1. O you who weep for the oppressed and persecuted,
Either weep for the Prophet's family or desist.
ูก. ูุง ุจุงูููุงู ููุฏูู
ููุฉู ููุฃูุฑุจูุนู
ุงูุจูู ุนููู ุขูู ุงูููุจูููู ุฃูู ุฏูุนู
2. What you have witnessed of their afflictions
Should suffice you from crying over ruins with no dwellers.
ูข. ููููููู ู
ุง ุนุงูููุชู ู
ูู ู
ูู ุฃูู ุชุจููู ุทููููุงู ุจูููุนููุนู
3. My heart loves them but cries for others -
You are pretentious in what you have said.
ูฃ. ุชูุญูุจููููู
ูููุจู ููุชูุจูู ุบููุฑูููู
ุฅูููููู ููู
ุง ูููุชููู ููู
4. Do you not know that excessive grief over them
Is a sign of extremism in partisanship?
ูค. ุฃูู
ุง ุนูููู
ุชู ุฃูููู ุฅููุฑุงุทู ุงูุฃูุณู
ู ุนููุงู
ูุฉู ุงูุชูุดููููุนู
5. I have composed verses in eulogy of them, for eulogies
Are more deserving than the Valley of Al-Ghadha.
ูฅ. ุฃููููุช ู
ููููููู ุจูุงูุจููุง
ุฃูุญูููู ู
ูู ูุงุฏู ุงูุบูุถุง ููุงูุฃูุฌุฑูุนู
6. Oh, if only I knew who of them it is
For whom my streaming tears flow.
ูฆ. ูุง ูููุชู ุดูุนุฑู ู
ูู ุฃููููุญู ู
ูู ูููู ูููููููู ูููุถู ุฃูุฏู
7. Is it for the Trustee when in his prayer niche
Swords covered him and he could not bow down?
ูง. ุฃููููููุตูููู ุญููู ูู ู
ู ุจูุงูุณูููู ููููู
ูุง ููุฑููุนู
8. Or is it for the one whose flowing locks
Were on that day poisoned with a poisoned drink?
ูจ. ุฃูู
ูููููุฐู ุฃููุฏูุช ุจููู ุฌูุนุฏูุชูููู
ูุฆูุฐู ุจููุงุณู ุณูู
ูู ู
9. My sadness is like the martyr of Karbala -
It does not cease as long as life continues.
ูฉ. ููุฅูููู ุญูุฒูู ููููุชููู ููุฑุจููุง
ูููุณู ุนููู ุทูููู ุงูุจููู ุจูู
10. When I remember his day, my tears
Flow down my cheeks in streams.
ูกู . ุฅูุฐุง ุฐูููุฑุชู ูููู
ููู ุชูุญูุฏููุฑูุช
ูุนู ููุฃูุฑุจูุนู ูู ุฃูุฑุจูุนู
11. O you riding to Iraq determined,
Heading for the Carpenter's grandson.
ูกูก. ูุง ุฑุงููุจุงู ููุญูู ุงูุนูุฑุงูู ุฌูุฑุดูุนุง
ูู ููุนูุจุฏูููู ุงููููุฌุงุฑู ุฌูุฑุดูุนู
12. When you reach Nineveh, stop there
Halting with a grieving, aching heart.
ูกูข. ุฅูุฐุง ุจูููุบุชู ููููููู ููููู ุจููุง
ููููููู ู
ูุญุฒูููู ุงูููุคุงุฏู ู
13. And don garments of sorrow when you arrive
Casting off all other clothes.
ูกูฃ. ููุงููุจูุณ ุฅูุฐุง ุงูุณุทูุนุชู ุจููุง ุซููุจู ุงูุฃูุณู
ููููููู ุซููุจู ูููุนูุฒุงุกู ููุงูุฎููุนู
14. For it holds amazing tragedies
The likes of which have never been heard of before.
ูกูค. ููุฅูููู ููููุง ูููููุฏู ู
ุฑุงุฆูุนูุฉู ุจูู
ุซูููุง ููู
15. So spill your tears there, not stinting
In grief for them. Vent your anguish and despair
ูกูฅ. ููุงูุณููุญ ุจููุง ุฏูู
ุนููู ูุง ู
ูู ุบูุฑุจููู ููุจูุญ ุบูุฑุงู
ุงู ููุงูุฌุฒูุนู
16. For every tear of yours that is wasted
On other than the neglected, outcast Chosen One
ูกูฆ. ููููููู ุฏูู
ุนู ุถุงุฆูุนู ู
ูููู ุนููู
ุบููุฑู ุบูุฑูุจู ุงูู
ูุตุทููู ุงูู
17. By God, a day in Tufoof like no other
Leaving no Muslim any pleasure in life.
