1. In my darkness, two serpents coil around me,
Leave me be, I want naught of you, leave me be,
١. عَلى مَ وَفي مَ ظُلماً تَلحَياني
ذَراني لا أَبا لَكُما ذَراني
2. You’ve had your fill, my ears hear no whisper,
Nor are they aware of your endless chatter.
٢. وَحَسبُكُما فَما سَمعي بِمُصغٍ
وَلا واعٍ لِما تَتَحَدَّثانِ
3. When passion surges in me, it shows me
A glimpse of Oman from the land of Oman.
٣. فَلي هِمَمٌ إِذا جاشَت أَرَتني
قُرى عَمّان مِيلاً مِن عُمانِ
4. When you two are reconciled, you forget me,
When you clash, you suddenly remember me.
٤. إِذا سُولِمتُما فَتَناسَياني
وَإِن أُسلِمتُما فَتَذَكَّراني
5. I'm like one who bears the insults of enemies,
And is blamed for the evils of time.
٥. فَمِثلي مَن يُقيمُ صَغى الأَعادي
وَيُستَعدى عَلى نُوَبِ الزَمانِ
6. To speak of death when immersed in a task,
I grip the reins tighter, no matter what comes to pass.
٦. وَما ذِكرُ المَنِيَّةِ عِندَ أَمرٍ
أُحاوِلُهُ بِثانٍ مِن عِناني
7. When my day darkens, what care I,
Whether the sword or the spear claims my life.
٧. إِذا يَومي أَظَلَّ فَما أُبالي
بِسَيفٍ كانَ حَتفي أَو سِنانِ
8. He whose allotted span is but nine years,
Has no cause for fear in his eighth year.
٨. وَمَن يَكُ عُمرُهُ المَكتُوبُ تِسعاً
فَلا يَخشى المَنِيَّةَ في الثَمانِ
9. Being away from dear father and mother,
Is better than staying close in disgrace.
٩. وَبُعدٌ عَن أَخٍ لِأَبٍ وَأُمٍّ
إِذا ما عَقَّ خَيرٌ مِن تَدانِ
10. Let not fools think I yearn,
For singing girls or wine containers.
١٠. فَلا يَتَوَهَّمِ السُفَهاءُ أَنّي
أَحِنُّ إِلى غَوانٍ أَو مَغانِ
11. Nor that I see death as certain,
With awe, as one who cannot see me.
١١. وَلا أَنّي أَرى وَالمَوتُ حَتمٌ
بِعَينِ جَلالَةٍ مَن لا يَراني
12. The greatest of men are petty in my eyes,
When viewed through the slit of my helmet.
١٢. عَظيمُ الناسِ في عَيني حَقيرٌ
إِذا بِالمُقلَةِ الخَوصا رَآني
13. It’s absurd to reconcile with those who spurned me,
Or show affection to those who resented me.
١٣. مُحالٌ أَن أُواصِلَ مَن جَفاني
وَأَسمَحَ بِالوِدادِ لِمَن قَلاني
14. A shadow roared and rumbled,
Flashing lightning and thunder at me.
١٤. وَأَرعَنَ ظَلَّ يَنفُضُ مِذرَوَيهِ
وَيُبرِقُ لي وَيُرعِدُ بِاللسانِ
15. I said to it as it growled and snarled,
"Be silent, O thing that clanks with bells!"
١٥. فَقُلتُ لَهُ وَقَد حَنظى وَأَربى
خَرِستَ أَلِي تُقَعقِعُ بِالشِنانِ
16. Leave your arrogance, do not wager,
Against a tribe, all broad-chested warriors.
١٦. دَعِ الخُيلاءَ عَنكَ وَلا تُخاطِر
قُروماً كُلُّها ضَخمُ الجِرانِ
17. Do not take chances like cattle led
To the slaughter, driven in from the pens.
١٧. وَخاطِر مِثلَ قعدانِ الجَزارِي
إِذا جاءَت تُساقُ مِنَ الكُرانِ
18. Custom prevents the rooster from being alarmed,
By the hawk gliding above, feathers spread.
١٨. فَغَيرُ مُنَفِّرٍ لِلدِّيكِ عُرفٌ
عَلى البازِي المُطِلِّ وَرِيشَتانِ
19. The vile wretches, wherever they are,
Have my forbearance, though they vex me.
