
I sold through the intermediary of estrangement and abandonment

بع واسطاً بالنأي والهجر

1. I sold through the intermediary of estrangement and abandonment
And left off passing by it to the resurrection

١. بِع واسِطاً بِالنَأيِ وَالهَجرِ
وَدَعِ المُرورَ بِها إِلى الحَشرِ

2. A land managed by the son of a Sabian woman
Whose parting has turned grey because of unbelief

٢. أَرضٌ يُدَبِّرُها اِبنُ صابِئَةٍ
شابَت مَفارِقُها عَلى الكُفرِ

3. Barren camels from the Bani Tamim tribe, whose
Teats the shepherd cannot pass his hand over

٣. قَلفاءُ مِن نَبطِ البَطائِحِ لَم
تَمرُر لَها المَوسى عَلى بَظرِ

4. They meet the threshing floors with rough and unkempt bunches
Disheveled, satisfying for the span

٤. تَلقى الأُيورَ بِعُنبلٍ خَشِنٍ
مُتَعَثكِلٍ يُوفي عَلى الشِبرِ

5. A mighty one has barred its wide entrance
So everything she has born is from behind

٥. قَد سَدَّ واسِعَ قُبلِها عَظمٌ
فَجَميعُ ما وَلَدَت مِن الدُبرِ

6. O son of Diyath the accursed, you have indeed
Attempted the impossible and drowned yourself in the sea

٦. يا اِبنَ الدُيَيثِيِّ اللَعينِ لَقَد
رُمتَ المُحالَ فَغُصتَ في بَحرِ

7. You have a beard like a he-goat's that has not ceased
To be dripping from its urine in a water-skin

٧. لَكَ لِحيَةٌ كَالتَيسِ ما بَرِحَت
مِن بَولِهِ في ناطِفٍ تَجري

8. With which, when your menstruating concubine becomes pure
The stupid one recognizes the start of purity

٨. وَبِها إِذا حاضَت حَليلَتُكَ الر
رَعناءُ تَعرِفُ أَوَّلَ الطُهرِ

9. Soon her brother Karam will shave it
Honorable of lineage, good smelling

٩. وَلَسَوفَ يَحلِقُها أَخُو كَرَمٍ
زاكي الأَرُومَةِ طَيِّبُ النَجرِ

10. She is the one who tempted you, so seek for her
A house to protect her from the midday heat

١٠. وَهِيَ الَّتي غَرَّتكَ فَاِبغِ لَها
بَيتاً يُحَصِّنُها مِن الظَهرِ

11. And gather around her to prevent
All that you have consolidated of firm fortresses

١١. وَاِجمَع حَوالَيها لِيَمنَعَها
ما اِسطَعتَ مِن مُستَحكَمِ الجَعرِ

12. For there has come to her what will leave her
Naked, devoid of hair

١٢. فَلَقَد أَتاها ما سَيَترُكُها
مَرداءَ خالِيَةً مِنَ الشَّعرِ

13. Perhaps in that there is benefit for you
O despicable one, though we do not know

١٣. وَلَعَلَّ ذَلِكَ فيهِ مَصلَحَةٌ
لَكَ يا لَئيمُ وَنَحنُ لا نَدري

14. We will spend the night as you had once been honorable
Among fornicators, esteemed and valued

١٤. نُمسي كَما قَد كُنتَ مُحتَرَماً
عِندَ الزُناةِ مُعَظَّمَ القَدرِ

15. Every licentious, corrupt, stinking, immoral one
Gives you your rule

١٥. يُعطيكَ حُكمَكَ كُلُّ ذي شَبَقٍ
يَهوى العُلوقَ مُضَبَّرٍ عُفرِ

16. You have been ignorantly titled As-Saddid though you have not
Been granted success in any prohibition or command

١٦. لُقِّبتَ جَهلاً بِالسَديدِ وَما
سُدِّدتَ في نَهيٍ وَلا أَمرِ

17. And you have named yourself the literary though in
The literature of the donkey are the wonders of time

١٧. وَلَقَد تَسَمَّيتَ الأَديبَ وَفي
أَدَبِ الحِمارِ عَجائِبُ الدَهرِ

18. If you, O Nuwas, had any manners
You would take off your clothes that expose

١٨. لَو كُنتَ يا نُوتِيُّ ذا أَدَبٍ
لَخَلَعتَ عَنكَ مَلابِساً تُعري

19. O he-goat, your whole life is butting
With the horns, it cannot withstand the rock

١٩. يا تَيسُ قَرنُكَ كُلُّهُ نَقَدٌ
في النَطحِ لا يَقوى عَلى الصَخرِ

20. Hold off! For you have awakened a fierce lion
Whose claws and fangs tear

٢٠. مَهلاً فَقَد نَبَّهتَ لَيثَ شَرىً
أَظفارُهُ وَنُيوبُهُ تَفري

21. From a people who have worn the gown and were raised
Among the swords and white spears of perfect length

٢١. مِن مَعشَرٍ لَبِسُوا العُلى وَنَشَوا
بَينَ الصَوارِمِ وَالقَنا السُمرِ

22. Under them the steeds strut when
They ride, so the gaze rises like the falcon

٢٢. تَختالُ تَحتَهُمُ الجِيادُ إِذا
رَكِبُوا فَيَسمُو الطّرفُ كَالصَقرِ

23. The people of the red tents, if they settle
In an empty wilderness, and the people of rough camel-hair cloaks

٢٣. أَهلُ القِبابِ الحُمرِ إِن نَزَلُوا
قَفراً وَأَهلُ الجامِلِ الدّثرِ

24. The tall palm trees are for them
And the blessed fruits of the land and sea

٢٤. وَالراسياتُ مِنَ النَخيلِ لَهُم
وَمُكَرَّماتُ البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ

