
Let him be, for the best opinion is not to reproach him harshly,

دعوه فخير الرأي أن لا يعنفا

1. Let him be, for the best opinion is not to reproach him harshly,
For even if blaming could cure his illness, he would have recovered.

١. دَعُوهُ فَخَيرُ الرَأيِ أَن لا يُعَنَّفا
فَلو كانَ يَشفِي داءَهُ اللَوم لاِشتَفى

2. Be gentle with him, O you who blame him, for he
Is sensitive and has suffered enough from blame.

٢. وَرِفقاً بِهِ يا عاذِليهِ فَإِنَّهُ
شَجِيٌّ وَقد قاسى مِنَ اللَومِ ما كَفى

3. Were it not for a passion he cannot control,
His dignity would have prevented him from being so humble.

٣. فَلولا هَوىً لا يَملكُ العَزمَ عِندَهُ
لَكانَ حِمِيَّ الأَنفِ أَن يَتَعَطَّفا

4. But one who loves, though he be of high status,
Must show weakness and act with humility.

٤. وَلَكِنَّ مَن يَعشِق وَلَو كانَ ذا عُلىً
فَلا بُدَّ أَن يَعنُو وَأَن يَتَلَطَّفا

5. My two friends, arise and give me to drink
A delicious, bittersweet wine, in a large goblet.

٥. خَلِيلَيَّ قُوما فَاِسقِياني رُعِيتُما
سُلافَةَ خَمرٍ مُرَّةَ الطَعمِ قَرقَفا

6. May Jacob not have regretted losing Joseph
When he saw his beauty in the palm of a boon companion.

٦. بِكَفِّ نَديمٍ أَو تَراءَى بِحُسنِهِ
لِيَعقُوبَ لَم يَأسَف لِفُقدانِ يُوسُفا

7. Had the full moon revealed itself to the new moon on its night of perfection
It would have shown jealousy and hid itself away.

٧. وَلَو أَنَّهُ لِلبَدرِ لَيلَةَ تِمِّهِ
تَجَلّى لأَبدى غِيرَةً مِنهُ وَاِختَفى

8. With his eyes we frolic and his lips we savor,
And we never taste the wine cup without becoming drunk.

٨. نَظَلُّ بِعَينَيهِ نَشاوى وَثَغرِهِ
فَما نَتَحَسّى الكَأسَ إِلّا تَرَشُّفا

9. No harm if you sing to me, saying:
May God keep the tippler alive and familiar.

٩. وَلا بَأَسَ لَو غَنَّيتُماني فَقُلتُما
رَعى اللَهُ بِالجَرعاءِ حَيّاً وَمَألَفا

10. In the shade of gardens whose branches
Shelter the birds roosting in them.

١٠. بِخَفقِ المَثاني في ظِلالِ حَدائِقٍ
تَظَلُّ عَلى أَغصانِها الطَيرُ عُكَّفا

11. A little garden, if the wandering camel rested in it an hour,
It would make him forget his sadness and elevation.

١١. دُجَيلِيَّةٌ لَو حَطَّ غَيلانُ رَحلَهُ
بِها ساعَةً أَنسَتهُ حُزوى وَمُشرِفا

12. Your homelands are forgotten in the shade of a master
Who has dispelled the sorrow from my gloomy heart and uncovered it.

١٢. كَنِسيانيَ الأَوطانَ في ظِلِّ سَيِّدٍ
جَلى الغَمَّ عَن سَوداءِ قَلبي وَكَشَّفا

13. He invited me when I did not impose myself on him,
Seeking advantage, and brought me closer and honored me.

١٣. دَعانِيَ إِذ لَم آتِهِ مُتَعَرِّضاً
لِنَيلٍ وَأَدنى مِن مَكاني وَشَرَّفا

14. He doubled his generosity and loyalty to me openly,
So my soul is ransomed for him - how excellent and gentle he is!

١٤. وَضاعَفَ إِكرامي وَبِرّي بَداهَةً
فَنَفسي فِداهُ ما أَبَرَّ وَأَلطَفا

15. It did not harm me, despite his closeness, that my home
And clan are on the barren plateau of as-Safa.

١٥. وَما ضَرَّني مَع قُربِهِ أَنَّ مَنزِلي
وَقَومي بِأَكنافِ المُشَقَّرِ وَالصَفا

