1. In the name of the spearheads and the sharp swords
The building of glories and acquiring of virtues
١. بِسُمرِ القَنا وَالمُرهَفاتِ الصَوارِمِ
بِناءُ المَعالي وَاِقتِناءُ المَكارِمِ
2. And in the onslaughts of horses their chests bleed
A cure for the ailments of wavering hearts
٢. وَفي صَهَواتِ الخَيلِ تَدمى نُحُورها
شِفاءٌ لِأَدواءِ القُلوبِ الحَوائِمِ
3. No work prospers unless it begins with "In the name of God"
So shame to the curly hair and calloused hands of singers
٣. وَلَيسَ بِبِسمِ اللَهِ قُدّامَ بلغَةٍ
فَخارٌ لِجَعدِ الكَفِّ جَعدِ المَلاغِمِ
4. Glory is but piercing, striking, and calling to arms
Rejecting disgrace and seeking forgiveness for sins
٤. وَما الفَخرُ إلّا الطَعنُ وَالضَربُ وَالنَدى
وَرَفضُ الدَنايا وَاِغتِفارُ الجَرائِمِ
5. Armies moving against armies seem like
The heat of Hejaz or the seas of high waves
٥. وَلَفُّ السَرايا بِالسَرايا تَخالُها
حِرارَ الحِجازِ أَو بِحارَ اللَواطِمِ
6. Youth jumped into them headlong to death
Seeing living in disgrace as harsh as fetters
٦. تَقَحَّمَها قُدماً إِلى المَوتِ فِتيَةٌ
تَرى عِيشَةً في الذُلِّ حَزَّ الغَلاصِمِ
7. O my friend, son of Amr ibn Ghanam ibn Taghlib
Leave me be, for I rush to the heights tirelessly
٧. خَلِيلَيَّ مِن عَمرِو بنِ غَنمِ بنِ تَغلِبٍ
ذَراني فَإِنّي لِلعُلا جِدُّ هائِمِ
8. Wine to me is but sin of the tavern
And dice to me are but eggs of defeated cowards
٨. وَما السُمرُ عِندي غَيرُ خَطِّيَّةِ القَنا
وَما البيضُ عِندي غَيرُ بِيضِ اللَهازِمِ
9. Do not mention blond hair unless it is bloody
Or listen to a singer unless his voice is stern
٩. وَلا تَذكُرَا الصَهباءَ ما لَم تَكُن دَماً
وَلا مُسمِعاً ما لَم يَكُن صَوتَ صارِمِ
10. I love drinking in the shade of a domed house
Their gatherings in it have brave warriors' backs
١٠. فَإِنّي أُحِبُّ الشُربَ في ظِلِّ قَسطَلٍ
مَجالِسُهُم فيهِ ظُهورُ الصُلادِمِ
11. I yearn to embrace the armored and curl up
Around the delicate waists of tender gazelles
١١. وَأَهوى اِعتِناقَ الدارِعينَ وَأَجتَوي
عِناقَ بُنَيّاتِ الخُدورِ النَواعِمِ
12. Whoever seeks glory unsheathes his sword
And battles the sea of adversity fearlessly
١٢. وَمَن طَلَبَ العَلياءَ جَرَّدَ سَيفَهُ
وَخاضَ بِهِ بَحرَ الرَدى غَيرَ وَاجِمِ
13. Thus Quraysh and Wail gained superiority over people
Only by committing the greatest atrocities
١٣. فَما عُظِّمَت قِدماً قُرَيشٌ وَوائِلٌ
عَلى الناسِ إِلّا بِاِرتِكابِ العَظائِمِ
14. Whoever does not risk himself in each ambiguity
Lives in disgrace, living the life of beasts
١٤. وَمَن لَم يَلِج بِالنَفسِ في كُلِّ مُبهَمٍ
يَعِش عَرَضاً لِلذُلِّ عَيشَ البَهائِمِ
15. Whoever's fatality does not drive him to malice
Failure and disgrace drive themselves to him
١٥. وَمَن لَم يَقُدها ضامِراتٍ إِلى العِدى
تُقَد نَحوَهُ عُوجُ البُرى وَالشكائِمِ
16. Evildoers obey only a tyrant
With the might of vicious lions among them
١٦. فَما اِنقادَتِ الأَشرارُ إِلّا لِغاشِمٍ
لَهُ فيهِمُ فَتكُ الأُسُودِ الضَراغِمِ
17. Whoever wants to subjugate people, let him tilt
Spearheads at them without mercy
١٧. فَمَن رامَ أَن يَستَعبِدَ الناسَ فَليَمِل
عَلَيهِم بِأَطرافِ القَنا غَيرَ راحِمِ
18. So many with a peaceful tongue yet
Under the breastplate lies a belligerent heart
