
You have wearied my ears with your endless blame, so be brief,

أتعبت سمعي بطول اللوم فاقتصر

1. You have wearied my ears with your endless blame, so be brief,
What matters it to you if I sleep or stay up?

١. وقال أيضاً:

2. You have lacked wisdom, how much sleep is there on an inflamed wound?
Tell me, were you shaped from stone or human?

٢. أَتعَبتَ سَمعي بِطولِ اللَومِ فَاِقتَصِرِ
ماذا أَهَمَّكَ مِن نَومي وَمِن سَهَرِي

3. O you who lie down for the arrows of humiliation to strike you,
You are nothing but a victim of weakness and scorn.

٣. عَدِمتَ رُشدَكَ كَم نَومٍ عَلى ضَمَدٍ
قُل لي أَمِن حَجَرٍ صُوِّرتَ أَم بَشَرِ

4. Stand up and brave dangers fearlessly,
For only the brave ride into danger.

٤. يا جاثِماً لِسِهامِ الذُلِّ تَرشُقُهُ
ما أَنتَ إِلّا قَتيلُ العَجزِ وَالخَورِ

5. And be not like what one of them has said,
A cloud that protected the sun but did not rain or travel.

٥. ثِب قائِماً وَاِركَبِ الأَخطارَ مُقتَحِماً
فَإِنَّما يَركَبُ الأَخطارَ ذُو الخَطَرِ

6. Can I in this matter remain thus, a follower,
While my people and the lords of high station are my comrades?

٦. وَلا تَكُن مِثلَ ما قَد قالَ بَعضُهُمُ
غَيمٌ حَمى الشَمسَ لَم يُمطِر وَلَم يسِرِ

7. How long is this waiting while my breath is in tumult,
And the darkness is extended and lifetime shortened?

٧. أَفي القَضِيَّةِ أَن أَبقى كَذا تَبَعاً
وَالقَومُ قَومي وَأَربابُ العُلى نَفَري

8. By my sword and resolve I will not fail them,
Rather my firmness is toward the Lord of High Station.

٨. كَم ذا اِنتِظاريَ وَالأَنفاسُ في صَعَدٍ
وَالظُلمُ في مَدَدٍ وَالعُمرُ في قِصَرِ

9. Why should I dread death or fear destruction
When the bearer of the dead is himself carried thereafter?

٩. عَلى حُسامي وَعَزمي لا عَدِمتُهُما
وِردي وَلَكِن عَلى رَبِّ العُلى صَدَري

10. I am not one whom when fate befalls,
Shows weakness and fear of destiny.

١٠. وَكَيفَ أَرهَبُ مَوتاً أَو أَخافُ رَدىً
وَحامِلُ المَيتِ مَحمولٌ عَلى الأَثَرِ

11. O ruin of a lifetime among people you deem
Human, though they are naught but forms without essence.

١١. وَلَستُ مِمَّن إِذا نابَتهُ نائِبَةٌ
أَحالَ عَجزاً وَإِشفاقاً عَلى القَدَرِ

12. If the forbearing Qays had arbitrated among them
He would wish for them loss of hearing and sight.

١٢. يا ضَيعَةُ العُمرِ في قَومٍ تَخالُهُمُ
ناساً وَلا غَيرَ أَثوابٍ عَلى صُوَرِ

13. If Noah lived among them a year,
He would say, O Lord this is the limit of life.

١٣. لَو أَنَّ ذا الحِلمِ قَيساً حَلَّ بَينَهُمُ
لَوَدَّ مِنهُم ذَهابَ السَمعِ وَالبَصَرِ

14. Alas from me by an eloquence that will dispel
What stubbornness and stupidity used to be in me.

١٤. وَلَو يُعَمِّرُ نُوحٌ فيهمُ سَنَةً
لَقالَ يا رَبِّ هَذا غايَةُ العُمُرِ

15. Draw near, O noble steed, for travel and slacken
Its bridle for it and mix the gentle winds with the virgin morn,

١٥. فَآهِ مِنّي بِحَجّاجٍ يزُولُ بِهِ
ما كانَ مِن عُجَرٍ عِندي وَمِن بُجَرِ

16. And trace for it a path meandering and be the first to journey
With no regret, and leave behind the abandoned dwellings,

١٦. أَدنِ النَجيبَةِ لِلتِرحالِ واِرخِ لَها
زِمامَها وَاِخلط الرَوحاتِ بِالبُكَرِ

17. Places corrupted by the people of corruption
Who destroyed them without thought or consideration,

١٧. وَخَطِّها الخَطَّ إِرقالاً وَأَولِ قِلىً
أَوالَ لا نادِماً وَاِهجُر قُرى هَجَرِ