١٩. عَلى أَنَّ الأَرازِلَ حَيثُ كانُوا
وَإِن أُحرِجت مِنّي في أَمانِ
20. My noble soul disdains insulting them,
My tongue refuses to malign them.
٢٠. يَعافُ لُحُومَهُم كِبراً حُسامي
وَيَأبى سَبَّهُم كَرَماً لِساني
21. A woman wept copious tears,
That poured like the sagging branches of a Jummana tree.
٢١. وَقائِلَةٍ وَأَدمُعُها تَوامٌ
تَساقُطُها كَمُرفَضِّ الجُمانِ
22. She looked upon my saddle, provisions and gear,
My whip, satchel, and swords in their sheaths.
٢٢. وَقَد نَظَرَت إِلى عِيسي وَرَحلي
وَسَوطي وَالحَقيبَةِ وَالفِتانِ
23. Estrangement and separation is the fate of all,
Is there no way to draw nearer your abode?
٢٣. أَكُلُّ الدَهرِ نَأيٌ وَاِغتِرابٌ
أَما لِدُنُوِّ دارِكَ مِن تَدانِ
24. You suffer for wealth, glory, or knowledge,
While others enjoy what you suffer for.
٢٤. لِمالٍ أَو لِعِزٍّ أَو لِعلمٍ
تُعاني وَيبَ غَيرِكَ ما تُعاني
25. Be content with what you are given, everything,
Except the One who ordained all things, will perish.
٢٥. تَغَنَّ بِما رُزِقتَ فَكُلَّ شَيءٍ
خَلا مَن قَدَّرَ الأَشياءَ فانِ
26. Seek the refuge of stillness, for these are times,
That permit the vulture to feast on dove meat.
٢٦. وَلِج بابَ الخُمولِ فَذا زَمانٌ
أَباحَ اليَعرَ لَحمَ الشَيذُمانِ
27. Do not take on tribulations, lest it be said,
"He was bested, though all lent him support!"
٢٧. وَلا تَتَجَشّمِ الأَهوالَ كَيما
يُقالُ بَنى فَأَعجَزَ كُلَّ بانِ
28. I said to her, soon I will make plain,
To those feigning ignorance, who I am.
٢٨. فَقُلتُ لَها إِلَيكِ فَعَن قَليلٍ
أُعَرِّفُ مَن تَجاهَلَني مَكاني
29. O tender one, I have often deliberated,
On remaining still, though it is forbidden me.
٢٩. فَقَد شاوَرتُ يا رَعناءُ عَزمي
مِراراً في الخُمولِ وَقَد نَهاني
30. How can one whose father was my father,
Whose bygone Paradise was also mine, abide stillness?
٣٠. وَكَيفَ يَرى الخُمولَ فَتىً أَبُوهُ
أَبي وَجنانُهُ الماضي جَناني
31. I will journey a journey that leaves disgrace
As close as a stain on my cheek.
٣١. سَأَرحَلُ رِحلَةً تَذَرُ المَطايا
وَشارِفَها الخُدَيَّةَ كَالإِهانِ
32. Either I will live with glory and pride,
Vanquishing a challenger or assisting an ally.
٣٢. فَإِمّا أَن أَعيشَ مَصادَ عِزٍّ
لِمَجنِيٍّ عَلَيهِ أَو لِجانِ
33. Or I will die with no burden upon her,
Except those who feared or hoped in me.
٣٣. وَإِمّا أَن أَمُوتَ وَما عَلَيها
سِوى مَن خافَني أَو مَن رَجاني
34. For death with honor is better than a life,
Where one suffers utter humiliation.
٣٤. فَمَوتُ الحُرِّ خَيرٌ مِن حَياةٍ
يُقاسي عِندَها ذُلَّ الهَوانِ
35. Shall I languish between ungrateful proteges,
Who betray me, and unrefined upstarts?
٣٥. أَأَخلُد بَينَ خِبٍّ أُسحُوانٍ
يُماكِرُني وَجِلفٍ حِنظِيانِ
36. Shall I let the wolves of Bani Baih,
Defy me out of spite and devour what I defend?
٣٦. يُوَفَّرُ ما عَنى هَيُّ بنُ بَيٍّ
عِناداً لِي وَيُؤكَلُ ما عَناني
37. Do you think I would accept this, when my spirit,
Chafes under the constraints it imposes?
