
The youth longed, pining for his home,

صبا شوقاً فحن إلى الديار

1. The youth longed, pining for his home,
And passion wrested dignity's robe.

١. صَبا شَوقاً فَحَنَّ إِلى الدِيارِ
وَنازَعَهُ الهَوى ثَوبَ الوَقارِ

2. Love sang to him in the warbling leaves
Of branches, in their tender prime.

٢. وَهاجَ لَهُ الغَرامَ غِناءُ وُرقٍ
هَواتِفُ في غُصونٍ مِن نُضارِ

3. At dawn, suddenly it left my heart,
Though staunch as rock, cleft and forlorn.

٣. صَدَحنَ غُدَيَّةً فَتَرَكنَ قَلبي
وَكانَ الطَود كَالشَيءِ الضِمارِ

4. Gently, dove, your soft lament prolong,
Yearning so long absence to mourn!

٤. رُوَيداً يا حمامُ بِمُستَهامٍ
مَشُوقٍ مَنَّهُ طولُ السفارِ

5. Longing saw the flask of wine sincere -
It left him with a sundered heart.

٥. بَراهُ الشَوقُ بَري القِدحِ جِدّاً
فَغادَرَهُ بِقَلبٍ مُستَطارِ

6. Strange that you show fear of parting, yet
No horses of departing neigh and start!

٦. فَوا عَجَباً لَكُنَّ تَنُحنَ خَوفَ ال
فراق وَما بَدَت خَيلُ المِعارِ

7. No staff of stranger sounds on you its thud,
No tent-peg's blow your hearts dismays.

٧. وَلَم تُصدَع لَكُنَّ عَصاً بِبَينٍ
وَلَم تَعبَث لَكُنَّ نَوىً بِعارِ

8. You tender beauties lodge where the caliph's crown
Shines, not among the waste's ways.

٨. وَأَنتُنَّ النَواعِمُ بَينَ بانٍ
وَخَيريٍّ يَرِفُّ وَجُلَّنارِ

9. How would you bear exile's sorrows with me,
My fiery passion and plaintive cries!

٩. وَبَينَ بَنَفسَجٍ يَزدادُ حُسناً
كَلَونِ القَرصِ في وُجنِ الجَواري

10. Babbling, not from madness, but with fruits you greet
Tigris, gifts of early harvests' prize.

١٠. تَرِدنَ نمِيرَ دِجلَةَ لا لِغَبٍّ
بِطاناً مِن بَواكيرِ الثِمارِ

11. By your tents, not where the common travel,
Kinsmen find you, glorious, bright of face.

١١. لَدى أَوكارِكُنَّ بِحَيثُ تاجُ ال
خَليفَةِ لا بِأَجوازِ البَراري

12. Amid violets whose charm still grows
Like the cheek-mole on houri's grace.

١٢. فَكَيفَ بِكُنَّ لَو نِيطَت شُجوني
بِكُنَّ وَنارُ وَجدي واِدِّكاري

13. Short my life - the viper's sting is slight
To pierce ambition's mail and breastplate strong.

١٣. مُنيتُ مِنَ الزَمانِ بِعَنقَفيرٍ
قَليلٌ عِندَها حَزُّ الشِفارِ

14. Lost friends and fortune, kinsmen's slights,
A neighbor's wrongs - have I not suffered long?

١٤. فِرَاقُ أَحِبَّةٍ وَذَهابُ مالٍ
وَضَيمُ أَقارِبٍ وَأَذاةُ جارِ

15. No, by God! None knows a passion like mine,
None such patience as I have shown!

١٥. فَلا وَاللَهِ ما وَجدٌ كَوَجدي
وَلا عُرِفَ اِصطِبارٌ كَاِصطِباري

16. A blamer - my journey made her weep,
Downpouring tears like heavy monsoon.

١٦. وَلائِمَةٍ وَأَحزَنَها مَسيري
وَقَد شَرِقَت بِأَدمُعِها الغِزارِ

17. She saw my camel gear and said, while sadly
I turned from her desire and trod away:

١٧. تَقولُ وَقَد رَأَت عِيسي وَرَحلي
وَصَدّي عَن هَواها وَاِزوِراري

18. "Why do you brave alone the perils of the wastes,
The seas' wild surges or the desert fray?