١٨. فَأَكثَرُ مَن تَلقى لِسانُ مُسالِمٍ
وَتَحتَ جَآجي الصَدرِ قَلبُ مُصادِمِ
19. His words are like bees' honey, sweet yet
More harmful than saliva of scorpions
١٩. كَلامٌ كَأَريِ النَحلِ حُلوٌ وَإِنَّهُ
لَأَخبَثُ غِبّاً مِن لُعابِ الأَراقِمِ
20. So you who seek lofty goals, that is not attained
By boasting and taking honorific nicknames
٢٠. فَيا خاطِبَ العَلياءِ لَيسَ مَنالُها
بِرَفعِ الغَواشي وَاِتِّخاذِ التَراجِمِ
21. Stop mentioning them, for some dowries are
Death and bearing losses and huge debts
٢١. فَدَع عَنكَ ذِكراها فَبَعضُ صَداقِها
وَرُودُ المَنايا وَاِحتِمالُ المَغارِمِ
22. Do not extend a hand to them and leave them
The most beautiful is sold by one regretful
٢٢. وَلا تَبسُطَن كَفّاً إِلَيها وَخَلِّها
لِأَروَعَ يُغلي مَهرَها غَيرَ نادِمِ
23. And beware the sword of Badr al-Din and fear it
For it is fiercer than a charging ravenous lion
٢٣. وَخَف سَيفَ بَدرِ الدِينِ وَاِحذَر فَإِنَّهُ
لَأَغيَرُ مِن لَيثٍ جَرِيِّ المَقادِمِ
24. None can match him, so if you are
Able, give the blow that never misses
٢٤. فَلَيسَ لَها كُفؤٌ سِواهُ فَإِن تَكُن
يَسارَ الغَواني تُخصَ ضَربَةَ لازِمِ
25. Lo, Badr al-Din's nature disdains
A peer, and in his Indian blade lies great merit
٢٥. أَلا إِنَّ بَدرَ الدّينِ تَأبى طِباعُهُ
نَظيراً وَفي هِندِيِّهِ فَضلُ قائِمِ
26. He is the exalted king, reaching every goal
Whose summits cannot be climbed with ladders
٢٦. هُوَ المَلِكُ السَامي إِلى كُلِّ غايَةٍ
مَراهِصُها لا تُرتَقى بِالسَلالِمِ
27. When resolved, he executes his will with regiments
The careless king's sanctuary, meeting no safety
٢٧. إِذا هَمَّ أَمضى عَزمَهُ بِكَتائِبٍ
حِمى المَلِكِ المُردى بِها غَيرُ سالِمِ
28. Kings swayed to glory so he cleared
The turbid water of the meandering stream
٢٨. جَرى وَجَرَت كُلُّ المُلوكِ إِلى العُلى
فَجَلّى جَلاءَ الأَعوَجِيِّ المُتائِمِ
29. A steed, when the breeding seasons have passed
And no foals remain among the late comers
٢٩. جَوادٌ إِذا ما الخُورُ عامَت فِصالُها
وَلَم يَبقَ في أَخلافِها فُطرُ صائِمِ
30. Is gladdened to see visitors at his door
Like a father glad for a son's safe return from war
٣٠. يُسَرُّ بِمَرأى النازِلينَ بِبابِهِ
سُرورَ أَبٍ بِاِبنٍ مِن الغَزوِ قادِمِ
31. He is the sea, for if the sea contended with his surge
It would gain mastery over its clashing tide
٣١. هُوَ البَحرُ إِذ لَو زاحَمَ البَحرُ مَدَّهُ
لَأَربى عَلَى تَيّارِهِ المُتَلاطِمِ
32. He is the sword, for if the sword had his resolve
It would cleave through targets and skulls before collision
٣٢. هُوَ السَيفُ بَل لَو أَنَّ لِلسَيفِ عَزمَهُ
لَشَقَّ الطُلا وَالهامَ قَبلَ التَصادُمِ
33. He is the sun, but if his brilliance faced the sun
It would not shine save as a ring's stone
٣٣. هُوَ الشَمسُ بَل لَو قابَلَ الشَمسَ بشرُهُ
لَما اِستوضحَت إِلّا كَحَلقَةِ خاتِمِ
34. He rose supreme in glory, asceticism, piety
Chastity, and pardoning like Qais ibn Aasim
٣٤. عَلا في النَدى أَوساً وَفي الزُهدِ وَالتُقى
أُوَيساً وَفي الإِغضاءِ قَيسَ بنَ عاصِمِ
35. He gave his subjects justice like Kisra's and ruled them
With the wisdom of the insightful Maimun the Resolute
٣٥. وَأَولى الرَعايا عَدلَ كِسرى وَساسَها
سِياسَةَ مَيمُونِ النَقيبَةِ حازِمِ