18. No excellence remains in their good, nor capacity
To benefit a friend or harm a foe,

١٨. أَماكِناً لَعِبَت أَهلُ الفَسادِ بِها
فَدَمَّرُوها بِلا فِكرٍ وَلا نَظَرِ

19. But for Ibn Abdillah it would have been destroyed
Between the fangs of evil and victory,

١٩. لَم يَبقَ في خَيرِها فَضلٌ وَلا سَعَةٌ
عَنِ العَدُوِّ لذي نَفعٍ وَلا ضَرَرِ

20. If not for the determination of Ibn Abdillah it would have collapsed
Into pebbles with no pulp or moisture,

٢٠. أَما وَلَولا اِبن عَبدِ اللَهِ لا كَذِبا
لاِستُهلِكَت بَينَ نابِ الشَرِّ وَالظَفُرِ

21. But he never ceased to uncover it with his resolve
From the darkness of humiliation and destitution,

٢١. لَولا الهُمامُ اِبنُ عَبدِ اللَهِ لاِنقَلَبَت
حَصّاءَ نابٍ بِلا هُلبٍ وَلا وَبَرِ

22. How many fires of evil blazed in it which he quenched
After they had filled the horizons with sparks,

٢٢. لَكِنَّهُ لَم يَزَل يَجلو بِهِمَّتِهِ
عَنها غَياهِبَ مِن ذُلٍّ وَمِن قَتَرِ

23. And how much dear wealth did its wealth ruin
From the vicissitudes of fate and others,

٢٣. كَم نارِ شَرٍّ عَلَت فيها فَأَخمَدَها
مِن بِعدِ أَن عَمَّتِ الآفاقَ بِالشَرَرِ

24. He gave wealth to it without being asked
Thus is the action of noble, generous men.

٢٤. وَكَم أَخي ثَروَةٍ أَودى بِثَروَتِهِ
تَحامُلٌ مِن صُروفِ الدَهرِ وَالغِيَرِ

25. And how many an oppressed who wished from his oppression
A death which would lead to Paradise or Hellfire,

٢٥. أَهدى إِلَيهِ الغِنى مِن غَيرِ مَسأَلَةٍ
كَذا يَكونُ فِعالُ السادَةِ الغُرَرِ

26. He helped and removed his injustice so he no longer
Fears aught but God whether in the lands or towns.

٢٦. وَكَم مِن مَضيمٍ تَمَنّى مِن مَضامَتِهِ
مَوتاً يُؤَدّي إِلى الفِردَوسِ أَو سَقَرِ

27. He made life and world appealing to him though
Life only grows sweet when fear and harm depart.

٢٧. أَغاثَهُ وَأَزالَ الضَيمَ عَنهُ فَما
يَخشى سِوى اللَه في بَدوٍ وَلا حَضَرِ

28. And how many a tyrant, severe in might, unjust
In his arrogance, clad in misguidance and wrapped in evil,

٢٨. فَحَبَّبَ العَيشَ وَالدُنيا إِلَيهِ وَقَد
تَحلو الحَياةُ لِفَقدِ الخَوفِ وَالضَرَرِ

29. Who mentions not God except at thunder
When ascending or when thunder and rain clash,

٢٩. وَكَم غَشومٍ شَديدِ البَطشِ ذي جَنَفٍ
بِالكِبرِ مُشتَمِلٍ بِالتِّيهِ مُؤتَزِرِ

30. Who meets winds when they blow over his plains
Bare of sword, from ignorance and evil,

٣٠. لا يَذكُرُ اللَهَ إِلّا عِندَ رابِيَةٍ
يَرقى وَعِندَ اِرتِجاسِ الرَعدِ وَالمَطَرِ

31. Accompanied by every misguided wastrel when
Fate laments him, swifter dispersing than goat dung scattered,

٣١. يَلقى الرِياحَ إِذا هَبَّت بِساحَتِهِ
مُجَرَّدَ السَيفِ مِن جَهلٍ وَمِن أَشَرِ

32. Who knows no restraint in anything he covets
And reconsiders neither what is known nor strange,

٣٢. يَتلوهُ كُلُّ غَوِيٍّ حينَ تَندُبُهُ
أَجرى مِنَ السَيلِ بَل أَشرى مِنَ النَفَرِ

