
How many sighs do I stifle in my core,

كم أرجع الزفرات في أحشائي

1. How many sighs do I stifle in my core,
And to what end is my stay in the abode of disgrace?

١. كَم أُرجِعُ الزَفرَاتِ في أَحشائي
وإلامَ في دارِ الهَوانِ ثوائي

2. Naught remains in me after bearing harm
And injustice save forbearance and tolerance.

٢. لم يَبقَ مِنّي مِن مُساوَرَةِ الأَذى
وَالضَّيمِ غَيرُ حُشاشَةٍ وَذماءِ

3. In the abode of a people, if an angel saw them
In their fairest guise and hydration,

٣. في دارِ قَومٍ لَو رآهُم مالِكٌ
وَهُمُ بِأَحسَنِ مَنظَرٍ وَرُواءِ

4. He would mourn the inhabitants of hell - how he sees them
While they, for it, have comrades.

٤. لَرَثى لِأَهلِ النارِ كَيفَ يَراهُمُ
وَهُمُ لَهُم فيها مِنَ القُرَناءِ

5. May their enemies lose them! Their life
Is the grief of a friend and the joy of a foe.

٥. ثَكِلتهُمُ الأَعداءُ إِنَّ حَياتَهُم
غَمُّ الصَّديقِ وَفَرحَةُ الأَعداءِ

6. Their wealth is easy pickings for adversaries
While generosity is tied in a miser's fist.

٦. أَموالُهُم لِذَوي العَداوَةِ نُهبَةٌ
وَعَنِ المَكارِمِ في يَدِ الجَوزاءِ

7. Kindness is not known in their quarters
Except as the legendary virtue of a sphinx.

٧. لا يُعرَفُ المَعروفُ في ساحاتِهم
إِلّا كَما يُحكى عَنِ العَنقاءِ

8. The skin of a beautiful camel atop disgrace - and in them
The weakness of a hyena and a chameleon's fickleness.

٨. جَلَدُ الجَمالِ عَلى الهَوانِ وَفيهمُ
ضَعفُ الدَبا وَتَلَوُّن الحِرباءِ

9. When they initiate discourse, it is as if they are
Hens clucking nonsense in an empty barnyard.

٩. وَإِذا اِبتَدَوا بَحثُوا البَذا فَكَأَنَّهُم
دُجَجٌ تَباحَثُ عذرَةً بِفَضاءِ

10. Blind to benevolence, unless it is
A gift to the villainous and ignorant.

١٠. عُميٌ عَنِ الإِحسانِ إِلّا أَنَّهُم
أَهدى إلى لُؤمٍ مِنَ الزَّرقاءِ

11. Deaf to virtue, yet they have often
Heard the words of the depraved against the innocent.

١١. صُمٌّ عَنِ الحُسنى وَلَكِن طالَما
سَمِعوا كَلامَ الحُكلِ في العَوراءِ

12. They make the impossible means to the impossible,
Which spares them the white and the yellow.

١٢. جَعَلوا المِحالَ إِلى المُحالِ ذَرائِعاً
تُغني عَنِ البَيضاءِ وَالصَّفراءِ

13. Wondrous they are, and those who forbid vice - you do not see
A wonder other than what shakes the heart of the seer.

١٣. عَجباً لَهُم وَذَوو النُّهى ما إِن تَرى
عَجَباً سِوى ما هالَ قَلبَ الرَائي

14. A nose held high by the reins of the sky, imposing,
An ear that follows resolutely the settled water.

١٤. أنفٌ بِأَعنانِ السَّماءِ مُظِلَّةٌ
وَاِستٌ تُوَبِّعُ في قَرارِ الماءِ

15. And they boast of a company that rose while not
The mountains of sand rose in the white city.

١٥. وَيُفاخِرونَ بِمَعشَرٍ دَرَجوا وَلَم
تَدرُج جِبالُ الرَملِ بِالبَيضاءِ

16. Their fatherhood has slipped from them, but vice
With its malignance grows to ripeness.

١٦. هَبهُم أُبُوَّتَهُم وَلَكِنَّ الخَرا
مَعَ خُبثِهِ يُنمى إِلى الحَلواءِ

17. The noble bones are not reached
By a remainder of scattered dust.

١٧. لَيسَ العِظامِيُّ الفَخارَ بِمُدرِكٍ
شَرَفَاً بِباقي رِمَّةٍ كَهباءِ

18. Rather, a strong soul sufficed him
The nobility of ancestors and pride of forefathers.

١٨. لَكِن عِصامِيٌّ كَفَتهُ نَفسُهُ
شَرَفَ الجُدودِ وَمَفخَرَ الآباءِ

