
Do you know what opponent the nights battle

أتدري الليالي أي خصم تشاغبه

1. Do you know what opponent the nights battle
And what worries leap at calamities?

١. أَتَدري اللَّيالي أَيَّ خَصمٍ تُشاغِبُه
وَأَيَّ همامٍ بِالرَزايا تُواثبُهْ

2. Time ignored me, so it wrote
Upon me all types of afflictions in lines.

٢. تَجاهَلَ هَذا الدَهرُ بي فَتَكَتَّبت
عَلَيَّ بِأَنواعِ البَلايا كَتائبُهْ

3. And it wrongly thought I would submit
To its rule, so that elegies would cry over the mind's corpse.

٣. وَظَنَّ مُحالاً أَن أَدينَ لِحُكمِهِ
لِتَبكِ عَلى عَقلِ المُعنّى نَوادِبُهْ

4. And even if I show stubbornness in its face
And it frowned at me and inclined to hatred in its side,

٤. وَإِنّي وَإِن أَبدى اِصعِراراً بِخَدِّهِ
وَأَوجَفَ بِي وَاِزوَرَّ لِلبُغضِ جانِبُهْ

5. I will forgive its hatred and leaning,
And be astonished at a free noble one it blames.

٥. لأُغضي عَلى بَغضائِهِ وَاِزوِرارِهِ
وَأَعجَبُ مِن حُرٍّ كَريمٍ يُعاتِبُهْ

6. And I will face the great misfortunes with penetrating
Determination, flaming, flaming its fire,

٦. وَأَستَقبلُ الخَطبَ الجَليلَ بِثاقِبٍ
مِن العَزمِ يَعلو لاهِبَ النارِ لاهبُهْ

7. And an opinion - when I unsheathe it and sharpen it -
I find a sword whose blades are not blunt.

٧. وَرَأيٍ مَتى جَرَّدتُهُ وَاِنتَضَيتُهُ
وَجَدتُ حُساماً لَم تُفلَّل مَضارِبُهْ

8. And I am not spineless, who sees the view of his mare
Whenever he rides it, it becomes its rider.

٨. وَلَستُ بِيَهفوفٍ يَرى رَأي عِرسِهِ
مَتى أَركَبتهُ مَركباً فَهوَ راكِبُهْ

9. It remains when the matter turns away from it, prevented,
Addressing it regarding its affair, and it addresses it.

٩. يَظلُّ إِذا ما نابَهُ الأَمرُ مُحجَزاً
يُخاطِبُها في شَأنِهِ وَتُخاطِبُهْ

10. And no one says gently to fate, and its
Harms have overflowed and its twists have boiled.

١٠. وَلا قائِلٍ لِلدَّهرِ رِفقاً وَقَد طَمَت
أَواذِيُّهُ شَرّاً وَجاشَت غَوارِبُهْ

11. Both its sweetness and bitterness are equal to me,
As are its presence regarding what it wills and its absence.

١١. وَسيّانَ عِندي عَذبُهُ وَأَجاجُهُ
وَحاضِرُهُ فِيما يَشاءُ وَغائِبُهْ

12. And fate is no opponent I fear, so its matter
Is my war, and no man has honor who does not battle it.

١٢. وَما الدَّهرُ خَصمٌ أَتَّقيهِ فَشَأنُهُ
حَربي فَلا عَزَّ اِمرؤٌ لا يُحارِبُهْ

13. Ask its twists - did it watch over me or did
My determination waver when its determination firmed?

١٣. سَلوا صَرفَهُ هَل راعَني أَو تَزَعزَعت
مَناكِبُ عَزمي حينَ مادَت مَناكِبُهْ

14. So how many raids has it launched, raid after raid,
Against me while its spears fled from my encounter?

١٤. فَكَم غارَةٍ قَد شَنَّها بَعدَ غارَةٍ
عَلَيَّ وَفَرَّت مِن قِراعي مَقانِبُهْ

15. And great adversity is insignificant to me
If the pincers of the scorpion, my cousin's son, insist.

١٥. وَإِنَّ جَليلَ الخَطبِ عِندي لَهَيِّنٌ
إِذا لَزِمت دارَ اِبن عَمّي عَقارِبُهْ

