1. Wherever the flags of eyes can see her
Make way for the necks of mounts to show her
١. تَرى حَيثُ أَعلامُ العُيونِ تَراها
فَخَلّوا لِأَعناقِ المَطِيِّ بُراها
2. And do not rush her from alighting an hour
For parting and travel have reddened her cheeks
٢. وَلا تُعجِلُوها عَن إِناخَةِ ساعَةٍ
فَقَد شَفَّها تَهجِيرُها وَسُراها
3. And O you who lead her on from Zawi bin Malik
Let her stop to drink the water of al-Waqib
٣. وَيا حادِيَيها مِن زَوِيِّ بنِ مالِكٍ
ذَراها تَرِد ماءَ الوَقيبِ ذَراها
4. And do not pull her to the hills, be gentle with her
For pulling to the hills and tugging tires her
٤. وَلا تَجذِباها بِالبُرى وَاِرخِيا لَها
فَجَذبُ البُرى وَالإِنجِذابُ بَراها
5. She was not created with a nature for racing
Nor from the breed of frisky colts racing
٥. فَما خُلِقَت مِن طَبعِ حَيني خِفافُها
وَلا مِن ذُرى هُضبِ السَراةِ ذُراها
6. Do not deny her whimpering and yearning
For every love, she sighs and pines over
٦. وَلا تُنكِرا إِرزامَها وَحَنِينَها
فَكُلُّ هَوىً تَحنُو عَلَيهِ وَراها
7. I see you two heedless of the fatigue of travel
The fatigue that dims the eyes with kohl
٧. بِعَيني أَرى ماوَيكُما غافَةَ النَقا
نَقا العَينِ ذاتِ الرَملِ فَاِبتَدِراها
8. Perhaps stopping and lying down somewhere
Would soothe the eyes of the ardent lover
٨. لَعَلَّ مَقِيلاً تَحتَها وَاِضطِجاعَةً
تَرُدُّ عَلى عَينِ المَشُوقِ كَراها
9. Stay and linger near the abodes and remind
Of our nights in the palace and recall them to her
٩. وَبِيتا وَظلّا بِالدِيارِ وَذَكِّرا
لَيالِيَنا بِالقَصرِ وَاِذَّكِراها
10. For how many a night we spent there that if sold
One would pay half a lifetime's price to buy it
١٠. فَكَم لَيلَةٍ بِتنا بِها لَو يُباعُها
أَريبٌ بِشطرَي عُمرِهِ لَشَراها
11. My heart blames my two friends for infatuation
If they knew what was beyond they'd excuse her
١١. يَلُومُ قَلُوصِي صاحِبايَ عَلى الوَنى
وَلَو عَرَفا ما فَوقَها عَذَراها
12. She has carried a sea, a full moon and a meadow
Not all of that can match her burial mound
١٢. لَقَد حَمَلَت بَحراً وَبَدراً وَهَضبَةً
وَما كُلُّ ذا يَقوى عَلَيهِ قَراها
13. Do not blame her, she is the best company
For a soul when cares of life have stripped it bare
١٣. وَلا تَلحَياها إِنَّها خَيرُ عُدَّةٍ
لِنَفسٍ إِذا بَعضُ الهُمومِ عَراها
14. The sorrowful man plays with her when
City merchants are selling and buying her
١٤. بِها يَتَلَهّى ذُو الشُجُونِ إِذا لَهَت
تِجارُ القُرى في بَيعِها وَشِراها
15. Do not look at her, but look to the pregnant clouds
Waiting after this year, so wait for her
١٥. وَلا تَنظُراها وَاِنظُرَا طَودَ سُؤددٍ
عَلَيها وَبَعدَ العامِ فَاِنتَظِراها
16. She will come with what makes jealous ears joyful
And makes traits of men forgettable
١٦. سَتَأتي بِما يُشجي الحَسُودَ سَماعُهُ
