the fear of mortality's grip.

١. رِدى مُرَّ الحتُوفِ وَلا تُراعِي
فَما خَوفُ المَنِيَّةِ مِن طِباعي

2. With true resolve many a strait seems spacious,
Through genuine determination it expands with ease.

٢. وَعَزماً صادِقاً فَلَكَم مَضيقٍ
بِصِدقِ العَزمِ صارَ إِلى اِتِّساعِ

3. Whoever dreads his end, it soon overtakes him,
And he dies more abject than crumbs in the dirt.

٣. وَمَن هابَ المَنيَّةَ أَدرَكَتهُ
وَماتَ أَذَلَّ مِن فَقعٍ بِقاعِ

4. Leave me be with kings in every land,
For their might spans but handsbreadths to my acres.

٤. ذَريني وَالمُلوكَ بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ
أُكايلُها الرَدى صاعاً بِصاعِ

5. Neither oaths nor wealth make them rise above my left,
Or exceed the reach of my hands in their plenty.

٥. فَما أَيمانُهُم تَعلو شمالي
وَلا أَبواعُهُم تَعدُو ذِراعي

6. The slave girl's daughter admonishes my ruin,
And my plunge into perils against my will,

٦. تُخَوِّفُني اِبنَةُ العَبديِّ حَتفي
وَإِقحامي المَهالِكَ وَاِفتِراعي

7. Chiding my spending of wealth unfairly,
Claiming it belongs to the needy, she insists.

٧. وَتَعذِلُني عَلى إِنفاقِ مالي
وَتَزعُم أَنَّهُ لِلفَقرِ داعِ

8. But I said, as she grew brazen and bold:
Gently girl, you'll not be obeyed in this.

٨. فَقُلتُ لَها وَقَد أَربَت وَزادَت
رُوَيدَكِ لا شَقيتِ فَلَن تُطاعي

9. By my soul! My hearing is deaf,
To the idle prattle of impudent women.

٩. أَما وَالأَريَحيَّةِ إِنَّ سَمعي
لِما تَهذي العَواذِلُ غَيرُ واعِ

10. Shall I worry about parting, when every ravine,
Is rent asunder by death in the end?

١٠. أَأَحفلُ بِالفِراقِ وَكُلُّ شِعبٍ
تُصَيِّرُهُ المَنونُ إِلى اِنصِداعِ

11. Shall I dread my dying, when each living soul,
Will be mourned by kinsmen when his end is nigh?

١١. وَأَرهبُ أَن أَمُوتَ وَكُلُّ حَيٍّ
سَينعاهُ إِلى الأَقوامِ ناعِ

12. Shall I fear poverty, when the world is but borrowed,
And my Lord in His bounty is of grace sublime?

١٢. وَأَخشى الفَقرَ وَالدُنيا مَتاعٌ
وَرَبّي بِالكِرامِ أَبَرُّ راعِ

13. Let me ride the terrors - I see hope,
In facing them with steadfast will.

١٣. دَعيني أَركَبُ الأَهوالَ إِنّي
رَأَيتُ رُكوبَها فيهِ اِتِّداعي

14. Of what use is life to a man,
If he's counted as trifles among men?

١٤. فَما لِلمَرءِ خَيرٌ في حَياةٍ
إِذا ما عُدَّ مِن سَقَطِ المَتاعِ

15. Our land has cattle aplenty,
Though ravenous lions lurk between.

١٥. فَإِنَّ بِأَرضِنا بَقَراً شِباعاً
وَلَكِن بَينَ آسادٌ جِياعِ

16. Does a beast still graze, hearing but the cries
Of predators, midst the meadows green?

١٦. وَهَل يَهنا البَهيمَةَ خِصبُ مَرعىً
إِذا ما آنَسَت صَوتَ السِباعِ

17. When longing severs a people's hearts,
Mine yearns for reunion, I confess.

١٧. إِذا راعَ الوداعُ قُلوبَ قَومٍ
فَلي قَلبٌ يَحِنُّ إِلى الوداعِ

18. If sadness draws me to my homeland,
My purpose is always to reach my loved ones.

١٨. وَإِن يَنزَع إِلى الأَوطانِ غِمرٌ
فإِنَّ إِلى النَوى أَبَداً نِزاعي