36. His good subjects live prosperously among themselves
Unlike so many in the heat of unbearable deserts
٣٦. تَهادى رَعاياهُ اللَطيمَةَ بَينَها
وَكَم مِثلها في مِثلِ حَرِّ الأَطايِمِ
37. He who is under his protection sleeps blissfully
Even if far from home, piled with countless coins
٣٧. وَيُمسي قَريرَ العَينِ مَن في جَنابِهِ
وَإِن كانَ نَائي الدارِ جَمَّ الدَراهِمِ
38. When he gives generously, none recall the open-handedness of Hatim
Or the munificence of Jafar and Fadl
٣٨. إِذا جادَ لَم يُذكَر لِفَضلٍ وَجَعفَرٍ
سَماحٌ وَلَم يُحفَل بِكَعبٍ وَحاتِمِ
39. If he rides forth none remember the galloping of Suhban of Wail
And Oqis, though mouths spoke of them in seasons of war
٣٩. وَإِن قالَ أَلغى الناسُ سَحبانَ وائِلٍ
وُقسّاً وَما فاها بِهِ في المَواسِمِ
40. If he attacks none recall Harith and Muhallahil
Or Amr, Bistam, and Harith ibn Thalim
٤٠. وَإِن صالَ أَنسى حارِساً وَمُهَلهِلاً
وَعَمراً وَبسطاماً وَحار بنَ ظالِمِ
41. Ask the horses about him, and the brave warriors as if
They are fire brands over a wave of flames
٤١. سَلِ الخَيلَ عَنهُ وَالكُماةُ كَأَنَّها
قِيامٌ عَلى مَوجٍ مِنَ النارِ جاحِمِ
42. Did they not speed straight as arrows and sharp swords
With skulls and bones crushed in violent combat?
٤٢. أَلَم يَكُ أَمضاها جَناناً وَصارِماً
وَلِلبيضِ وَقعٌ في الطُلا وَالجَماجِمِ
43. How many lovely black tresses became
Sandals on the hooves of his steeds in battle!
٤٣. وَكَم هامَةٍ حَسناءَ راحَت جِباهُها
نِعالاً لِأَيدي خَيلِهِ في المَلاحِمِ
44. By his arm Islam rose in every land
Leaning on a pillar of its lofty pillars
٤٤. لَقَد أَصبَحَ الإِسلامُ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
يَنُوءُ بِرُكنٍ مِنهُ عَبلِ الدَعائِمِ
45. He established legions for it on every frontier
Subjugating the insolence of the transgressors
٤٥. أَقامَ لَهُ في كُلِّ ثَغرٍ كَتائِباً
يُقيمُ اِصعِرارَ الأَبلَجِ المُتَضاخِمِ
46. The best Caliph summoned him to champion religion
And he kept being called to glorious deeds
٤٦. دَعاهُ لِنَصرِ الدِّينِ خَيرُ خَليفَةٍ
وَما زالَ يُدعى لِلأُمورِ العَظائِمِ
47. He obeyed the Imam dutifully, and for him
That alone is a source of pride among Arabs and non-Arabs
٤٧. فَلَبّى مُطيعاً لِلإِمامِ وَحَسبُهُ
بِذا مَفخَراً في عُربِها وَالأَعاجِمِ
48. He led against the Franks an army magnificent
In number, whose courage was inexhaustible
٤٨. فَقادَ إِلى الإِفرَنجِ جَيشاً زُهاؤُهُ
عَديدُ الحَصا ذا أَزمَلٍ وَزَمازِمِ
49. And an army that hid the sun with the flash of its blades
Against the Turks when they came to desecrate sanctuaries
٤٩. وَجَيشاً يُواري الشَمسَ رَيعانُ نَقعِهِ
إِلى التُركِ إِذ جاؤُوا لِهَتكِ المَحارِمِ
50. Whenever the treacherous Tatars tasted his presence
They wished they were but blood amidst evil omens
٥٠. إِذا التَترُ الباغُونَ ذاقُوا لِقاءَهُ
تَمَنّوا بِأَن كانُوا دَماً في المَشائِمِ
51. Armies like the Flood, with no escape
By sand dune or mountain pass protecting from them
٥١. جُيوشٌ هِيَ الطُوفانُ لا رَملُ عالِجٍ
وَلا جَبَلُ الأَمرارِ مِنها بِعاصِمِ
52. Accustomed to victory from God, they never marched
To an impregnable fortress but returned with spoils
٥٢. مُعَوَّدَةٌ نَصرَ الإِلَهِ فَما غَزَت
