
O owner of good, upon you be peace

يا مالك الخير عليك السلام

1. O owner of good, upon you be peace
An old man came to you, the most misguided of people

١. يا مالِكَ الخَيرِ عَلَيكَ السَلام
أَتاكَ شَيخٌ مِن أَضَلِّ الأَنام

2. So stoke the fire and open its doors for him
And allow him the honor of standing

٢. فَأجِّجِ النارَ وَاِفتح لَهُ
أَبوابَها وَاِنعم لَهُ بِالقِيام

3. And put him behind the coffin
With Satan walking barefoot in gloom beside him

٣. وَاِجعَلهُ بِالتابُوتِ مِن خَلفِهِ
إِبليسُ يَمشي حافِياً في فِئام

4. And tell him to choose within himself
A house, and adorn it with deceit and blame

٤. وَقُل لَهُ يَختارُ في جَوفِهِ
بَيتاً وَزَيِّنهُ بِغَبنٍ وَلام

5. And parade him as scorpions dance around him
Like luck or ostriches

٥. وَزُفَّهُ تَرقُصُ مِن حَولِهِ
عَقارِبٌ كَالبُختِ أَو كَالنَعام

6. And tell the people of the fire to shelter him
For he is the imam for those who established sins

٦. وَقُل لِأَهلِ النارِ حُفّوا بِهِ
فَهوَ لِمَن سَنَّ المَعاصي إِمام

7. Until when he completes a thousand years, O Malik
Of eternity in its depths

٧. حَتّى إِذا أَكمَلَ في قَعرِها
مِنَ المَدى يا مالِكاً أَلفَ عام

8. Then command him to exit it, even if unwilling
From it to eternity and the abode of peace

٨. فَأمُر بِهِ يَخرُجُ لَو مُكرَهاً
مِنها إِلى الخُلدِ وَدارِ السَلام