16. And how often is it said what's the use of staying
When the stay of the lost young man is blaming his money?

١٦. وَكَم قائِلٍ ماذا المقامُ وَإِنَّما
مَقامُ الفَتى المُستَهلِك المالَ عائِبُهْ

17. Don't you see that shortage makes
A brother of womb and relatives find faults?

١٧. أَلَستَ تَرى أَنّ المُقِلَّ يَمُجُّهُ
أَخو الرَّحمِ القُربى وَتَبدو معايِبُه

18. When a man does not own wealth of money
His enemies cast him away and his relatives shun him.

١٨. إِذا المَرءُ لَم يَملُك مِنَ المالِ ثَروَةً
رَمَتهُ عِداهُ وَاِجتَوتهُ أَقارِبُهْ

19. And whoever makes incapacity his mount
Time and poverty will always accompany him.

١٩. وَمَن يَجعَلِ العَجزَ المَطِيَّةَ لَم يَزَل
يَمُرُّ عَلَيهِ الدَهرُ وَالفَقرُ صاحِبُهْ

20. So stand and daringly ride the horrors, for long
Has wealth benefited the rider of the rugged ship.

٢٠. فَقُم وَاِركَبِ الأَهوالَ جِدّاً فَطالَما
أَفادَ الغِنى بِالمَركَبِ الصَّعبِ راكِبُهْ

21. And do not sit for gloaters, for all of them
Slander, or their cackling comes to you openly.

٢١. وَلا تَقعُدَن لِلشامِتينَ فَكُلُّهُم
يُذَعلِبُ أَو تَأتيكَ جَهراً نَيادِبُهْ

22. You are the young man, resolute and determined, and the likes of you
Do not find its paths crowded in any region.

٢٢. فَأَنت الفَتى حَزماً وَعَزماً وَلَم تَضِق
بِمِثلِكَ في كُلِّ النَواحي مَذاهِبُهْ

23. And the swords do not cut unless they unveil
Themselves from the sheath, even if their blades are Indian steel.

٢٣. فَما يَقطَعُ الصّمصامُ إِلّا إِذا اِنتَحى
عَن الغِمدِ لَو كانَت حِداداً مَضارِبُهْ

24. And the forest's lion remains harmless
As long as he lurks in the forest, his claws undyed with blood.

٢٤. وَما دامَ لَيثُ الغابِ في الغابِ كامِناً
فَإِنَّ حَراماً أَن تُدَمّى مَخالِبُهْ

25. Likewise is the moon - was it not for its course and transit -
Its planets would gain mastery over it.

٢٥. كَذا البَدرُ لَولا سَيرُهُ وَاِنتِقالُهُ
عَن النَقص لاِستَعلَت عَلَيهِ كَواكِبُهْ

26. And you are from the branch over which
The glory of Nizar triumphed, its merits excelling.

٢٦. وَأَنتَ مِنَ الفرعِ الَّذي فَخَرَت بِهِ
نِزارٌ وَسارَت في مَعَدٍّ مَناقِبُهْ

27. By you there is the Abdali house which he inhabited,
Whose deserts Murr watered and Qawadib irrigated.

٢٧. سَما بِكَ بَيتٌ عَبدَليٌّ أحلَّهُ
ديار الأَعادي سُمرُهُ وَقواضِبُهْ

28. And the elevated place of Rabia they ennobled,
Rising high over all the lands in status.

٢٨. وَعالي مَحَلٍّ مِن رَبيعَةَ أَشرَفَت
عُلُوّاً عَلى كُلِّ البَرايا مَراتِبُهْ

29. So roll up your sleeves and travel east and west, for rarely
Has wealth benefited one who did not roll up his sleeves.