ูกูง. ูููููู ูููู
ุงู ุจูุงูุทููููู ููู
ู ูู ุงูุนููุดู ู
ูู ู
18. A day when the lamps of darkness were lit
With a calamitous trial so horrifying.
ูกูจ. ูููู
ู ุจููู ุงูุนุชููููุช ู
ูุตุงุจูุญู ุงูุฏูุฌู
ุจูุนุงุฑูุถู ู
ููู ุงูุถููุงูู ู
19. A day when no pillar remained
Propping up the religion without being shaken.
ูกูฉ. ูููู
ู ุจููู ููู
ููุจูู ู
ูู ุฏูุนุงู
ุชูุดูุฏูู ุฑูููู ุงูุฏูููู ููู
20. A day when no caller remained
Summoning to Satan without being an innovator.
ูขู . ูููู
ู ุจููู ููู
ููุจูู ู
ูู ุฏุงุนูููุฉู
ุชูุฏุนูู ุฅููู ุงูุดููุทุงูู ููู
21. A day when no cloud remained
To give life to the land of Islam without being bade farewell.
ูขูก. ูููู
ู ุจููู ููู
ุชูุจูู ู
ูู ุบูู
ุชูุญูู ุซูุฑู ุงูุฅูุณูุงู
ู ููู
22. A day when no standard remained
Leading to misguidance without being raised.
ูขูข. ูููู
ู ุจููู ููู
ุชูุจูู ููุทูู ุฑุงููุฉู
ุชููุฏู ุฅููู ุถููุงููุฉู ููู
23. A day when no stubborn ox remained
Braying at the truth without splitting its snout.
ูขูฃ. ูููู
ู ุจููู ููู
ููุจูู ููุทูู ู
ูุนุทูุณู ูููุญูููู ููู
24. A day when no means remained
Rightfully for Muhammadโs family without being severed.
ูขูค. ูููู
ู ุจููู ููู
ุชูุจูู ู
ูู ููุณูููุฉู
ุญููุงู ููุขูู ุงูู
ูุตุทููู ููู
25. A day when the vicious dog transgressed
Upon the lion of the jungle fully armed.
ูขูฅ. ูููู
ู ุจููู ุงููููุจู ุงูุฏูุฑูุนู ููุนุชูุฏูู
ุนููู ููุฒุจูุฑู ุงูุบุงุจูุฉู ุงูู
26. A day when the Prophet's grandson
Was preyed upon by snarling beasts.
ูขูฆ. ูููู
ู ุจููู ุบููุฏูุฑู ุณูุจุทู ุงูู
ูููุนุงุณููุงุชู ููุงูุถูุจุงุนู ุงูุฎูู
27. My soul yearns for him as the slanderer calls to him
Voicing the prayer of the fleeing coward.
ูขูง. ููููู ูููู ููุฏุนูู ุงูุทูุนุงู ู
ุฏูุนุงุกู ู
ูููู ุงูููุฑุงุฑู ุฃูุฑููุนู
28. He says, "O worst of mankind, you are
More disbelieving than Aad and Thamud."
ูขูจ. ููููููู ูุง ุดูุฑูู ุงูุฃููุงู
ู ุฃููุชูู
ุฃููููุฑู ู
ูู ุนุงุฏู ูููููู
ู ุชูุจููุนู
29. โYou wrote to me to march towards you
And said, โCome or stay behind.โ
ูขูฉ. ูุงุชูุจุชูู
ูููู ุจูุงูู
ูุณูุฑู ููุญููููู
ู ุฎูุฐ ูู ุงูู
ูุณูุฑู ุฃูู ุฏูุนู
30. We are obedient to you. We have not forgotten
Our covenant to you, nor violated it,
ูฃู . ููููุญูู ุทููุนู ูููู ููู
ูููุณู ุงูููุฐู
ูู ุงูุนููุฏู ููููู
31. Until when I came to restore for you
My grandfatherโs inheritance with my family,
ูฃูก. ุญูุชูู ุฅูุฐุง ุฌูุฆุชู ููู
ุง ููุตููุญูููู
ูู ุฅูุฑุซู ุฌูุฏูู ููุฐุฑูุงุฑูููู ู
32. You met me with swords in the fray -
Bared, with readied spears."
