1. Shall I be silent about the Master of the worlds or blame him,
And neglect my promise with him or demand it?
١. أَأَسكُت عَن مَولى الوَرى أَم أُعاتِبُه
وَأُهمِلُ وَعدِي عِندَهُ أَم أُطالِبُهْ
2. Do I see myself with the slightest request humiliated by him
While his gifts have drowned those unlike me?
٢. أَراني بِأَدنى مَطلَبٍ هُنتُ عِندَهُ
وَقَد غَرَّقَت مَن لَيسَ مِثلي مَواهِبُهْ
3. Are you pleased with Abu Shukr with drawing a small cloud
For the likes of me while you are the sea with its plunging ships?
٣. أَترضى أَبا شُكرٍ بِسُحبِ غَمامَةٍ
لِمِثلي وَأَنتَ البَحرُ جاشَت غَوارِبُهْ
4. Is it for praise or the house or for chitchat
Exalted or for love from which its companion cannot be detached?
٤. أَلِلمدحِ أَم لِلبَيتِ أَم لِسوالِفٍ
عَلَت أَم لِوُدٍّ لَم يحُل عَنهُ صاحِبُهْ
5. For whom do you hoard, O Egyptian, O Son of Muhammad
While every generous one, by the sword you have defeated?
٥. لِمَن تَذخَرُ المصرِيَّ يا اِبنَ مُحمَّدٍ
وَكُلُّ جَوادٍ أَنتَ بِالسَّيفِ كاسِبُهْ
6. Do you fear the assault of poverty or seek satisfaction
With it from an enemy whom, if you wish, you could vanquish?
٦. أَتَخشى هُجومَ الفَقرِ أَم تَطلُبُ الرِّضا
بِهِ مِن عَدُوٍّ أَنتَ إِن شِئتَ غالبُهْ
7. So do not be miserly with me regarding what I deserve
For every precious thing, you must inevitably grant.
٧. فَلا تَبخَلَن عَنّي بِما أَنا أَهلُهُ
فَكُلُّ نَفيسٍ أَنتَ لا بُدَّ واهِبُهْ
8. So the finest of your clothes that I am wearing
And the best of your steeds that I am riding.
٨. فَأجمَلُ ثَوبَيكَ الَّذي أَنا لابِسٌ
وَخَيرُ جَواديكَ الَّذي أَنا راكبُهْ
9. And do not make the expensive one cheap, stop at its value,
And evaluate it with the most loyal, for the desirer was not tempted by it.
٩. وَلا تُرخِصِ الغالي وَقِف عِندَ قَدرِهِ
وَقَوِّمهُ بِالأَوفى فَما اِغتَرَّ جالِبُهْ
10. By your life, the wealth of the youth is nothing but what
His loved ones gained or his delegation or relatives.
١٠. لعَمرُكَ ما مالُ الفَتى غَيرُ ما اِقتَنَت
ذوو وُدِّهِ أَو وَفدُهُ أَو أَقارِبُهْ
11. Will you deprive me of what you give abundantly to a deceitful enemy
Whose tricks against me have persisted eternally?
١١. أَتَحرِمُني ما أَنتَ مُعطيهِ كاشِحاً
عَدُوّاً طوالَ الدَّهرِ تَسري عَقارِبُهْ
12. Had you been miserly, I would have excused you and not said a word
And concealed what I blame you for.
١٢. وَلَو كُنتَ ذا بخلٍ عَذرتُ وَلَم أَفه
بِحَرفٍ وَأَخفَيتُ الَّذي أَنا عاتِبُهْ
13. I would not have shown despair nor taken
A stance - my life has passed and I am confused.
١٣. وَلَم أُبدِ مِن نَفسي هلوعاً وَلَم أَقُم
مَقاماً مَضى عُمري وَإِنّي لَهائِبُهْ
14. But you are the sea, the more cloudy it became
The clearer it was for those arriving to drink.
١٤. وَلَكِنَّكَ البَحرُ الَّذي كُلَّما طَما
صَفا وَحَلَت لِلوارِدينَ مَشارِبُهْ
15. So O son of Kings, of hunting and the prominence which
Its shoulder of glorious elevation and its setting have.
١٥. فَيا اِبنَ المُلوكِ الصِّيدِ وَالذّروَةِ الَّتي
لَها كاهِلُ المَجدِ المُعَلّى وَغارِبُهْ
16. I implore you not to accept any deficiency of glorious deeds
The pillars of the house which are purely its earnings.
١٦. أُعيذُكَ أَن تَرضى بِنَقصٍ لِماجِدٍ
طَويلِ عِمادِ البَيتِ مَحض ضَرائِبُهْ
17. Your ancestors, the masters of glories, his ancestors
And your ancestor the Guided One, may he bless you, cultivated it.
١٧. جُدودُكَ أَربابُ المَعالي جُدودُه
وَقاضِبُكَ المُهدي لَكَ العِزَّ قاضِبُهْ
18. You roam night and day praising you
In every country, its horses and its ships.
١٨. تَروحُ وَتَغدو بِالثَّناءِ عَلَيكمُ
بِكُلِّ بِلادٍ خَيلُهُ وَنَجائِبُهْ
19. So how much estranged poetry have I composed in praising you
Exquisite, and the finest poetry most expensive in its intricacies.
