
Take down the saddles, for the journey has worn them out,

حطوا الرحال فقد أودى بها الرحل

1. Take down the saddles, for the journey has worn them out,
Neither horses nor camels have been assigned this travel.

١. حُطُّوا الرِحالَ فَقَد أَودى بِها الرَحلُ
ما كُلِّفَت سَيرَها خَيلٌ وَلا إِبلُ

2. You have reached the ultimate goal, so you have enough,
This one whose highness is proverbial.

٢. بَلَغتُمُ الغايَةَ القُصوى فَحَسبُكُمُ
هَذا الَّذي بِعُلاهُ يُضرَبُ المَثَلُ

3. This is the king, the full moon Al-Malik al-Muzaffar, the best young man,
In whom the aspirations of the hopeful were fulfilled.

٣. هَذا هُوَ المَلكُ بَدرُ الدِينِ خَيرُ فَتىً
بِهِ تَعَلَّقَ لِلرّاجي الغِنى أَمَلُ

4. This one who if his open-handedness contends with
The outpouring of the seas, they would not retain a single drop.

٤. هَذا الَّذي لَو يُباري فَيضَ راحَتِهِ
فَيضُ البِحارِ لما أَضحى لَها بَلَلُ

5. This one who if the ferocity of the forest lion meets his support,
It would not settle down except where the thorns and salty bushes grow.

٥. هَذا الَّذي لَو لِلَيثِ الغابِ نَجدَتُهُ
ما حَلَّ إِلّا بِحَيثُ الشِيحُ وَالنَفَلُ

6. This one who people know by his munificence and valor,
And by his piety everyone who wears robes and slippers.

٦. هَذا الَّذي بِالنَدى وَالبَأسِ يَعرِفُهُ
وَبِالتُقى كُلُّ مَن يَحفى وَيَنتَعِلُ

7. This resolute one whose utmost requests
Have no bounds and his slightest concerns are the planets.

٧. هَذا الهُمامُ الَّذي أَقصى مَطالِبِهِ
ما لا يُحدُّ وَأَدنى هَمِّهِ زُحَلُ

8. All people altogether are this one, and no wonder,
The most virtuous of all creation is one man.

٨. الناسُ كُلُّهُمُ هَذا وَلا عَجَبٌ
الخَلقُ أَفضَلُ مِنهُم كُلِّهِم رَجُلُ

9. God is the Greatest! Time came apologizing
To me, asking me for pardon and imploring.

٩. اللَهُ أَكبَرُ جاءَ الدَهرُ مُعتَذِراً
إِلَيَّ يَسأَلُني العُتبى وَيَبتَهِلُ

10. And how often before has it wronged me and burdened me
With what does not concern me, neither she-camel nor stallion.

١٠. وَقَبلُ كَم سامَني خَسفاً وَألزَمَني
ما لَيسَ لِي ناقَةٌ فيه وَلا جَمَلُ

11. Alas, O Time, if only your excuse was appropriate
And the rough terrain and mountains did not disappear from my eyes.

١١. فَآهِ يا دَهرُ هَلّا كانَ عُذرُكَ ذا
وَلَم يَغِب عَن عَياني الجشُّ وَالجَبَلُ

12. Gratitude for this is due to the Master, not falsely,
Every obedient servant of whom complies with His command.

١٢. الشُكرُ في ذا لِمولىً أَنتَ لا كَذِباً
عَبدٌ لَهُ كُلُّ مَن يَهواهُ يَمتَثِلُ

13. And every king on the face of the earth
Is subservient to his glorious purpose.

١٣. وَكُلُّ مَن فَوقَ ظَهرِ الأَرضِ مِن مَلِكٍ
وَسَوقَةٍ فَلِسامي مَجدِهِ خَوَلُ

14. The foremost of all people in every respect
Is the one who is titled so, let the contention cease.

١٤. أَبو الفَضائِلِ أَولى الناسِ كُلِّهِمُ
بِما يُكَنّى بِهِ فَليُترَكِ الجَدَلُ

15. Horses on the day of battle know his assault,
Where because of it the valiant becomes incapacitated.

١٥. الخَيلُ تَعرِفُ يَومَ الرَوعِ صَولَتَهُ
بِحَيثُ في مُلتَقاها يَبطُلُ البَطَلُ

16. How many horsemen under the shadow of banners it left
With one blow that did not spare the curved part of his neck.

١٦. كَم فارِسٍ تَحتَ ظِلِّ النَقعِ غادَرَهُ
بِضَربَةٍ لَم يَشِن أُخدُودَها فَشَلُ

17. It imagines conditions from the zeal in its soul,
While before there is no might nor power in it.

١٧. تَخالُهُ أَحوالاً مِمّا بِهامَتِهِ
وَقَبلُ لا حَولٌ فيهِ وَلا قَبَلُ

18. It says when the sword splits its neck:
"Woe to my wife and mother," and talks nonsense.

١٨. يَقُولُ حينَ يَشُقُّ السَيفُ هامَتَهُ
لِزَوجَتي وَلأُمّي الوَيلُ وَالهَبَلُ

19. It turns around and raves deliriously in its turning
Until it seems to be facing the direction opposite to it.

١٩. وَيَستَديرُ وَيَهذي في اِستِدارَتِهِ
حَتّى يُخالُ بِهِ مِن قَبلِها تُؤَلُ

20. While the eagle in the air constantly says to it:
"For every soul, no matter how long the respite, there is an appointed time."