ูฃูข. ูููููุชูู
ูููู ุจูุณูููููู ูู ุงูููุบู
ููุชูุถููุงุชู ููุฑูู
ุงุญู ุดูุฑููุนู
33. "Was this in your records,
O worst sight for all creation?"
ูฃูฃ. ููู ูุงูู ููุฐุง ูู ุณูุฌูููุงุชูููู
ูุง ุดูุฑูู ู
ูุฑุฃูู ูููููุฑู ููู
34. "Can you violate your oath to me,
Allow me to withdraw from you safely?"
ูฃูค. ููู ููููู
ู ุฃูู ุชููููุง ุจูุจููุนูุชู
ุฃูู ุชูุณู
ูุญููุง ูู ุนููููู
ู ุจูู
35. They said to him, "Never! You have
No safety from our greed."
ูฃูฅ. ูุงูููุง ูููู ููููุงุชู ุฐุงูู ุฅูููููู
ุง ูููู ูู ุณููุงู
ูุฉู ู
ูู ู
36. "Pledge allegiance to Yazeed or you will see
Our swords befalling you from every side."
ูฃูฆ. ุจุงููุน ููุฒูุฏุงู ุฃูู ุชูุฑู ุณููููููุง
ู ููููุนูู ููููู ู
37. Whereupon he drew a sword whose edge
He did not return to its sheath again.
ูฃูง. ููุนููุฏููุง ุฌูุฑููุฏู ุณูููุงู ููู
ููุฌุงุฏููู ู
ูููู ุนููู ุฃูููู ู
38. And he wreaked havoc among their heroes
Till the cautious one in armor feared his might.
ูฃูจ. ููุนุงุซู ูู ุฃูุจุทุงููููู
ุญูุชูู ุงูุชูููู
ูู ุจูุฃุณููู ุงูุญุงุณูุฑู ุจูุงูู
39. Around him, each fearless knight
Protected the Valiant Oneโs flank.
ูฃูฉ. ููุญูููููู ู
ูู ุตูุญุจููู ููููู ููุชูู
ู ุงูุฐูู
ุงุฑู ุจูุทููู ุณูู
40. How many deserters he left lying dead
As the horses trampled and the swords clashed!
ูคู . ููู
ุบุงุฏูุฑู ุบุงุฏูุฑููู ู
ููุงูุฎูููู ุชูุฑุฏู ููุงูููู
ุงุฉู ุชูุฏููุนู
41. Till the despicable one shot him, paralyzing his hand
From the excellent archer of steady grip.