19. What is it to the bones and pottery? All of them
Are in a flock, blind.

١٩. ما لِلعظامِ وَلِلفَخارِ وَكُلُّهُم
في سِربِهِ كَبَلِيَّةٍ عَمياءِ

20. Leave the pottery to a company whom
Degradation has thickened and dried out.

٢٠. خَلّوا الفَخارَ لِمَعشَرٍ أَولوكُمُ
ذُلَّ الهَوانِ بِغِلظَةٍ وَجَفاءِ

21. You wiped them like foxes until
The sides of mountains were bound by their limping legs.

٢١. مَسَحوكُمُ كَالضَّبعِ حَتّى أُوثِقَت
جُددُ الجِبالِ بِرِجلِها العَرجاءِ

22. And you followed it, after wiping them,
Dragging through emptiness and pebbles.

٢٢. وَتَبادَرُوها بَعدَ مَسحِهمُ لَها
سَحباً عَلى البَوغاءِ وَالحَصباءِ

23. And slaughter is their limit - and does one of malice
Accept less than the most heinous villainy?

٢٣. وَالذَّبحُ غايَتُها وَهَل ذو إِحنَةٍ
يَرضى بِدونِ الخُطَّةِ الشَنعاءِ

24. What pride is there for one with no control over his possessions,
No authority to take or give as he wishes?

٢٤. ما فَخرُ فَدمٍ ما لهُ في مُلكِهِ
لَو شاءَ مِن أَخذٍ وَلا إِعطاءِ

25. They collected no honest gains,
No entrusted or blessed treasures.

٢٥. ما جَمَّعوا مِن سِكَّةٍ مَأبورَةٍ
أَو مُهرَةٍ مَأمورَةٍ غَرّاءِ

26. So for every plunderer and lowlife raider,
Dry, malignant, and quarrelsome,

٢٦. فَلِكُلِّ شاوِيٍّ وَراعي هَجمَةٍ
جافٍ خَبيثِ العَرفِ وَالشَحناءِ

27. And the remainder of hoarded wealth is shared out
And wasted on slaves and slave-girls.

٢٧. وَبَقِيَّةُ المالِ المُحرَّزِ قِسمَةٌ
أَرَّثتَهُ في أَعبُدٍ وَإِماءِ

28. Oh, if only there were men - where is the gallant one
Who would protect the sublime with his sword?

٢٨. يا لَلرّجالِ أَلا فَتىً ذُو نَجدَةٍ
يَحمي بِمُنصلِهِ عَلى العَلياءِ

29. By God I swear, if I called on my zeal
Alive, it would answer my call and cry.

٢٩. تااللَّهِ أُقسِمُ لَو دَعَوتُ بِنُدبَتي
حَيّاً لَلبّى دَعوَتي وَنِدائي

30. But I called on the dead, whose specters
Still walk with the living.

٣٠. لَكِنَّني نادَيتُ مَوتى لَم تَزَلَ
أَشباحُهُم تَمشي مَعَ الأَحياءِ

31. They have become accustomed to disgrace, so if it drifted
Away from them, they would hasten eagerly to Sanaa for more.

٣١. أَلِفوا الهَوانَ فَلو تَناءى عَنهُمُ
لَسَعوا لِبُغيَتِهِ إِلى صَنعاءِ

32. By God! A people from Judhaifa's clan
Did not close their eyes to the disgraces.

٣٢. لِلّهِ قَومٌ مِن ذُؤابَةِ جَعفَرٍ
لَم يُغمِضوا جَفناً عَلى الأَقذاءِ

33. When they saw it was so, they resolved
The resolve of conquering Wa'il's heroes.

٣٣. لَمّا رأَوها أَنَّها هِيَ صَمَّمُوا
تَصميمَ تَغلِبَ وائِلِ الغَلباءِ

34. Until they quenched their swords' thirst
On clotted blood that cooled the heat of rage.

٣٤. حَتّى سَقوا عَلَلاً صُدورَ سُيوفِهِم
عَلَقاً يُبَرِّدُ غُلَّةَ الشَحناءِ

35. They left Lu'ayy in the Hijaz
An island before the oven of Ibn Dhakwan.

٣٥. تَرَكوا لُعيباً في مئينٍ أَربَعٍ
جَزراً قُبَيلَ تَنوّرِ اِبنِ ذُكاءِ

36. There Khaybar's destiny was sealed, and it exchanged
After that, good fortune for misfortune.

٣٦. فَهُناكَ طابَت خَيبَرٌ وَاِستَبدَلَت
مِن بَعدِها السَّرّاءَ بِالضَرّاءِ

37. The likes of men, what harm if they
Did as those honorable ones did?

٣٧. ما ضَرَّ أَشباهَ الرِّجالِ لَوَ اِنَّهُم
فَعَلوا كَفِعلِ أُولَئِكَ النُجَباءِ