19. The weak-willed grieve their homelands from afar,
While the resolute roam unfettered and free.

١٩. يُراعُ لِفُرقَةِ الأَوطانِ نِكسٌ
ضَعيفُ العَزمِ أَخلى مِن يَراعِ

20. How many a long estrangement came to an end,
As hope summoned a joyous reassembly!

٢٠. وَكَم مِن فُرقَةٍ طالَت فَكانَت
بُعَيدَ اليَأسِ داعِيَةَ اِجتِماعِ

21. Events have opposed my will time and again,
But I trust my own strength to subdue them, God willing.

٢١. تُقارِعُني الحَوادِثُ عَن مُرادي
وَأَرجُو أَن يُذلِّلَها قِراعي

22. By the Most High! I and loftiness are twins,
Like myself and the morning dew, suckled together.

٢٢. وَإِنّي وَالعُلى فَرَسا رِهانٍ
كَما أَنا وَالنَدى أَخَوا رَضاعِ

23. When sorrows becloud me, I do not meet them
With desperate or fanciful ideas.

٢٣. وَلَستُ إِذا الهُمومُ تَأَوَّبَتني
مُلاقيها بِآراءٍ شَعاعِ

24. Nay, but with resolute will and ample capacity
For noble deeds, however dire the plight!

٢٤. وَلَكِنّي سَأَلقاها بِعَزمٍ
وَباعٍ في المَكارِمِ أَيّ باعِ

25. Weary am I of roaming the arid plains,
Sleeping among the boulders, fatigued each night.

٢٥. سَئِمتُ تَقَلُّبي فَوقَ الحَشايا
وَنَومي بِالهَواجِرِ وَاِضطِجاعي

26. When my people's homes spring up before me,
My steed will bear me to them in all haste.

٢٦. إِذا يَوماً نَبَت بي دارُ قَومي
فَما تَنبُو المَطِيُّ عَنِ اِنتِجاعي

27. I will reclaim my forefathers' rights and mine,
Though it be from between the vipers' fangs!

٢٧. سَأَطلُبُ حَقَّ آبائِي وَحَقّي
وَلَو مِن بَينِ أَنيابِ الأَفاعي

28. Meeting death pursuing lofty goals,
Pleases me more than living in meek submission.

٢٨. وَإِنَّ المَوتَ في طَلَبِ اِرتِفاعٍ
لَدَيَّ وَلا حَياتي في اِتِّضاعِ

29. The lion bares his teeth when prey appears -
Such is the nature of the valiant and the brave.

٢٩. وَثَوبُ اللَيثِ فِيَّ إِذا تَبَدَّت
فَريسَتُهُ وَإِطراقُ الشُجاعِ

30. Some beguile me from greatness, but where are
The true stalwarts against such trickery and deceit?

٣٠. يُخادِعُني عَنِ العَليا رِجالٌ
وَأَينَ بَنو الفَواعِلِ مِن خِداعي

31. Shall I remain a follower when I excel all,
And all humanity follows in my steps?

٣١. أَأَبقَى تابِعاً وَلَدَيَّ فَضلٌ
يَسومُ الناسَ كُلَّهُمُ اِتِّباعي

32. Every slave-born peon derides my clan,
Though he crawls from one shackle to the next.

٣٢. يُطاوِلُني بِقَومي كُلُّ عَبدٍ
تَنَقَّلَ مِن لَكاعٍ في لَكاعِ

33. Their raving concerns me not, for I see but raving,
While my rebuke spares not the rabble's brood.

٣٣. أَهُمُّ بِهَجوِهِم فَأَرى ضَلالاً
هِجائي دونَ رَهطِ اِبنِ الرِقاعِ

34. I am descended from the early pioneers,
The lords of realms and towering deeds.

٣٤. أَنا اِبنُ السابِقينَ إِلى المَعالي
وَأَربابِ المَمالِكِ وَالمَساعي

35. We are the pure origin of Rabi'ah's line,
Rising above the branches to the lofty trunk.

٣٥. حَلَلنا مِن رَبيعَةَ في ذُراها
وَجاوَزنا الفُروعَ إِلى الفِراعِ

36. The Nizar know our swords strike on the day,