16. They say the generous ones have died, and the sea of generosity
Has become a barren plain, empty of good.

١٦. يَقُولُونَ ماتَ الأَكرَمونَ وَأَصبَحَت
بِحارُ النَدى قاعاً مِنَ الخَيرِ صَفصَفا

17. No honorable man remains in this wilderness,
Whose protection one may seek when fate is violent.

١٧. وَلَم يَبقَ في هَذا البَريَّةِ ماجِدٌ
يُلاذُ بِهِ إِن رَيبُ دَهرٍ تَعَجرَفا

18. So I said to them: "You are wrong! Generosity
And giving have a sea that casts forth pearls in abundance."

١٨. فَقلتُ لَهُم أَخطَأتُمُ إِنَّ لِلنَدى
وَلِلجُودِ بَحراً يَقذِفُ الدُرَّ مُردفا

19. As long as the Pride of the Faith, and his descendants, live,
Do not ask about those who have passed or lagged behind.

١٩. فَما دامَ فَخرُ الدينِ يَبقى وَنَسلُهُ
فَلا تَسأَلوا عَمَّن مَضى أَو تَخَلَّفا

20. For time has claimed them like others,
So say farewell to this world and its sons.

٢٠. فَإِن غالَهُم رَيبُ المَنونِ كَغَيرِهِم
فَقَولُوا عَلى الدُنيا وَأَبنائِها العَفا

21. And whoever meets the Pride of the Faith will meet a descendant of Tarah,
Noble, humane, and excellent in manners.

٢١. وَمَن يَلقَ فَخرَ الدينِ يَلقَ اِبنَ تارحٍ
جَلالاً وَإِنسانِيَّةَ وَتَحَنُّفا

22. He is of pure morals, his religion is no pretense,
His glory no claim, and his generosity no affectation.

٢٢. هُوَ الطاهِرُ الأَخلاقِ لا دِينُهُ رِيا
وَلا مَجدُهُ دَعوى وَلا جُودُه لَفا

23. He is the scion of kings, among his ancestors
You will not find a wicked or upstart man.

٢٣. سَليلُ مُلوكٍ لا تَرى في قَدِيمِهِ
لَئِيماً وَلا مُستَحدَثَ البَيتِ مُقرِفا

24. He came after them while time had unsheathed its sword
Against the people and spread ruin and havoc.

٢٤. أَتى بَعدَهُم وَالدَهرُ قَد سَلَّ سَيفَهُ
عَلى الناسِ وَاِستَشرى بِحَدٍّ وَأَوجَفا

25. But that did not make him sell or betray,
Or weaken his resolve - no, he followed his forefathers' ways.

٢٥. فَلَم يَثنِ مِنهُ ذاكَ باعاً وَلا يَداً
وَلا عَزمَةً لا بَل لآبائِهِ اِقتَفى

26. By my life, he revived generosity after its death
And renewed a quarter for the noble that had been forgotten.

٢٦. لَعَمري لَقَد أَحيا النَدى بَعدَ مَوتِهِ
وَجَدَّدَ رَبعاً لِلعُلى كانَ قَد عَفى

27. By his hands good became fresh, and the meadows of generosity
Became flooding from the outpouring of his palms.

٢٧. وَأَضحى بِهِ المَعروفُ غَضّاً وَأَصبَحَت
حِياضُ النَدى مِن فَيضِ كَفَّيهِ وُكَّفا

28. To hopes he gave back a spirit by which they,
Though about to perish, were saved at the brink.

٢٨. وَرَدَّ إِلى الآمالِ رُوحاً غَدَت بِها
تَنُوءُ وَكانَت مِن هَلاكٍ عَلى شَفا

29. In him you see generosity and benevolence as innate,
A natural disposition by which he excelled all mankind without affectation.