٣٧. تَرى أَنّي بِذا أَرضى وَعَزمي
يَضيقُ بِمُقتَضاهُ الخافِقانِ
38. While my home is beneath the Thurayya constellation,
With the neighborhoods of Suhay and Shi'ran closeby.
٣٨. وَبَيتي دُونَ مَحتدِهِ الثُرَيّا
وَجاراتُ السُهى وَالشِّعرَيانِ
39. My eloquence is unmatched by all tribes,
Daghfal, Dou Jannan or Al-A'shai can attest.
٣٩. وَلِي بِفَصاحَةِ الأَلفاظِ قُسٌّ
يُقِرُّ وَدَغفَلٌ وَالأَعشَيانِ
40. When the nobles quarrel, I plunge into the fray,
Neither passive, nor fleeing in cowardice.
٤٠. وَلَستُ إِذا تَشاجَرَتِ العَوالي
بِغمرٍ في اللِّقاءِ وَلا جَبانِ
41. Rather each day I am the impetuous hero,
Where the elite and nobility gather.
٤١. وَلَكِنّي حُدَيّا كُلِّ يَومٍ
تَلاقى عِندَهُ حَلَقُ البِطانِ
42. Brother of the generous, and wise in speech,
My lances pierce, my blade cuts sure.
٤٢. أَخُو الكَرَمِ العَتيدِ وَذُو المَقالِ الس
سدِيدِ وَمِدرَهُ الحَربِ العَوانِ
43. Had it not been for the sword, Quraish would not bow,
Or stand to make the call to prayer.
٤٣. وَلَولا السَيفُ ما سَجَدَت قُرَيشٌ
وَلا قامَت تُثَوِّبُ بِالأَذانِ
44. I have seen life fade hour by hour,
As days and moments slip away.
٤٤. رَأَيتُ العُمرَ بِالساعاتِ يَفنى
وَتُنفِدُهُ الثَوالِثُ وَالثَواني
45. Between "perhaps" and "if only" old age will come,
Bringing weakness, the cause of all sorrow.
٤٥. وَبَينَ عَسى وَعَلَّ وَسَوفَ يَأتي ال
حِمامُ وَآفَةُ العَجزِ التَواني
46. Alas the partings and separations!
Alas the unions and intimacies!
٤٦. فَآهِ مِن التَفَرُّقِ وَالتَنائِي
وَآهِ مِن التَجَمُّعِ وَالتَداني
47. But I saw that distance is best,
For reports can never match eyewitness.
٤٧. بَلى إِنّي رَأَيتُ البُعدَ أَولى
وَما الخَبَرُ المُطَوَّحُ كَالعِيانِ
48. If I do not rouse the foe at dawn,
They will awaken me with a painful dawn.
٤٨. فَصَبَّحَ سَرحِيَ الأَعداءُ إِن لَم
أُصبِّحها بِيَومٍ أَروَنانِ
49. And if I do not confront adversity,
I will be a guest of a snarling cur.
٤٩. وَضافَنيَ الرَّدى إِن بِتُّ ضَيفاً
لَدى كَلبٍ يَهِرُّ وَجَردبانِ
50. I am the son of those who camped in every land,
Skilled with spears and skilled with swords.
٥٠. أَنا اِبنُ النازِلينَ بِكُلِّ ثَغرٍ
كَفيلٍ بِالضِّرابِ وَبِالطِّعانِ
51. The clans of Rabi'ah wherever they are,
Fear me, for I came from fearsome clans.
٥١. نَماني مِن رَبيعَةَ كُلُّ قَرمٍ
هِجانٍ جاءَ مِن قَرمٍ هِجانِ
52. You know who my father is, and his light shone
Clear like the sun on a feast day.
٥٢. أَبي مَن قَد عَلِمتَ وَلَيسَ يَخفى
بِضاحي شَمسِ يَومٍ إِضحِيانِ
53. O ignorant one, ask the scholars about him,
For in war his fire raged bright.
٥٣. سَلِ العُلماءَ يا ذا الجَهلِ عَنهُ
وَنارُ الحَربِ ساطِعَةُ الدُخانِ
54. One morning his determination sufficed,
To defend the tribe with his potent support.
٥٤. غَداةَ كَفى العَشيرَةَ ما عَناها
بِعَزمَةِ ماجِدٍ كافٍ مُعانِ
55. Did not Fate find in him a heart,
More steadfast than mountains against afflictions?