ูคูก. ุญูุชูู ุฑูู
ุงูู ุงูุฑูุฌุณู ุดูููุช ููุฏููู
ุนูู ุจุงุฑูุนู ุงูุฑูู
ููุฉู ุตููุจู ุงูู
42. So he fell as if shackled and bound
After none of his supporters remained but
ูคูข. ููุฎูุฑูู ููุงููููุง ูููู ููุฃููููู
ุนูููููู ุฑูุฏุนู ุฃูู ุฎููููู ุฃููุฏูุนู
43. Carrion-eating beasts and hyenas.
Then they inclined to the tents, leaning
ูคูฃ. ู
ูู ุจูุนุฏู ุฃูู ููู
ููุจูู ู
ูู ุฃููุตุงุฑููู
ุบููุฑู ุทุนุงู
ู ุฃููุณูุฑู ููุฃูุถุจูุนู
44. And saying to the pillar of faith, "Woe!"
Striking, looting, violating sanctity
ูคูค. ุซูู
ููุชู ู
ุงูููุง ูููุฎูุงู
ู ู
ูุงููุช ููุฑูููู ุงูุฏูููู ุฅูููุงู ููููุนู
45. Slaughtering infants, robbing the armless.
Truly they saw in their minds misery for them -
ูคูฅ. ุถูุฑุจุงู ูููููุจุงู ููุงููุชููุงูู ุญูุฑู
ููุฐูุจุญู ุฃูุทูุงูู ููุณููุจู ุฃูุฐุฑูุนู
46. Qadar's view; their view split skulls.
Where is slitting the she-camel's throat compared
ูคูฆ. ููููุฏ ุฑูุฃููุง ูู ุงููููุฑู ุชูุนุณุงู ููููู
ุฑูุฃูู ููุฏุงุฑู ุฑูุฃูููููู
47. To their crimes, O what an appalling deed!
Never in time was seen the like of it -
ูคูง. ููุฃูููู ุนููุฑู ูุงููุฉู ู
ูุง ุฌููููุง
ูุง ูููุฑูุฌุงูู ูููููุนุงูู ุงูุฃูุดููุนู
48. Surpassing all horrific matters.
Muhammad's offspring were taken captive,
ูคูจ. ู
ุง ู
ูุซูููุง ูู ุงูุฏููุฑู ู
ูู ุนูุธูู
ููููุฏ ุชูุนูุฏููุช ููููู ุฃูู
ุฑู ู
49. Pleasing the despicable, base wretch.
Oh how my soul yearns for Al-Husayn in Iraq
ูคูฉ. ุชูุณุจู ุฐุฑุงุฑู ุงูู
ูุตุทููู ู
ุฑูุถุงู ููุดุงูููู ุงูุฒูููู
ู ุงูุฏููููุนู
50. With his family left in Al-Ji'iran.
My soul yearns for my slain Master, thirsty
ูฅู . ูุง ููููู ูููุณู ูููุญูุณูููู ุจูุงูุนูุฑุง
ููููุฏ ุฃูููู
ู ุฃูููููู ุจูุฌูุนุฌูุนู
51. Defending the banks of the Euphrates.
They did not let him drink a single draft
ูฅูก. ููููู ููู
ูููุงูู ุงูุดูููุฏู ุธุงู
ููุฐุงุฏู ุนูู ุจูุญุฑู ุงูููุฑุงุชู ุงูู
52. Till he met his death, his thirst unquenched.
My soul yearns for him with Shimr atop his chest
ูฅูข. ููู
ุญู ุงููููู
ู ูููู ุจูุดูุฑุจูุฉู
ุญูุชูู ููุถู ุจูุบููููุฉู ููู
53. When raging, he shattered his ribs.
My soul yearns for him with his head on a spear
ูฅูฃ. ููููู ูููู ููุงูุดูู
ุฑู ููููู ุตูุฏุฑููู
ููุญูููู ุฃููุฏุงุฌู ููููุดู
ู ุฃูุถููุนู
54. Like the full moon shining at its brightest.
My soul yearns as the lips of the Trustee were split
ูฅูค. ููููู ูููู ููุฑูุฃุณููู ูู ุฐุงุฆููู
ููุงูุจูุฏุฑู ูุฒูู ูู ุฃูุชูู
ูู ู
55. By one trying to best him with his strike.
Oh how my soul yearns for Ahmad's daughters
ูฅูฅ. ููููู ููุซูุบุฑู ุงูุณูุจุทู ุฅูุฐ ูููุฑูุนููู
ูู ุณูููููุฏูู ุฃูููููู ููู
56. Amongst thirst and hunger in the open desert.
Herded in humiliationโs disgrace to Syria
ูฅูฆ. ูุง ููููู ูููุณู ููุจูุงุชู ุฃูุญู
ุจูููู ุนูุทุงุดู ูู ุงููููุง ููุฌููููุนู
57. Above camelsโ saddles, ribs broken.
Their heads presented in front of him
ูฅูง. ููุณูููู ูู ุฐูููู ุงูุณูุจุง ุญููุงุณูุฑุงู
ุฅููู ุงูุดุขู
ู ููููู ุญูุณุฑู ุฃูุถููุนู
58. As gifts to the worshipper of idols.
They lament, "O grandfather, if only you could see us
ูฅูจ. ูููุฏูู