٢٠. وَالنَسرُ في الجَوِّ ما يَألُو يَقُولُ لَهُ
لِكُلِّ نَفسٍ وَإِن طالَ المَدى أَجَلُ

21. And how many a blow by which the stricken one dies
While the blade works in him before it exits.

٢١. وَكَم لَهُ ضربَةٍ يَقضي المُصابُ بِها
وَالنَصلُ يَعمَلُ فيهِ قَبلَ يَنفَصِلُ

22. Pure smiter, blessed striker, assailer of the battalion, no unmanliness and no weakness.
The old man of youth, despoiler of war, awe of desire, lively in munificence, hastening.

٢٢. مَحضُ الضَريبَةِ مَيمُونُ النَقِيبَةِ طَع
عان الكَتيبَةِ لا غَمرٌ وَلا وَكِلُ

23. Decisive in purpose, observer of booty, hit the crime, kicking back injustice.
He laid the foundations of a kingdom, had Chosroes and Alexander managed it, stratagems would have failed them.

٢٣. كَهلُ الشَبيبَةِ نَهّابُ الحَريبَةِ وَه
هاب الرَغيبَةِ هَشٌّ بِالنَدى عَجِلُ

24. After it was said kingdom was lost and its ties were severed,
And the highways and roads became the same.

٢٤. ماضي العَزيمَةِ عَيّافُ الغَنيمَةِ تَر
راكَ الجَريمَةِ نِكلٌ لِلعِدى نَكِلُ

25. And some people said kingdom turned away
From its people, and that is how regimes change.

٢٥. أَرسى قَواعِدَ مُلكٍ لَو يُدَبِّرُهُ
كِسرى وَإِسكَندَرٌ أَعيَتهُمُ الحِيَلُ

26. Away with a perception which encompassed all superstition, and their minds
Still get accustomed to it despite the ignorance.

٢٦. مِن بَعدِ أَن قِيلَ ضاعَ المُلكُ وَاِنفَصَمَت
مِنهُ العُرى وَاِستوى الرِئبالُ وَالوَرلُ

27. Do they not know that had al-Malik al-Muzaffar been returned,
Even with the soaring heights, they would not have had any sense.

٢٧. وَقالَ قَومٌ تَوَلّى المُلكَ مُنصَرِفاً
عَن أَهلِهِ وَكَذا الدُولاتُ تَنتَقِلُ

28. And how can there be fear for a kingdom whose banner
Is tied with glory, and around it encampments and brave warriors?

٢٨. تَبّاً لِحَدسٍ سَما كُلَّ التَبابِ وَلا
زالَت عُقولُهُمُ يَعتادُها الخَبَلُ

29. A kingdom that endured what no muscular and heavyweight beast
Could bear, yet it carried.

٢٩. أَما دَرَوا أَنَّ بَدرَ الدِّينِ لَو رُدِيَت
بِهِ الشَواهِقُ لَم يَعقِل بِها وَعَلُ

30. Its steed is lightning, and its determination thunderbolts,
And its sword destiny in its glance is instant death.

٣٠. وَكَيفَ يُخشى عَلى مَلكٍ وَقَد ضُرِبَت
لِمَجدِهِ في ذُراهُ الخيمُ وَالكِلَلُ

31. It marched in the morning through Gemini speaking,
Having spent the night while Gemini was setting.

٣١. مَلكٌ تَحَمَّلَ ما لا يَستَطيعُ لَهُ
حَملاً ثَبيرٌ وَثَهلانٌ فَيَحتَملُ

32. When the suns of its plains rise, they only
Set over the heads of the enemies.

٣٢. جَوادُهُ بارِقٌ وَالعَزمُ صاعِقَةٌ
وَسَيفُهُ قَدرٌ في لَحظِهِ أَجَلُ

33. And if the stars of its heights shine, they do not
Disappear except where there is cheating and fraud.

٣٣. غَدا بِهِ المُلكُ بِالجَوزاءِ مَنتَطِقاً
وَراحَ وَهوَ بِظَهرِ الحُوتِ مُنتَعِلُ