١٩. فَكَم سارَ لي في مَدحِكُم مِن غَريبَةٍ
تَروقُ وَأَغلى الشِعرِ مَهراً غَرائِبُهْ
20. Without any obligation you granted me, or any hand
Stretching out to help me, yet the saying of a man is most false.
٢٠. بِلا مِنَّةٍ أَسدَيتُموها وَلا يَدٍ
إِليَّ وقَولُ المَرءِ أَسواهُ كاذِبُهْ
21. Yes, I have suffered tribulations in you
That would shake the resolute when the avenger grasped.
٢١. بَلى إِنَّني قاسَيتُ فيكُم مَصائِباً
تَهُدُّ القُوى إِذ أَدرَكَ الثَأرَ طالِبُهْ
22. Had it not been for passion towards you, I would not have suffered misery nor
Would shackles have chafed my legs by one I do not fight.
٢٢. وَلَولا هَواكُم ما شَقيتُ وَلا غَدا
يَصُكُّ بِرِجلي القَيدَ مَن لا أُشاغِبُهْ
23. Nor would enemies have seized my money nor would
He who has countless faults assail me.
٢٣. وَلا اِجتاحَتِ الأَعداءُ مالي وَلا اِنبَرى
يُطاوِلُني مَن لَيسَ تُحصى مَعائِبُهْ
24. Nor would the dogs of the son of Majid have barked at me
Aggressively, nor would his calamities have afflicted me.
٢٤. وَلا نَبَحَت شَخصي كلابُ اِبنِ ماجِدٍ
غِلاباً ولا بالَت عَلَيَّ ثَعالِبُهْ
25. The son of my uncle would have been a pillar and my compatriots
If genealogy one day matched its compatriots.
٢٥. وَكانَ اِبن عَمّي دُنيَةً وَمَناسِبي
إِذا نَصَّتِ الأَنسابُ يَوماً مَناسِبُهْ
26. So do not accept for me other than yourself, and know that I
Am jealous, and none like me can tolerate deviation.
٢٦. فَلا تَرضَ لي غَيراً واِعلَم أَنّني
غَيورٌ وَما ضاقَت بِمِثلي مَذاهِبُهْ
27. You are the only master left whom we intimately address
Regarding our needs and speak to.
٢٧. فَأَنتَ الَّذي لَم يَبقَ إِلّاهُ سَيِّدٌ
نُناجيهِ في حاجاتِنا وَنُخاطِبُهْ
28. As for others, I have refrained from standing openly at their doors
So let their doors be sealed by their guards.
٢٨. وَغَيرُكَ قَد عِفتُ الوُقوفَ بِبابِهِ
عَلانِيَةً فَليَرشمِ البابَ حاجِبُهْ
29. And I said to Isa: “Avoid every deathly spring
From hell that would quench the face and snout of its drinker.”
٢٩. وَقُلتُ لِعيسي نَكّبي كُلَّ مَورِدٍ
مِنَ الأَجنِ يَزوي الوَجهَ وَالأَنفَ شارِبُهْ
30. For if I forget in this life, there would be no food left
Nor drink unless I had the finest of it.
٣٠. فَإِن يُنسَ لي في العُمرِ لَم يَبقَ مَأكَلٌ
وَلا مَشرَبٌ إِلّا وَعِندي أَطايِبُهْ
31. I used to hope to have a day I prepare
For a master to boast to and a challenger to battle.
٣١. لَقَد كُنتُ أَرجو مِنكَ يَوماً أَعُدُّهُ
لِمَولىً أُباهِيهِ وَخَصمٍ أُحارِبُهْ
32. You are indeed the King who can deprive violence
Of its canal, but his generosity is the one depriving it.
٣٢. وَإِنَّكَ للَملكُ الَّذي تَسلُبُ العِدى
قَناهُ وَلَكِن جُودُهُ الغَمرُ سالِبُهْ
33. Through my praise, I am averse to any but you
Even if estrangement befalls me every day with its oddities.
٣٣. وَإِنّي بِمَدحي عَن سِواكَ لَراغِبٌ
وَلَو باكَرتني كُلَّ يَومٍ رَغائِبُهْ
34. If you spurn me, I have aplenty with me
Ships of the sea and land convoys.
٣٤. فَإِن تَجفُني فَالبَحرُ عِندي كَثيرَةٌ
مَراكِبُهُ وَالبَرُّ عِندي رَكائِبُهْ
35. Do not deny my reproach upon you, for it is
Beautiful, and the worst of people is he who cannot be blamed.
٣٥. وَلا تُنكرَن عتبي عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّهُ
جَميلٌ وَشَرُّ النّاسِ مَن لا تُعاتِبُهْ
36. I blame those I passionately love according to my devotion
And I have no devotion to those I do not blame.
٣٦. أُعاتِبُ مَن أَهوى عَلى قَدرِ وُدِّهِ
وَلا وُدَّ عِندي لِلَّذي لا أُعاتِبُهْ
37. And I treat the noble sons courteously
A generous man, if you blame him, would be pliant.
٣٧. وَأَكرَمُ أَبناءِ المُلوكِ سجِيَّةً
كَريمٌ مَتى عاتَبتَهُ لانَ جانِبُهْ
38. You have remained and been given good fortune whenever
A pigeon has cooed and stars shone at night.
٣٨. بَقيتَ وَأُعطيتَ السَّعادَةَ ما شَدا
حَمامٌ وَما لاحَت بِلَيلٍ كَواكِبُهْ