٢٩. فَشَمِّر وَسِر شَرقاً وَغَرباً فَقَلَّما
أَفادَ الغِنى مَن لَم تُشَمِّر رَكائِبُهْ

30. So I said to him, do not hurry, for many a time
An hour removes from the days what I blame it for.

٣٠. فَقُلتُ لَهُ لا تَعجَلَن رُبَّ سَاعَةٍ
تُزيلُ عَن الأَيّامِ ما أَنا عاتِبُهْ

31. In the middle of my house, of the Kings of Bani Abi,
Is a zeal which its kindnesses flow to me.

٣١. فَفي عُقرِ داري مِن مُلوكِ بَني أَبي
هُمامٌ إِلى الخَيراتِ تَجري مَآرِبُهْ

32. If I do not seek refuge in its hopes
My hopes and the clouds will water the soil of my land.

٣٢. إِذا لَم أَنُط مُستَعصِماً بِرجائِهِ
رَجائي وَتَروي تُربَ أَرضي سَحائِبُهْ

33. So which King do I accept and head
Towards and speak to?

٣٣. فَأَيُّ مَليكٍ أَرتَضى وَتَؤمُّهُ
رِكابي وَأَمشي نَحوَهُ وَأُخاطِبُهْ

34. And who is one I accept his gifts or I see
His chamberlain competing with me at the gate?

٣٤. وَمَن ذا الَّذي أَرضى عَطاياهُ أَو أَرى
يُزاحِمُني في سُدَّةِ البابِ حاجِبُهْ

35. And who is like Masoud the Prince when he sets out
Filling with the saliva of favor and the water of his drink?

٣٥. وَمَن مِثلُ مَسعودِ الأَميرِ إِذا غَدا
يَغُصُّ بِفَضلِ الرّيقِ وَالماءِ شارِبُهْ

36. Ask the steeds about him, as if
He plunders their souls while they plunder him.

٣٦. سَلِ الخَيلَ عَنهُ وَالمَنايا كَأَنَّما
يُناهِبُها أَرواحَها وَتُناهِبُهْ

37. The brother of glorious stabbing, and the shining swords,
And the impact of spears that fill the eyes with terror.

٣٧. أَخُو الطَعنَةِ النَجلاءِ وَالنَقعُ ساطِعٌ
وَوَقعُ المَذاكي يَملَأُ الطَرفَ حاصِبُهْ

38. The striker of the thick armor, when
The black fates align in its surge and billows.

٣٨. وَضَرَّابُ هامِ الدَارِعينَ إِذا اِستَوَت
أسودُ الشَرى في مَوجِهِ وَثَعالِبُهْ

39. The defender of the nights' heels when they go too far,
Curbing them with the spears that pierce.

٣٩. وَمَنّاعُ أَعقابِ اللَّيالي إِذا اِغتَدَت
تَعاطى وَواراها مِنَ النَقعِ ثائِبُهْ

40. And the capturer of the champions' souls in battle
While their savior in peace gently captures them.

٤٠. وَسَلّابُ أَرواحِ الكُماةِ لَدى الوَغى
وَلَكِن مُرجِّيهِ لَدى السِّلمِ سالِبُهْ

41. And the bearer of what no chest can endure
Unless its shoulders extend and stretch.

٤١. وَحَمّالُ ما لا يَستَطيعُ تَثَبُّتاً
بِهِ حَضَنٌ إِلّا وَمادَت شَناخِبُهْ

42. The descendant of glory always feared and hoped for,
So his resting grounds are feared and his gifts hoped for.

٤٢. سَليلُ عُلاً ما زالَ يُخشى وَيُرتَجى
فَتُخشى مَوَاضيهِ وَتُرجى مَواهِبُهْ

43. And the splitter - if Qais bin Aasim was struck
By some of it, it would tear open his enclosures.

٤٣. وَتَرّاكُ ما لَو أَنَّ قَيسَ بنَ عاصِمٍ
أُصيبَ بِبَعضٍ مِنهُ أَورَت حُباحِبُهْ