38. Death is better than their lives
Like the life of Nun who slept in desolation,

٣٨. فَالمَوتُ خَيرٌ مِن حَياتِهِمُ الَّتي
كَحَياةِ نونٍ باتَ في بَهماءِ

39. Or they wandered the vast earth - for wandering
Is better than the sanctuary of Yamama.

٣٩. أَو هاجَروا في الأَرضِ فَهيَ عَريضَةٌ
فَالتّيهُ خَيرٌ مِن حِمى الأَحساءِ

40. But they are like hedgehogs who, when they see
No eagles, rest on their backs.

٤٠. لَكِنَّهُم مِثلُ القَنافِذِ إِذ تَرى ال
عُقبانِ تَستَلقي عَلى الأَقفاءِ

41. Blessed are the cows of Iraq, for they
Are firmer in their defense and truer in loyalty.

٤١. يا حَبَّذا بَقَرُ العراقِ فَإِنَّها
لَأَشَدُّ مَحميَةً وَخَيرُ وَفاءِ

42. How often they gored with their horns
A wolf, returning, loyal to their young!

٤٢. كَم جَدَّلَت مِن ضَيغَمٍ بِقُرونِها
وافى لِيَقهَرَها عَلى الأَبناءِ

43. Better yet, a bird that floats on its waters,
Resting awhile, gazing at the stars in the desert.

٤٣. بَل حَبَّذا طَيرٌ يَعومُ بِمائِها
طَوراً وَيَرعى النَّجمَ بِالصَّحراءِ

44. The predator cannot seize it forcefully
For the thorns of its talons protect it.

٤٤. ما رامَهُ البازِيُّ مِنهُ بِسَطوَةٍ
فَحَمَتهُ شَوكَةُ مِخلَبٍ حَجناءِ

45. Rather, it pecks his abdomen, and when sated
Dice and divide it until it ends

٤٥. بَل يَعتَوِرنَ قذالَهُ فَإِذا اِمتَلى
سُكراً وَنالَ الضَّيمَ بَعدَ إِباءِ

46. In a cooked broth, torn to pieces.
Oh companion, departure draws near - prepare for me

٤٦. جَزَّرنَهُ فَقَسمنَهُ حَتّى قَضى
في لُجَّةٍ مَسجُورَةِ الأَرجاءِ

47. Every bundle and container for the journey.
What excuse has a freeman to stay in a land

٤٧. يا صاحِ قَد أَزِفَ الرَّحيلُ فَقَرِّبَن
لِلسَّيرِ كُلَّ شِمِلَّةٍ وَجناءِ

48. Whose pillars are a kind of goat?
They followed neither the example of men nor donkeys.

٤٨. ما عُذر حُرٍّ في المُقامِ بِبَلدَةٍ
آسادُها ضَربٌ مِنَ المعزاءِ

49. Reject life itself, not even the ways of aquatic birds!
The land is vast, springs plentiful,

٤٩. لا بِالرِّجالِ وَلا الجَواميسِ اِقتَدَوا
عَدِمُوا الحَياةَ وَلا بِطَيرِ الماءِ

50. And distance is made near in meadows.
And I have a dwelling place near Zuraa,

٥٠. فَالبَرُّ أَوسَعُ وَالمَناهِلُ جَمَّةٌ
وَالبُعدُ مُقتَربٌ عَلى الأَنضاءِ

51. If I wish, or in humped Mosul.
Where I will not meet the envious, angry,

٥١. وَبِجانِبِ الزَوراءِ لي مُستَوطَنٌ
إِن شِئتُ أَو بِالمَوصِلِ الحَدباءِ

52. With boiling pots of hatred.
And where the brothers of purity gather,

٥٢. في حَيثُ لا أَلقى الحَسودَ أَخا شجاً
تَغلي مَراجِلُهُ عَلى الخُلطاءِ

53. Whose loyalty and manners of scholars are embraced.

٥٣. وَبِحَيثُ إِخوانُ الصَّفاءِ يَضُمُّها
حُسنُ الوفاءِ وَشِيمَةُ الأُدَباءِ