33. The rulers have accustomed him to gaining
Anything he desires, a habit of the oppressed toward the oppressor.

٣٣. لا يَعرِفُ المَنعَ في شَيءٍ يُحاوِلُهُ
وَلا يُراجِعُ في عُرفٍ وَلا نُكرِ

34. He wanted from him what he used to expect from them
But met instead a twisted rope for the ambitious.

٣٤. قَد عَوَّدَتهُ ذوُو الأَمرِ النُزولَ عَلى
ما شاءَ عادَةَ مَقهورٍ لِمُقتَهِرِ

35. Brandishing arms entwined to fight transgression,
My resolve in this is firmer than solid rock.

٣٥. أَرادَ مِنهُ الَّذي قَد كانَ يَعهَدُهُ
مِنهُم فَصادَفَ أَلوى طامِحَ البَصَرِ

36. So he avoided him whose greed was his motive
And yielded after lofty head and neck.

٣٦. مُماحِكاً لِلعِدى عَقّادَ أَلوِيَةٍ
أَقضي وأَمضي مِنَ الصَمصامَةِ الذَكَرِ

37. If another were deputed to Bahrain it would be ravaged
And people informed of the worst news about it.

٣٧. فَعافَ مَن كانَ منَّتهُ مَطامِعُهُ
وَاِنقادَ بَعدَ طُموحِ الرَأسِ وَالصَعَرِ

38. Rather men whose affair it is have assumed it
And through them it was left no thing and nothing spared.

٣٨. لَو غَيرُهُ وُلِّيَ البَحرَينِ لاِنتُهِكَت
وَخبِّرَ القَومُ عَنها أَسوَأَ الخَبَرِ

39. And which governor's son, which equipment of kingdoms and riches
Is more impudent in igniting every audacious resolute hero

٣٩. فَقَد تَوَلَّت رِجالٌ أَمرَها وَسَعَت
فيها فَلَم تُبقِ مِن شَيءٍ وَلَم تَذَرِ

40. Openhanded, who counts the abundance of wealth as a flaw
Among the generous if honor does not prosper?

٤٠. وَأَيُّ سائِسِ مُلكٍ وَاِبنُ سائِسَةٍ
وَأَيُّ عُدَّةِ أَملاكٍ وَمُدَّخَرِ

41. If the Banu Shaiban had no other merit
Except his father, every boaster would be silenced,

٤١. أَغَرُّ ينمِيهِ مِن شَيبانَ كُلُّ فَتىً
حامي الذِمارِ جَوادٍ ماجِدٍ زَمِرِ

42. And the heir of the sincere in religion did not die
For branches are made to flourish on the tree trunk.

٤٢. سَمحٍ يَعُدُّ وَفُورَ المالِ مَنقَصَةً
عِندَ الكِرامِ إِذا ما العِرضُ لَم يَفِرِ

43. The munificence of the generous is information but their munificence
Is something you see, and report is not like witnessing.

٤٣. لَو لَم يَكُن لِبَني شَيبانَ مَنقَبَةٌ
إِلّا أَبوهُ لَطالَت كُلَّ مُفتَخِرِ

44. You are ransomed by every kinsman, O you of elevation and glory,
In the wilderness and towns against vile deeds.

٤٤. وَلَم يَمُت مَن صَفِيُّ الدِينِ وارِثهُ
إِنَّ الغُصونَ لَقَد تُنمى عَلى الشَجَرِ

45. When some misfortune mentions you, you recall
That ostrich who neither carried nor flew.

٤٥. جُودُ الأَكارِمِ إِخبارٌ وَجُودُهُما
شَيءٌ تَراهُ وَلَيسَ الخُبرُ كَالخَبَرِ

46. By Him to whom faces humble themselves, were it not for you
No minister would remain for the eminent.

٤٦. يَفديكَ يا ذا العلى وَالمَجدِ كُلُّ عَمٍ
عَنِ المَكارِمِ بادي العِيِّ والحَصَرِ

47. They congratulated you on the Great Feast, and so
It has arrived while congratulations for the greatest are due to you.

٤٧. إِذا يُلِمُّ بِهِ خَطبٌ ذكَرتَ بِهِ
تِلكَ النَعامَةَ لَم تَحمِل وَلَم تَطِرِ

48. By what feast are we congratulated when you are its delight?
Without you it would not be mentioned in hearing or sight.

٤٨. فإِنَّهُ وَالَّذي تَعنُو الوُجُوهُ لَهُ
لَولاكَ لَم يَبقَ لِلعَلياءِ مِن وَزَرِ

49. You remained a shadow over all people and
You were always granted success and victory.

٤٩. قالوا نُهَنِّيكَ بِالعيدِ الكَبيرِ فَقَد
وافى وَتَركُ الهَنا مِن أَعظَم الكبَرِ

50. And the world in which you are its blossom was not
Devoid of you until the sun was likened to the moon.

٥٠. وَهَل تهَنّا بِعيدٍ أَنتَ بَهجَتُهُ
لَولاكَ لَم يَحلُ في سَمعٍ وَلا بَصَرِ

٥١. بَقيتَ ظِلّاً عَلى كُلِّ الأَنامِ وَلا
زِلتَ المَؤَيَّدَ بِالإِقبالِ وَالظَفَرِ

٥٢. وَلا خَلَت مِنكَ دُنيا أَنتَ زَهرَتُها
حَتّى يُقارَن بَينَ الشَمسِ وَالقَمَرِ