ูููููู ุงูุฑูุฃุณู ูู ูููุงุชููู
ููุฏููููุฉู ุฅููู ุงูุฏูุนูููู ุงูุจูู ุงูุฏูุนูู
59. Robbed of all possessions, even fabrics!"
"We are gifted to the tyrant Yazeed disheveled -
ูฅูฉ. ูููุฏูุจูู ูุง ุฌูุฏูููู ููู ุฑูุฃููุชููุง
ููุณููุจู ููููู ู
ูุนุฌูุฑู ููุจูุฑููุนู
60. In the worst state, so very distressed."
"A rough rider drives us whose journey
ูฆู . ูููุฏูู ุฅููู ุงูุทุงุบู ููุฒูุฏ ููุนุซุงู
ุดูุนุซุงู ุจูุฃูุณูุง ุญุงููุฉู ููุฃูุจุฏูุนู
61. Knows no gentleness, will not be reined."
"Travel wearies us, so he hurries us
ูฆูก. ููุญุฏู ุจููุง ุญุงุฏู ุนููููู ุณููุฑููู
ููู ููููู ุฅูุฑุชูุน ุณุงุนูุฉู ููู
62. If we lag, with painful blows."
"And if you could see the jailer in his aggression
ูฆูข. ููุชุนูุจููุง ุงูุณููุฑู ููููุณุชูุญูุซูููุง
ุฅูุฐุง ุชูุฎููููููุง ุจูุถูุฑุจู ู
63. Striking like a freed animal."
"Unbearable for you is our state
ูฆูฃ. ููููู ุชูุฑู ุงูุณูุฌูุงูู ูู ููุจูููููู
ููุถุฑูุจู ุถูุฑุจู ุงูููุนูู
ู ุงูู
64. And an end in childhood - which end?"
"They slaughtered our men and were not satisfied
ูฆูค. ููุนุฒูุฒ ุนูููููู ุฌูุฏูููุง ู
ูุตุฑูุนู ูู ุงูุทููู ุฃูููู ู
65. With capturing women and slaughtering infants."
"Then they cry, โO Husayn, is there no
ูฆูฅ. ุงูุณุชูุฃุตูููุง ุฑูุฌุงูููุง ููู
ุง ุงููุชูููุง
ุจูุณูุจูู ููุณูุงูู ููุฐูุจุญู ุฑูุถููุนู
66. Reunion after this day of separation?'"
"You left us behind you broken,
ูฆูฆ. ุซูู
ูู ููุตูุญูู ูุง ุญูุณููููุงูู ุฃูู
ุจูุนุฏู ููุฑุงูู ุงููููู
ู ู
ูู ุชูุฌูู
67. Yearning, lamenting, despairing."
Amazing that the earth did not split
ูฆูง. ุฎูููููุชููุง ุจูุนุฏููู ููููุงู ู
ุนููู ุงูุญููููู ููุงููููู ููุงูุฌูุฒูุนู
68. And the sky did not collapse!
So may the curse of the Merciful be upon the hordes
ูฆูจ. ูุงุนูุฌูุจุงู ูููุฃูุฑุถู ููููู ููู
ุงุกู ููููู ููู
69. Who attacked them and the hordes who did not defend.
O family of Taha, you are my means
ูฆูฉ. ููููุนููุฉู ุงูุฑูุญู
ููู ุชูุบุดู ุนูุตุจูุฉู
ู ููุนูุตุจูุฉู ููู
70. To Allah and my refuge at the final horror.
My loyalty to you will make me
ูงู . ูุง ุขู ุทููู ุฃููุชูู
ู ููุณูููุชู
ุนููุฏู ุงูุฅููููู ููุฅููููููู
71. Under safety's banner on the Day of Fear.
If I am banned from none but you
ูงูก. ูุงููุชูููู
ุง ุฃููููู ุนููุฏูููู
ุชูุญุชู ูููุงุกู ุงูุฃูู
ูู ูููู
ู ุงูููุฒูุนู
72. At the Pool tomorrow, I will not be banned.
To you a streaming of my inner thoughts has come
ูงูข. ููุฅูู ู
ุฃูู ูููุงูู ุบููุฑูููู
ุฅูู ููุฑุฏู ุงูุญููุถู ุบูุฏุงู ููู
73. From a crammed mind to the horizons.
An Arab, my nature, though my plumage
ูงูฃ. ุฅููููููู
ู ูููุซูุฉู ู
ูุตุฏููุฑู ุฃูุชูุช
ูู ู
ู ุงูุดูุนุฑู ุฅููู ู
74. Is Non-Arab; I bear no arms.
I profess my longing for the Omayyad house -
ูงูค. ู
ูุบุฑูุจููู ุนูุฑูุจูู ุทูุจุนููู
ููููุฌุฑููู ูููููุณู ุจูุงูู
75. The greatest, most elevated house.
Godโs blessings and bounty upon you,
ูงูฅ. ูููู
ู ุฅููู ุงูุจููุชู ุงูุนูููููููู ุฅููู
ุฃูุฌูููู ุจููุชู ูู ุงูุนููู ููุฃูุฑููุนู
76. The greatest, most elevated house.
ูงูฆ. ุนููููููู
ู ุตูููู ุงูุฅููููู ููุณููู
ุฃูุฌููู ุจููุชู ูู ุงูุนููู ููุฃูุฑููุนู