٢٩. تَرى الجُودَ وَالإِحسانَ فيهِ غَريزَةً
وَطَبعاً بِهِ سادَ الوَرى لا تَكَلُّفا

30. That is only because wealth is trivial to him,
So he gives with a smile and makes little of it.

٣٠. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَنَّهُ هانَ مالُهُ
عَلَيهِ فَأَعطى بِاِبتِسامٍ وَأَضعَفا

31. He pours onto his beggars from his abundance
When the clouds rain down and are prolific.

٣١. يُهيلُ عَلى سُوّالِهِ مِن نَوالِهِ
إِذا ما الجوادُ الغَمرُ كالَ وَطفَّفا

32. He is cheerful when the year frowns
Gloomily and every star withdraws and disappears.

٣٢. ضَحُوكٌ إِذا ما العامُ قَطَّبَ وَجهَهُ
عُبُوساً وَخَوّى كُلّ نَجمٍ وَأَخلَفا

33. Yet he is the one weeping in the darkness of night
Humbly, never deviating from the right path.

٣٣. عَلى أَنَّهُ البَكّاءُ في حِندِسِ الدُجى
خُشوعاً وَلَم يَصدِف عَن الرُشدِ مَصدَفا

34. The righteous Imam tried him at times, as did others,
But did not find a purer soul or one nobler.

٣٤. بَلاهُ الإِمامُ البَرُّ حِيناً وَغَيرهُ
فَلَم يَرَ أَزكى مِنهُ نَفساً وَأَشرَفا

35. He appointed him to govern the Muslims, but he did not overstep
His limits out of piety, nor mind his worldly matters to excess.

٣٥. وَوَلّاهُ أَمرَ المُسلمينَ فَلَم يَرُع
تَقِيّاً وَلا راعى لِدُنياهُ مُسرِفا

36. He did not betray the public treasury, openly or in secret,
Nor deviate from the Imam's course, nor vacillate.

٣٦. وَلا خانَ بَيتَ المالِ جَهراً ولا خَفا
وَلا زاغَ عَن نَهجِ الإِمامِ وَلا هَفا

37. We found in the rightly-guided Imam an-Nasir
The most caring of Imams for his subjects and most merciful.

٣٧. وَجَدنا الإِمامَ الناصِرَ المُهتَدى بِهِ
أَبَرَّ إِمامٍ بِالرَعايا وَأَرأَفا

38. May Islam never lose the days
When he stayed the hands of the associators from it.

٣٨. فَلا عَدِمَ الإِسلامُ أَيّامَهُ الَّتي
أَقامَت بِدارِ المُشرِكينَ التَلَهُّفا

39. The everlasting ones lived in the shade of his glory
Sorting the pure from the impure and the friendly from the hostile.

٣٩. وَعاشَ الدَواميّونَ في ظِلِّ عِزِّهِ
يُصافُونَ مَن صافي وَيجفونَ مَن جَفا

40. For they are the adornment of Iraq and its people,
The masters of those who come to Minna and are honored.

٤٠. فَإِنَّهُمُ زَينُ العِراقِ وَأَهلُهُ
وَسادَاتُ مَن وافى مِنىً وَالمُعرَّفا

41. The best of them are above Hatim and Ibn Mammah
And Aws when the winds blow dust.

٤١. أُجِلُّهُمُ عَن حاتِمٍ وَاِبنِ مامَةٍ
وَأَوسُ إِذا هَبَّت مِنَ الرِيحِ حَرجَفا

42. So O you who neglects transmitting from them
And transmitting the histories of the ancients arbitrarily!

٤٢. فَيا تارِكاً نَقلَ الأَحادِيثِ عَنهُمُ
وَيَنقُلُ أَخبارَ الأَوالي تَعَسُّفا

43. Their deeds you see as reality,
So relate them and leave aside embellished tales.

٤٣. فِعالُهُمُ شَيءٌ تَراهُ حَقيقَةً
فَحَدِّث بِهِ وَاِلغِ الحَديث المُزَخرَفا

44. To each man of merit his clan has an attribute
By which they became leaders and chiefs.

٤٤. لِكُلِّ اِمرِئٍ مِمَّن لَهُ الفَضلُ خُلَّةٌ
بِها قَومُهُ صارُوا رُؤوساً وَآنفا