34. Valiant in battle, revealing annihilation, seeker of kingship,
Through it realms are sublime.

٣٤. إِذا شُمُوسُ مَواضيهِ طَلَعنَ فَما
لَهُنَّ إِلّا بِهاماتِ العِدى أَفَلُ

35. And an inauspicious day which its evil obscures the sun,
Until it seems the morning has been engulfed by roots.

٣٥. وَإِن نُجومُ عَوالِيهِ لَمَعنَ فَما
يَغِبنَ إِلّا بِحَيثُ الغِشُّ وَالدَغَلُ

36. As if the white has wandered astray while praying,
In it the lightning of pouring rain, its thunder rumbling.

٣٦. مِقدامُ مَعرَكَةٍ كَشّافُ تَهلُكَةٍ
طَلّابُ مَملَكَةٍ تَسمُو بِها الدُوَلُ

37. And the arrows tell, mimicking the shooting stars, and the horsemen
Vie in unsheathing.

٣٧. وَيَوم نَحسٍ يُواري الشَمسَ عِثيَرُهُ
حَتّى يُخالُ الضُحى قَد غالَهُ الأُصُلُ

38. And the spears in the air depict for the one who imagines them
Sparks in their tips, flames blazing.

٣٨. كَأَنَّما البِيضُ راحَت وَهيَ مُصلَتَةٌ
فِيهِ بَوارِقُ غَيثٍ رَعدُهُ زَجَلُ

39. Walking with the gait of a mirage, no unsteadiness
Tarnishing it in its advance, nor laziness.

٣٩. وَالسُمرُ قَد جَعَلَت تَحكي أَسِنَّتَها
كَواكِبَ القَذفِ وَالفُرسانُ تَنتَصِلُ

40. With a sword that if it rose up in a blow on a bosom
It would be said, here from old was a mountain.

٤٠. وَالنَبلُ في الجَوِّ تَحكي لِلمُشَبِّهِهِ ال
كبرِيتَ في رُوسِهِ النِيرانُ تَشتَعِلُ

41. When he smiles on a day of battle
With his palm, necks and hills weep.

٤١. سَما لَهُ مِشيَةَ الرِئبالِ لا خَوَرٌ
يَشِينُهُ في تَهادِيهِ وَلا كَسَلُ

42. So he cracked the zeal of the enemies with a crack that quiets
Ears because its impact made them ring.

٤٢. بِصارِمٍ لَو عَلا ضَرباً بِهِ حَضناً
لَقِيلَ كانَ قَديماً ها هُنا جَبَلُ

43. A massive bull that when calm, causes no corruption,
And if enraged, even thorns are continually consumed.

٤٣. إِذا بَدا ضاحِكاً في يَومِ مَعرَكَةٍ
بِكَفِّهِ بَكَتِ الأَعناقُ وَالقُلَلُ

44. A sea that hides ruins and its foaming surge,
Yet the sea here is but a simile of him and its little water.

٤٤. فَصَكَّ هامَ العِدى صَكّاً بِهِ مُقَلٌ
قَرَّت لِأَن سَخِنَت مِن وَقعِهِ مُقَلُ

45. If counted as generosity then who is Hatim and who Herim,
Or if counted as glory then who is fortress and who is protector.

٤٥. طَودٌ إِذا لَم يَكُن في الحِلمِ مَفسَدَةٌ
وَإِن يُهَج فَالسَبنتى ظَلَّ يَأتَكِلُ

46. O criticizer, do not blame him for generosity, let one
Who loves altruism not be tied down with rebuke.

٤٦. بَحرٌ يُواري الرُبى وَالقُورَ مُزبدُهُ
وَإِنَّما البَحرُ تَشبيهاً بِهِ وَشَلُ

47. And do not turn away a generous one from his nature,
Good natures are a gift from the Lord Most High.

٤٧. إِن عُدَّ جُودٌ فَمَن كَعبٌ وَمَن هَرِمٌ
أَو عُدَّ مَجدٌ فَمَن حصنٌ وَمَن حَمَلُ

48. Through it Mosul the humped became prosperous and
The means of living expanded for its inhabitants.

٤٨. يا عاذِلاً لامَهُ في البَذلِ دَعهُ وَسِر
مَن يَعشَقِ الجُودَ لَم يَعلَق بِهِ العَذَلُ

49. It became a paradise one would not wish around it
Fences, even if its cotton pickers were transferred to the abode of eternity.