وَيُنسي خصالاتِ الرِجالِ مِراها
17. If Sa'dan has denied her his meadows
Saying: I'm pleased with tasting it from afar
١٧. فَإِن مَنَعَت سَعدانُ رَوضَ بِلادِها
وَقِيلَ اِكتَفى مِن عَذبِها بِصَراها
18. While the barking of dogs disturbs her rest
Their howling causes harm to befall her
١٨. وَهَرَّت كِلابٌ دُونَها وَهَريرُها
أَثارَ عَلَيها بِالنِباحِ ضِراها
19. In shining Basra are waters and meadows
Beloved to it are its plants and seeds
١٩. فَبِالبَصرَةِ الفَيحاءِ ماءٌ وَرَوضَةٌ
حَبيبٌ إِلَيها نَبتُها وَثَراها
20. And a lion from Banu 'Ees who is a true 'Ees
Sees her with loving eyes whenever he sees her
٢٠. وَلَيثٌ مِنَ العِيصِ بنِ إِسحاقَ عِيصُهُ
يَراها بِعَينِ الوُدِّ حينَ يَراها
21. Happy to meet her caravan at his abode
That were she his drink he would melt to drink her
٢١. يُسَرُّ بِمَلقى رَحلِها عِندَ بابِهِ
فَلَو شَرِبَت ذَوبَ اللُجَينِ قَراها
22. They are ambitions who in every quarter have a hand
Evident in my misery and bounty its effect on her
٢٢. هُمامٌ تَرى في كُلِّ حَيٍّ لَهُ يَداً
بِبُؤسَى وَنُعمى بَيِّناً أَثَراها
23. A noble one who sees life as vanity and nonsense
The least thing to him is depriving her
٢٣. جَوادٌ يَرى الدُنيا مَتاعاً وَبُلغَةً
فَأَهوَنُ شَيءٍ عِندَهُ حَجَراها
24. Iraq acknowledges he's the best of its people
The sea of his gifts and lion in buying them
٢٤. تُقِرُّ العِراقُ أَنَّهُ خَيرُ أَهلِها
وَبَحرُ عَطاياها وَلَيثُ شَراها
25. The protector of those seeking refuge with him
The liberator of captives and shelter for victims
٢٥. وَعِصمَةُ جانِيها وَمَأوى طَريدِها
وَمُطلِقُ أَسراها وَكَهفُ ذُراها
26. The full moon of its glories and sun of its pride
The lamp of its gatherings and star of its secrets
٢٦. وَبَدرُ مَعاليها وَشَمسُ فَخارِها
وَمِصباحُ ناديها وَنَجمُ سُراها
27. The neighing of the steeds of lofty kings
The jewel in the crown of power of its princes
٢٧. وَمارِن عِرنينِ العُلا مِن مُلوكها
وَدُرَّةُ تاجِ العِزِّ مِن أُمَراها
28. When serving money sells its luck
Investing in lasting good deeds he buys it
٢٨. إِذا خَدَمُ الأَموالِ باعَت حُظُوظَها
مِنَ الباقياتِ الصالِحاتِ شَراها
29. And if an easy life is gifted one morning
There are cavils like auctioneer's bids after it
٢٩. وَإِن هِبتَ مَسرى لَيلَةٍ في صَباحِها
طِعانٌ كَتغطاطِ المَزادِ سُراها
30. Ask the formidable landscape and it will tell you
After trying, it knows her well and has tested her
٣٠. سَلوا عَن مَواضِيهِ مَنيعاً وَعَمَّهُ
فَقَد خَبَراها بَعدَما اِختَبَرَاها
31. Did it not rid the land of rebels with the sword?
They had unjustly inhabited and settled it
٣١. أَلَم يُخلِ أَرضَ السَيبِ بِالسَيفِ مِنهُما
وَكانا بِغَيرِ الحَقِّ قَد عَمَراها
32. Seeking to deviate the caliphate astray
What a sight opposing what they envisioned!