٥٥. وَقَد كَثُرَ التَعازي في أُناسٍ
حِذارَ المَوتِ مِن بَعدِ التَهاني
56. On the eve of Aamir and the clan of Ali,
He stood like a dam holding back floods.
٥٦. فَعَمَّت تِلكُمُ النَعماءُ مِنهُ
نِزاريَّ الأُبُوَّةِ وَاليَماني
57. And my uncle who was selfless in battle,
Like one wrapped in a scarlet robe.
٥٧. وَيَومَ عَلا بِجَرعاءِ المُصَلّى
عَجاجٌ غابَ فيهِ المَسجِدانِ
58. My grandfather who safeguarded and protected,
Giving freely and withholding nothing.
٥٨. أَلم يَلقَ الرَدى مِنهُ بِقَلبٍ
عَلى الأَهوالِ أَثبتَ مِن أَبانِ
59. When he walked beneath the banners, he eclipsed
The majesty of Caesar and the Khusrau kings.
٥٩. عَشِيَّةَ عامِرٍ وَبَني عَلِيٍّ
كَدَفّاعِ السُيولِ مِن الرِّعانِ
60. In his hands the bracelets of kingship shine,
Adorning the wrists of the lion of oaks.
٦٠. وَعَمّي التارِكُ البَطَلَ المُفَدّى
كَمُشتَمِلٍ قَطيفَةَ أُرجُوانِ
61. I had a father no servant of idols could match,
Nor any slave of offerings.
٦١. وَجَدّي الحاسِرُ الحامي التَوالي
وَوَهّابُ السَوابِقِ وَالقِيانِ
62. We hold the knot of leadership over Ma'add,
By it, both nomad and settler defer to us.
٦٢. إِذا ما سارَ تَحتَ السِترِ أَنسى
جَلالَة قَيصَرٍ وَالهُرمُزانِ
63. We compel people by reason or by force,
With a judgment given without delay.
٦٣. وَفي يَدِهِ سِوارُ المُلكِ يُزهى
بِمعصمِ ماجِدٍ سَبطِ البَنانِ
64. From their pale skins we drew red blood,
With deep red from the veins of warriors.
٦٤. وَكَم لِيَ وَالِد لا عَبدُ شَمسٍ
يُدانِيهِ وَلا عَبدُ المَدَانِ
65. From their heads we took heads,
White as pearls from Hinduan.
٦٥. لَنا عَقدُ الرِياسَةِ في مَعَدٍّ
يُقِرُّ لَنا بِهِ قاصٍ وَدانِ
66. We laid open the courtyard of a tyrant's glory,
Not with twigs, but with sturdy spears.
٦٦. نَقُودُ الناسَ طَوعاً وَاِقتِسارَاً
بِرَأيٍ قَد أُدِيرَ بِلا اِعتِشانِ
67. People live well when we live well,
And survive when we provide safety.
٦٧. وَأَبيضَ قَد خَضَبنا البيضَ مِنهُ
بِأَحمرَ مِن دَمِ الأَوداجِ قانِ
68. If we perish, there is no hope for one hoping,
No aid for one requesting aid.
٦٨. وَرَأسٍ قَد عَقَقَنا الرَأسَ مِنهُ
بِأَبيضَ كَالعَقِيقَةِ هُندُوانِ
69. Can the warbling of a barren creek,
Comfort one whose livelihood is cut off?
٦٩. وَباحَةِ عِزِّ جَبّارٍ أَبَحنا
بِعَشّاتِ القَنا لا بِالعُشانِ
70. There is nothing like the sword, even if its blades
Rust and warp into staffs of rotten wood.
٧٠. تَعِيشُ الناسُ ما عِشنا بِخَيرٍ
وَتَحيا ما حَيِينا في أَمانِ
٧١. فَإِن نُفقَد فَلا أَمَلٌ لِراجٍ
يُؤمِّلُهُ وَلا عَونٌ لِعانِ
٧٢. وَهَل يُغني غَناءَ الماءِ آلٌ
يُرَيِّعُهُ الهَجيرُ بِصَحصَحانِ
٧٣. وَلا كَالسَيفِ لَو صَدِئَت وَفُلَّت
مَضارِبُهُ عَصاً مِن خَيزُرانِ