٤٩. وَلا تُفَنِّد كَريماً عَن سَجِيَّتِهِ
حُسنُ السَجِيّاتِ مِن رَبِّ العُلى نِحَلُ

50. And it suffices him pride that through him
The imam is righteous, and through him his status is revered.

٥٠. طابَت بِهِ المَوصِلُ الحَدباءُ وَاِتَّسَعَت
لِساكِنِيها بِها الأَرزاقُ وَالسُبُلُ

51. Our Imam al-Nasir the Guide, regarding whom
The servants did not differ, nor did the messengers bring about it.

٥١. وَأَصبَحَت جَنَّةً لا يَبتَغي حِوَلا
قُطّانُها لَو إِلى دارِ البَقا نُقِلُوا

52. A caliph who if not for his love
No one would kiss the work of the obedient.

٥٢. وَحَسبُهُ مَفخَراً أَنَّ الإِمامَ بِهِ
بَرٌّ وَأَنَّ لَدَيهِ شَأنَهُ جَلَلُ

53. He whom the Compassionate obligated obedience to,
And other than him there is no duty nor supplementary.

٥٣. إِمامُنا الناصِرُ الهادي فَما اِختَلَفَت
فِيهِ العِبادُ وَما جاءَت بِهِ الرُسُلُ

54. So he lives whatever he wills, not what his envious one wills,
In a state whose star is connected with good fortune.

٥٤. خَليفَةٌ قَسَماً لَولا مَحَبَّتُهُ
لَما تُقُبِّلَ مِن ذي طاعَةٍ عَمَلُ

55. O king who enriches us with his grants
When kings are stingy with the least grants.

٥٥. هُوَ الَّذي اِفتَرَضَ الرَحمَنُ طاعَتُهُ
وَمن سِواهُ فَلا فَرضٌ وَلا نَفَلُ

56. The concern which the nobles debase themselves drove me
From the land of Bahrain to you.

٥٦. فَعاشَ ما شاءَ لا ما شاءَ حاسِدُهُ
في دَولَةٍ نَجمُها بِالسَعدِ مُتَّصِلُ

57. How much unknown peril, little rest and roaming
I endured apart from you, and with me are nourishment and disease.

٥٧. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُغني بِنائِلِهِ
إِذا المُلوكُ بِأَدنى نائِلٍ بَخِلُوا

58. Spending my provision, mount, and greying me
Did the fear and alarm for the enmity of my beloved.

٥٨. إِلَيكَ مِن بَلَدِ البَحرَينِ أَنهَضَني
هَمٌّ لَهُ أَنفُسُ الأَشرافِ تُبتَذَلُ

59. And I reached the open expanse after suffering,
And there is none I rely upon except your eminence.

٥٩. كَم جُبتُ دُونكَ مِن مَجهُولَةٍ قَذَفٍ
تِيهٍ قَليلٌ بِها حلٌّ وَمُرتَحَلُ

60. You remained in secluded honor, safe
From events, accompanied by dignity.

٦٠. وَمُزبِدٍ لا يَلَذُّ النَومُ راكِبَهُ
لَهُ إِذا اِضطَرَبَت أَمواجُهُ زَجَلُ

61. And may your wretched envious enemy live miserably
And die while the meanness is still in his skin.

٦١. وَحُسنُ ظَنّي وَما يُثنى عَلَيكَ بِهِ
أَجاءَني وَالزَمانُ المُفسِدُ الخَبِلُ

62. And good is my belief in you and what is praised of you
Came to me while the misleading times make ignorant.

٦٢. شَهرٌ وَشَهرٌ وَشَهرٌ بَعدَ أَربَعَةٍ
لِلمَوجِ وَاليَعمُلاتِ القُودِ بِي عَمَلُ

63. Month after month after four months
To the wave and sailing vessels I was busy.

٦٣. أَقَلُّها راحَةٌ في غَيرِ مَنفَعَةٍ
وَراحَةٌ لا يُرَجّي نَفعها شُغلُ

64. The least of which is rest without benefit,
And rest whose benefit its occupation does not bring about hope.

٦٤. وَكَم تَخطَّأتُ في قَصدِيكَ مِن مَلِكٍ
لِي عِندَه لَو أَرَدتُ النَهلُ وَالعَلَلُ

65. And how many a king I missed in my seeking you
Who if I wanted drink and food, I have them.

٦٥. أَفنَيتُ زادي وَمَركوبي وَشيَّبَني
عَلى عُتُوِّ جَناني الخَوفُ وَالوَجَلُ

66. I exhausted my provision, mount, and greying
Has worked upon me, fear and alarm for my beloved.

٦٦. وَقَد بَلَغتُ الجَنابَ الرَحبَ بَعدَ وَجَىً
وَلَيسَ إِلّا عَلى عَلياكَ مُتَّكَلٌ

67. And I have reached the spacious vicinity after suffering
And there is none I rely upon except your eminence.

٦٧. بَقيتَ في عِزَّةٍ قَعساءَ نائِيَةٍ
عَن الحَوادِثِ مَقرُوناً بِها الجَذَلُ

68. You remained in towering inaccessible isolation
From events, accompanied by dignity.

٦٨. وَعاشَ حاسِدُكَ الأَشقى أَخا مَضضِ
وَماتَ في الجِلدِ مِنهُ ذَلِكَ النَغَلُ