مَنيعَ حِمىً إِلّا اِنثَنَت بِالغَنائِمِ
53. When the abodes of virtue called they roared
To the terror of enemies, who then fled defeated
٥٣. إِذا ما دَعَت يابا الفَضائِلِ أَرعَدَت
فَرِيصَ الأَعادي فَاِتَّقَت بِالهَزائِمِ
54. The Franks and Turks will remain in fear of him
As if their shame were the very backbones of serpents
٥٤. سَتَبقى بِهِ الإِفرِنجُ وَالتُركُ ما بَقَت
كَأَنَّ حَشاياها ظُهُورَ الشَياهِمِ
55. His squadrons turn them over constantly in dread
They almost slipped away among those resolute hands
٥٥. تُقَلِّبُها جَنباً فَجَنباً مَخافَةٌ
ثَوَت فَاِستَقَرَّت بَينَ تِلكَ الحَيازِمِ
56. But if they dared, fate's arrows guided to them
His horsemen who pierce with spears leaving no survivors
٥٦. فَإِن هَوَّمَت أَهدَت لَها سِنَةُ الكَرى
سَراياهُ تُردي بِالقَنا وَالصَوارِمِ
57. Harassing them as if they were touched
By afflictions no talismans could prevent
٥٧. فَتُزعِجُها حَتّى كَأن قَد أَصابَها
مِنَ المَسِّ ما لا يُتَّقى بِالتَمائِمِ
58. Their sleep gives them no rest from him
When all other cares are held back from the sleeping
٥٨. فَلَيسَ لَها في نَومِها مِنهُ راحَةٌ
إِذا النَومُ أَسرى الهَمَّ عَن كُلِّ نائِمِ
59. To you, abode of virtues, hopes have turned
Despite remoteness, by souls of noble ambition
٥٩. إِلَيكَ طَوَت يابا الفَضائِلِ وَاِمتَطَت
بِيَ البُعدَ هِمّاتُ النُفوسِ الكَرائِمِ
60. How many layered coats of mail your sword has severed
Through layered mail of those whose resolve was unwavering!
٦٠. فَكَم مَتن ساجٍ تَحتَ ساجٍ قَطَعتهُ
عَلى ظَهرِ ساجٍ غَيرَ وَاهي العَزائِمِ
61. How many coats have been pierced, killing wild beasts
With a blazing resolve against terrors, undaunted!
٦١. وَكَم جُبتُ مِن خَرقا تَمُوتُ بِها الظِبا
بِعَزمَةٍ مَضّاءٍ عَلى الهَولِ حازِمِ
62. I once had lawful wealth and riches
That multiplied my generosity and expected virtues
٦٢. وَقَد كُنتُ ذا مالٍ حَلالٍ وَثَروَةٍ
يُضاعَفُ إِكرامي وَتُرجى مَكارِمي
63. But he inclined against my money, status, and wealth
And listened to the fabrication of blames
٦٣. فَمالَ عَلَى مالي وَحالي وَثَروَتي
وَجاهي وَأَصغى لِاِختِلاقِ النَمائِمِ
64. I remained suffering prison in the pit of a abyss
My hearing and songs the howls of hyenas
٦٤. وَظَلتُ أُعاني السِجنَ في قَعرِ هُوَّةٍ
سَماعي وَأَلحاني غِناءُ الأَداهِمِ
65. And here I am, having packed to seek refuge
In your blessings, from the hands of aggressive foes
٦٥. وَها أَنا قَد أَلقَيتُ رَحليَ عائِذاً
بِنعماكَ مِن أَيدي الخُطوبِ الغَواشِمِ
66. I left behind in Bahrain my family and home
Hoping your accumulating bounty will enrich me
٦٦. وَخَلَّفتُ بِالبَحرَينِ أَهلي وَمَنزِلي
رَجاءَ الغِنى مِن سَيبِكَ المُتراكِمِ
67. My long stay here wearies and worries me
And draws the basest criticism from my peers
٦٧. وَطُولُ مُقامي مُتعِبٌ لِي وَجالِبٌ
عَلَيَّ مِنَ الأَدنى أَحَرَّ المَلاوِمِ
68. Blessed are you, whose smallest gift
Outdoes the ample seas' torrents in generosity
٦٨. فَبُورِكتَ مِن مَلكٍ أَقَلُّ هِباتِهِ
تُبِرُّ عَلى فَيضِ البِحارِ الخَضارِمِ
69. And may you live eternally, helping the oppressed
And subjugating the oppressor, surviving all eras!
٦٩. وَعِشتَ عَلى مَرِّ اللَيالي مُخَلَّداً
لِنُصرَةِ مَظلُومٍ وَإِرغامِ ظالِمِ