When warring factions meet in the melee.

٣٦. وَقَد عَلِمت نِزارٌ أَنَّ قَومي
سُيوفُ ضِرابها يَومَ المَصاعِ

37. We are Ma'add's unfailing defenders,
Her champions in combat, stalwart and staunch.

٣٧. وَأَنّا المانِعُونَ حِمى مَعَدٍّ
وَأَهلُ الذَبِّ عَنها وَالدِفاعِ

38. We forbid her foes from setting foot therein,
Routing them from her lands without remorse.

٣٨. نُهينُ لَها التِلادَ وَلا نُحاشي
وَنُوطِئُها البِلادَ وَلا نُراعي

39. We declare her banned to all suitors,
No courtship or chase will she abide!

٣٩. وَنَشري البَيِّعاتِ بِكُلِّ خَطبٍ
عَناها لا لِبَيعٍ وَاِبتِياعِ

40. She has ever found in us a guardian,
At all times a keeper - her every need met.

٤٠. وَما زالَت مَدى الأَيّامِ فينا
لَها راعٍ وَساعٍ أَيّ ساعِ

41. Naught preserves eminence and glory,
Like wealth freely given and freely spent.

٤١. وَما حِفظُ العُلى وَالمَجدِ شَيءٌ
مِنَ الأَشياءِ كَالمالِ المُضاعِ

42. When we boast, we speak of every wise and forbearing king,
Mighty, capable, defiant, obeyed.

٤٢. وَإِن نَفخَر نِجِيءُ بِكُلِّ مَلكٍ
حَليمٍ قادِرٍ عاصٍ مُطاعِ

43. Through courage and generosity we raised our glory,
And the lofty stars of auspiciousness shone upon us.

٤٣. بَنَينا عِزَّنا وَرَسى عُلانا
بِضَربِ الهامِ وَالكَرَمِ المُشاعِ

44. Through us the sparrows sing carefree,
While lions quake at the hyenas' howls.

٤٤. بِنا يَستَنسِرُ العُصفُورُ تِيهاً
وَتَخشى الأسدُ صَولاتِ الضِباعِ

45. Once ignored as a trivial speck,
Man's now obscured, concealed in his very marrow.

٤٥. وَمَجهولٌ إِذا يُعزى كَشَيءٍ
وَإِنسانٌ وَأَخفى مِن نُخاعِ

46. We left him as if never worth a mention,
While he became like a hillock 'twixt the dunes.

٤٦. تَرَكناهُ كَأَنتَ وَذا وَأَضحى
كَمِثلِ الطَودِ ما بَينَ البِقاعِ

47. We crowned a fool our tribal chief,
That he might lord over commoners and fools.

٤٧. وَإِرِّيسٍ جَعَلناهُ رَئيساً
يَسومُ الناسَ غَيرَ المُستَطاعِ

48. Thus he came to be counted wise and rational,
When once he was dismissed as rabble of no account.

٤٨. فَصارَ يُعَدَّ ذا رَأيٍ وَعَقلٍ
وَكانَ يُعَدَّ في الهَمَجِ الرِعاعِ

49. We feared him, a raging tyrant -
His tyranny heralded collapse and ruin.

٤٩. وَأَرعَنَ باذِخٍ صَعبِ المَراقي
صَكَكناهُ فَآذن بِاِنقِشاعِ

50. Let not ignorance thus lead astray a people,
For often it is meekness that uplifts the lowly.

٥٠. فَلا يَستَغرِقَنَّ الحُمقُ قَوماً
فَكَم مِن رفعَةٍ سَبَبُ اِتِّضاعِ

51. Our swords have ever harbored healing,
Curing heads of the pains that plague them.

٥١. فَإِنَّ سُيُوفَنا ما زالَ فيها
شِفاءٌ لِلرُؤوسِ مِن الصُداعِ

52. Tubba', Caesar, both the Nizar, and Dhu l-Qal'a
Tell of them - their temper fine and keen.

٥٢. يَخَبِّرُ تُبَّعٌ عَنها وَكِسرى
بِذا وَالمُنذِرانِ وَذُو الكَلاعِ

53. How many lands we've toured on their wings!
How many deserts we've roamed, far and wide!

٥٣. فَكَم قِدماً رَبَعنا مِن رُبوعٍ
بِهنَّ وَكَم أَبَرنا مِن رَباعِ