٣٢. أَرادا يَكِيدانِ الخِلافَةَ ضلَّةً
فَيا لَكِ رُؤيا ضِدَّ ما عَبَراها
33. Has the barking of dogs or howling of apes
Ever harmed the sun when it rose radiant?
٣٣. وَهَل ضَرَّ قَرنَ الشَمسِ عِندَ ذُرُورِها
عُواءُ كِلابٍ أَو نُباحُ جِراها
34. He rid them from a prosperous land with the sword
Had it no sheath, they'd not have flourished in it
٣٤. أَحَلَّهُما بِالسَيفِ في أَرضِ عامِرٍ
وَلَولا سِطامُ السَيفِ ما اِعتَمَراها
35. To Hijr he led the steeds in migration
Without their choice, he made them emigrate
٣٥. إِلى هَجَرٍ ساقا المَطايا بِهجرَةٍ
وَغَير اِختيارٍ مِنهُمُ اِهتَجَراها
36. I swear had he not disdained and scorned them
He'd not have attended to or transacted with them
٣٦. وَأُقسِمُ لَولا حَملُهُ وَاِحتِقارُهُ
لِشَأنِهما جِدّاً لَما حَضَراها
37. Beforehand, how much favor he'd shown
Gifts that gratitude falls short however thanked
٣٧. وَمِن قَبلُ كَم أَولاهُما مِن صَنيعَةٍ
وَنُعمى تَفُوتُ الشُكرَ لَو شَكَراها
38. By my life, if the enemy is audacious for an hour
His vileness is exposed and poetry was struck dumb
٣٨. لَعَمري لَقَد نالَ المعادي إِذا اِعتَدَت
بِساعَةِ سُوءٍ أَخرَسَت شُعَراها
39. His swords poured out their blood
And till judgment day his nakedness was exposed
٣٩. أَسالَ مَجاري سَيلِها مِن دِمائِها
وَأَوهى إِلى يَومِ المَعادِ عُراها
40. Indeed the caliph stripped him of his blade
If only heads were firm, he'd have lopped them
٤٠. لَقَد جَرَّدَت مِنهُ الخِلافَةُ صارِماً
لَوَ اِنَّ الرَواسي أَرؤُسٌ لَفَراها
41. I sleep in the desert lands secure and awaken
To me her ruins and villages are equal
٤١. أَنام بَني الأَسفارِ أَمناً فَأَصبَحَت
سَواءً عَلَيها قَفرُها وَقُراها
42. She travels to Ahvaz from Babylon's land
With only his swords as her brave guards
٤٢. تَسيرُ إِلى الأَهوازِ مِن أَرضِ بابِلٍ
وَلَيسَ سِوى أَسيافِهِ خُفَراها
43. She spends the night in the open, under the stars
As the son of Ghoura's eyes keep watch over her
٤٣. تَبِيتُ عَلى ظَهرِ الطَريقِ عِيابُها
وَعَينُ اِبنِ غَبراءِ السُحُوقِ تَراها
44. How often has she stripped the necks of her coats
At dawn, to face the cold without their cover!
٤٤. وَيا طالما قَد نزّعَت مِن رِقابِها
مَدارِعُها شَدَّ الضُحى وَفِراها
45. By my life, she revived for Muhammad's nation
Justice he enjoined on Omar to look after
٤٥. لَعَمري لَقَد أَحيا لِأُمَّةِ أَحمَدٍ
مِنَ العَدلِ ما أَوصى بِهِ عُمَراها
46. May she never lack it, as long as her stars shine
And her full moons journey in their mansions
٤٦. فَلا عَدِمَتهُ ما أَنارَت نُجُومُها
وَما سارَ في أَبراجِها قَمَراها
47. Nor may her enemies and time see in her
A weak and abased eye that they may look down on
٤٧. وَلا بَرِحَت أَعداؤُهُ وَزَمانُها
بِعَينِ القِلى وَالإِمتِهانِ يَراها