45. Ka'b is generous, Zubaydi a horseman,
Qays forbearing, and Samaw'al true to his word.

٤٥. فَكَعبٌ جَوادٌ وَالزبيديُّ فارِسٌ
وَقَيسٌ حَليمٌ وَالسَمَوأَلُ ذُو وَفا

46. These are virtues that came together in them,
And each man of them is distinguished by his own.

٤٦. وَتِلكَ خِلالٌ فيهمُ قَد تَجَمَّعَت
فَكُلُّ فَتىً مِنهُم بِها قَد تَعَطَّفا

47. If I were to count their other virtues fully
I would compile in them volume after volume.

٤٧. وَزادُوا خِلالاً لَو عَدَدتُ عَشيرَها
لَدَوَّنتُ فيها مُصحَفاً ثُمَّ مُصحَفا

48. O you voyaging to the two seas, the ship's sail billowing
As if it had bellies full from eating crumbs of bread.

٤٨. فَيا قاصِدَ البَحرَينِ يُزجي شِمِلَّةً
كَأَنَّ عَلى أَشداقِها الهُدلِ كرسُفا

49. When you meet the noble kings, the clan of Abu Arribah
And Al-Ablakh the pretentious.

٤٩. إِذا أَنتَ لاقَيتَ المُلوكَ بَني أَبي
أَريبَهُمُ وَالأَبلَخَ المُتَغَطرِفا

50. Convey greetings from me, of an affectionate one
Who cares for the son of an uncle, whether he accepts or spurns.

٥٠. فَحَيِّهِمُ مِنّي تَحِيَّةَ وامِقٍ
عَطُوفٍ عَلى اِبنِ العَمِّ لَو عَقَّ أَو جَفا

51. Tell them: Do not neglect gratitude to a master
Who has chosen your brother for honor and drawn him near.

٥١. وَقُل لَهُمُ لا تُغفِلُوا شُكرَ سَيِّدٍ
تَوَخّى أَخاكُم بِالكَرامَةِ وَاِصطَفى

52. Whoever among you does not fulfill the requirements
Of thankfulness for his due has not fulfilled them.

٥٢. وَمَن لَم يُوَفِّ اِبنَ الدَواميّ حَقَّهُ
عَلى مُوجِباتِ الشُكرِ مِنكُم فَما وَفى

53. He has clothed the favors of Rabi'ah's lineage
As before him the favors of Khindif were clothed.

٥٣. فَقَد أَلبَسَ النَّعماءَ حَيّي رَبيعَةٍ
كَما أَلبَسَ النَعماءَ مِن قَبلُ خِندِفا

54. Does anyone deny gratitude except the son of an adulteress
With a heart that turns over between his sides, unenlightened?

٥٤. وَهَل يَكفُر الإِحسانَ إِلّا اِبنُ غيَّةٍ
يُقَلِّبُ قَلباً بَينَ جَنَبَيهِ أَغلَفا

55. I refuse ingratitude, for I am the son of Hurrah,
Noble, however I may steer my resolve.

٥٥. وَيأَبى لِيَ الكُفرانَ أَنّي اِبنُ حُرَّةٍ
كَريمٌ مَتى صَرَّفتُ عَزمي تَصَرَّفا

56. And though I am he whose glory has the highest pillar,
I will praise him for what he did aforetime.

٥٦. وَإِنّي وَإِن كُنتُ الرَفيعَ عِمادهُ
لَأُثني عَلَيهِ بِالَّذي كانَ أَسلَفا

57. A house whose building competes with the Pleiades
Will not prevent me, towering and elevated though it be.

٥٧. وَلا يَمنَعَنّي ذاكَ بَيتٌ بِناؤُهُ
أَنافَ عَلى هادي الثُرَيّا وَأَشرَفا

58. You have attained, O father of Ali, the farthest limit
And reached the extent hoped for, feared and aspired to.

٥٨. فَقَدتَ الرَدى يا با عَلِيٍّ إِلى العِدى
وَجُزتَ المَدى تُرجى وَتُخشى وَتُعتَفى

59. You were granted eternal glories for your lofty sons
By them one attains all ends and aspires to all goals.

٥٩. وَمُتِّعتَ بِالأَمجادِ أَبنائِكَ الأُلى
بِهم يُكتَفى في كُلِّ خَطبٍ وَيُشتَفى

60. The caliphate did not cease to pass between them,
Calling to guidance, concord, and reform.

٦٠. وَلا بَرِحَت تَسطُو الخِلافَةُ مِنهُمُ
بِأَبيضَ تَدعُوهُ مُفيداً وَمُتلِفا

61. While the envious and jealous of their glory
Endured sorrows from which they saw no escape.

٦١. وَعاشَ مُعادِي مَجدِهِم وَحَسُودُهُم
يُكابِدُ غَمّاً لا يَرى عَنهُ مَصرفا