44. Of much clear sightedness - not in a scheme
Does he endure its evil consequence, whoever accompanies him.

٤٤. كَثيرُ سُهادِ العَينِ لا في مَكيدَةٍ
يُكابِدُ عُقبى شَرِّها مَن يُصاحِبُهْ

45. Flowing, when no path remains for the eye
And the pebbles of the tyrant silence it in fear.

٤٥. جَريٌّ إِذا لَم يَبقَ لِلطِّرفِ مَسلَكٌ
وَصَمَّ حَصى الجَبّارِ لِلخَوفِ جالِبُهْ

46. When he is silent, they say does he have someone to converse with?
And if he speaks, they say does he have ambitions that speak to him?

٤٦. إِذا صالَ قالُوا هَل لَهُ مِن مُصاوِلٍ
وَإِن قالَ قالوا هَل همامٌ يُخاطِبُهْ

47. Father of Majid, the soil of glory and its foster child,
His father who the horses of good lead to.

٤٧. أَبو ماجِدٍ تِربُ العُلى وَربيبُها
أَبوهُ الَّذي تهدي السَّرايا مَقانِبُهْ

48. And his grandfather Ali met - the best who
Galloped to him while his desires met them.

٤٨. وَتَلقى عَلِيّاً جَدَّهُ خَيرَ مَن حَدَت
إِلَيهِ المَطايا وَاِلتَقتها رَغائِبُهْ

49. The humbler of enemies on days their burdens pass
While in the future are his horses and his virtues.

٤٩. مُهينُ العِدى أَيّامَ تَعدو حُمولُها
وَفي العقبِ مِنها خَيلهُ وَنَجائِبُهْ

50. And if he boasts of superiority, the superiority of Ibn Abdil
Is — by my father — his veins and his qualities!

٥٠. وَإِن يَفتَخِر بِالفَضلِ فَضلُ بنُ عَبدَلٍ
فَيا بِأَبي أَعراقُهُ وَمَناسِبُهْ

51. A zeal that protected the two seas seven and likewise
Years, while its processions walked the deserts.

٥١. همامٌ حَمى البَحرَينِ سَبعاً وَمِثلَها
سِنينَ وَسارَت في الفَيافي مَواكِبُهْ

52. And no boat beside sand dunes sailed during his time
Except its milk was made permissible to drink.

٥٢. وَلم يَرعَ مِن ثاجٍ إِلى الرَملِ مُصرِمٌ
عَلى عَهدِهِ إِلّا اِستُبيحَت حَلائِبُهْ

53. An era when Ameri says to one who sets out
Conversing with him while the ignoramus overcomes him:

٥٣. زَمانَ يَقولُ العامِريُّ لِمَن غَدا
يُحَدِّثُهُ عَنهُ وَذو الحُمقِ غالِبُهْ

54. When will one whose abode the Naibard firebrand burned
Meet one whose ways are distant and black?

٥٤. مَتى يَلتقي مَن نارَبَردَ مَحَلُّهُ
وَآخرُ سَودِيٌّ بَعيدٌ مَذاهِبُهْ

55. He had not finished his words when there he was,
Accompanying him while time's wonders overwhelmed him.

٥٥. فَلَم يَستَتِمَّ القَولَ حَتّى إِذا بِهِ
يُسايِرُهُ وَالدَهرُ جَمٌّ عَجائِبُهْ

56. So he said to him, now we have met and his
Composure thundered while ignorance is bitterness' consequence.

٥٦. فَقالَ لَهُ الآن اِلتَقَينا فَأَرعَدَت
فَرائِصُهُ وَالجَهلُ مُرٌّ عَواقِبُهْ

57. And who are those, his forefathers and ancestors?
For who can equal his pride or draw near him?

٥٧. وَمَن تلكُمُ آباؤُهُ وَجدودُهُ
فَمَن ذا يُسامي فَخرَهُ أَو يُقارِبُهْ