25. Their neighbor does not fear the days
And their guest - they provide for him from their wealth

٢٥. لا يَرهَبُ الأَيّامَ جارُهُمُ
وَنَزيلُهُم مِن مالِهم يُقري

26. You denied me, but soon you will recognize me
So you will acknowledge that I am the unique one of the age

٢٦. أَنكَرتَني وَلَسَوفَ تَعرِفُني
فَتُقِرُّ أَنّي واحِدُ العَصرِ

27. So go, fleeing, however you wish, but you will not
Escape with the wings of the dirty crow

٢٧. فَاِذهَب فراراً كَيفَ شِئتَ فَما
تَنجو بِأَجنِحَةِ القَطا الكُدرِ

28. God may give respite to the wrongdoer until
A time and recompense cunning with cunning

٢٨. قَد يُمهِلُ اللَهُ الظَلومَ إِلى
حينٍ وَيَجزي المَكرَ بِالمَكرِ

29. You were excessive in oppressing people. Is it not
Time for the resurrection to be mentioned in your club?

٢٩. أَسرَفتَ في ظُلمِ العِبادِ أَما
لِلبَعثِ في ناديكَ مِن ذِكرِ

30. And you helped the highway robbers against
The poverty of the merchants and the disappointment of travel

٣٠. وَأَعَنتَ قُطّاعَ الطَريقِ عَلى
فَقرِ التِجارِ وَخَيبَةِ السَفرِ

31. Half the merchandise when you seize it
Is booty! You have indeed gone too far in evil

٣١. نِصفُ البِضاعَةِ حينَ تَظفرُها
مَكسٌ لَقَد بالغتَ في النُكرِ

32. You betrayed the Caliph regarding his subjects
And disobeyed him secretly and openly

٣٢. خُنتَ الخَليفَةَ في رَعِيَّتِهِ
وَعَصَيتَهُ في السِرِّ وَالجَهرِ

33. And the riders have transmitted what
You did during his famed days

٣٣. وَتَناقَلَت أَيدي الرِكابِ بِما
أَحدَثتَ في أَيّامِهِ الذِكرِ

34. So let him shoot you with one of his arrows
And you will be split open from the throat

٣٤. فَليَرمِيَنَّكَ بَعضَ أَسهُمِهِ
فَتُبَلُّ مِنكَ بِثَغرَةِ النَحرِ

35. Respond to me without reconsidering
Whatever my poetry has composed against you

٣٥. اِردُد عَلَيَّ بِلا مُراجَعَةٍ
ما خانَني في نَظمِهِ فِكري

36. You are called As-Saddid but righteousness is not that
Al-Hasan's wife was married without a dowry

٣٦. تُدعى السَديدَ وَما السَدادُ بِأَن
تُستَنكَحَ الحَسنا بِلا مَهرِ

37. You have the responsibility for the pillars of evil, though
Your poetry has been weighed, do you have the responsibility for poetry?

٣٧. لَكَ مُؤنَةُ العُمُدِ الخِباثِ وَقَد
وُزِنَت فَهَل لَكَ مُؤنَةُ الشِعرِ

38. I appointed Uthman so he agreed with me in it
And Abu Bakr followed him

٣٨. وكَّلت عُثماناً فَوافَقني
فيها وَتابَعَهُ أَبو بَكرِ

39. Until I came out in their account
With what I had brought comfortably yellow

٣٩. حَتّى خَرَجتُ عَلى حِسابِهما
مِمّا جَلَبتُ بِراحَةٍ صَفرِ

40. When I saw what they had done I said
"Alas! This is the egg of the killer"

٤٠. قَد قُلتُ حينَ رَأَيتُ فِعلَهُما
وَيهاً فَهَذا بَيضَة العُقرِ

41. The Beneficent does not waste the money of a youth
Who comes to you to sell or buy

٤١. لا أَخلَفَ الرَحمَنُ مالَ فَتىً
يَأتيكُمُ فَيَبيعُ أَو يَشري

42. This is the reward for composing poetry against you, and
The butt-kisser of the stone may be rewarded with stoning

٤٢. هَذا جَزاءُ النَظمِ فيكَ وَقَد
يُجزى الضِراطَ مُقَبِّلُ الحِجرِ

43. You faced it with approval when it was recited to you
And you followed it though it was without knowledge

٤٣. قابَلتَها إِذ أُنشِدَت بِرِضاً
وَعَقَقتَها فَوَقَعتَ عَن خبرِ

44. My excuse for my delirium is
That fever itself is an excuse

٤٤. وَالعُذرُ لي فيما هَذَيتُ بِهِ
إِن كانَتِ الحُمّى مِن العُذرِ

45. Indeed, the like of you I do not generously grant
Praise in poetry or prose

٤٥. أَلا فَمِثلُكَ لا أَجُودُ لَهُ
بِالمَدحِ في نَظمٍ وَلا نَثرِ

46. These are seven verses coming to you in seven hundred ways
I will make you forget them while the harvest belongs to the seed

٤٦. هِيَ سَبعَةٌ تَأتيكَ سَبعَ مائىٍ
تُنسِيكَها وَالحَصدُ لِلبَذرِ

47. From every verse that comes forth, a hundred
And the reward for the like of me is not small

٤٧. عَن كُلِّ بَيتٍ صادِرٍ مائَةٌ
وَجَزاءُ مِثلي لَيسَ بِالنَزرِ

48. So be patient with it O despicable one, not generously
For the dog is rewarded for killing with stoning

٤٨. فَاِصبِر لَها يا نَذلُ لا كَرَماً
فَالكَلبُ يُجزى القَتلَ بِالعَقرِ