١٨. عَلى مَ تَجشَّمُ الأَهوالَ فَرداً
بُغبِرِ البِيدِ أَو لُجَجِ البِحارِ

19. Do you seek wealth or glory in this quest?
Longing drives you home, or are you astray?

١٩. أَمالاً ما تُحاوِلُ أَم عُلُوّاً
هُديتَ أَمِ اِجتِواءً لِلدِيارِ

20. Will you accept mere milk from pasturing camels,
Not rich cream, though you merit cream today?

٢٠. أَتَقنَعُ بِالعَلاةِ مِنَ العَلالي
بَديلاً وَالمُثارِ مِن الوِثارِ

21. I said: "Let me be! It fits not noble souls
To rest content in lands of disgrace and shame."

٢١. فَقُلتُ لَها غِشاشاً وَالمَطايا
إِلى التَجليحِ حاضِرَةُ الحَضارِ

22. The tamarisk's shade is honor in adversity,
Not like the cloak-tree's shade, and those of fame.

٢٢. ذَريني لا أَبا لَكِ كَيفَ يَرضى
بِدارِ الهُونِ ذُو الحَسَبِ النُضارِ

23. How long shall I put off with empty dreams,
While brief lives vanish, like mirages fade!

٢٣. فَظِلُّ السِدرِ عِندَ الذُلِّ أَولى
بِأَهلِ المَجدِ مِن ظِلِّ السِدارِ

24. Yet Death claims all; each must remain
In some spot, though it be with grief and pain.

٢٤. فَكَم أُفني عَلى التَسويفِ عُمراً
أَتى في إِثرِ أَعمارٍ قِصارِ

25. Would that I dwelt among honored tribes,
Valiant, sublime, protecting those in need!

٢٥. وَحتّامَ الخُلودُ إِلى مَكانٍ
عَلى مَضَضٍ بِهِ أَبَداً أُداري

26. I offered excuses, calmed myself, sought wisdom, dignity -
Yet I long to be where the best are freed!

٢٦. وَلَو أَنّي أُداري قِرمَ قَومٍ
كَريمَ المُنتَهى حامي الذِمارِ

27. My sleepless eyes shun the paths to glory,
Though I see the great deeds, and call men to aspire.

٢٧. عُذِرتُ وَقُلتُ لِلنَّفسِ اِطمَئِنّي
وَمِلتُ إِلى التَحَلُّمِ وَالوَقارِ

28. For a feeble motive links me to my people -
No noble cause, nor battle to admire!

٢٨. وَلَكِنّي أُداري كُلَّ قَرٍّ
يُجَلُّ إِذا يُعَدُّ مِنَ القَرارِ

29. So I live like a frightened lizard, craven,
Not with a warrior's courage and desire.

٢٩. كَليلِ الطَرفِ عَن سُبُلِ المَعالي
بَصيرٍ بِالمَآثِرِ وَالإثارِ

30. Oh worst of eras! May you reap the worst reward!
And lose the noblest souls of valor rare!

٣٠. تَعَلَّقَ مِن عُرى قَومي بِسَبٍّ
ضَعيفٍ لَيسَ بِالسَبَبِ المُغارِ

31. May every man of ancient lineage grieve,
And your gall-bladders burst, and lay you bare!

٣١. فَأَصبَحَ كالحُبارى مُقذَحِرّاً
بِحِذرِيَةٍ لَهُ لا كَالحِذارِ

32. You tax me, though before I reached my prime,
And pure wine could be pressed from my youth so green.

٣٢. فَيا شَرَّ الدُهورِ جُزيتَ شَرَّ ال
جَزاءِ وَذُقتَ فُقدانَ الشّرارِ

33. If I complain, it is not as others do -
From me, only the sweetest juice is seen.

٣٣. لترأَمَ كُلَّ ذي شَرَفٍ قَديمٍ
وَتَذرُوا ما بِرَأسِكَ مِن ذِرارِ

34. Tell those who mock: "Openly we scorn you!
Glory is not attained by secret means.

٣٤. فَقَد كَلَّفتَني خُطَطاً أَشابَت
قَذالى قَبلَ خَطٍّ في عِذاري

35. Leave off your envy, make your own way up -
Great heights are not attained by what unseen."

٣٥. وَلَو أَجرضتُ مِنكَ بِغَيرِ ريقي
لَكانَ بِأَعذَبِ الماءِ اِعتِصاري

36. Despite you I have gained my wish, resolved,
Never content to rest, but roam afar.

٣٦. فَقُل لِلشّامِتينَ بِنا عِلاناً
هَنيئاً بِالمَهانَةِ وَالصَغارِ

37. Into the night my sleepless eyes I raise,
Seeing the feats on glory's battlefield.

٣٧. مَكانَكُمُ فَسِخّوا فَالمَعالي
صِعابٌ لَيسَ تُدرَكُ بِالسِّرارِ

38. Some feeble thread links me to my tribe,
No noble bond, or cause that I hold dear.

٣٨. فَقَد نِلتُ المُنى غَضّاً بِجِدٍّ
وَعَزمٍ لا يَقِرُّ عَلى قَرارِ