1. Some of what fate granted us, oh Time, suffice us
So trust in the rest and entrust it to us
١. بَعضُ الَّذي نالَنا يا دَهرُ يَكفِينا
فَاِمنُن بِبُقيا وَأَودِعها يَداً فِينا
2. If your way is to please the enemy through us
Then, less than this pleases our adversaries
٢. إِن كانَ شَأنُكَ إِرضاءَ العَدُوِّ بِنا
فَدُونَ هَذا بِهِ يَرضى مُعادينا
3. So praise be to Allah- praise without end
Since our weakness was only by our own hands
٣. فَالحَمدُ لِلّهِ حَمداً لا نفادَ لَهُ
إِذ لَم يَكُن ضَعفُنا إِلّا بِأَيدِينا
4. The sons of our uncle feared what would soon afflict us
Due to what followed joining what preceded us
٤. خافَت بَنُو عَمِّنا أَمراً يُعاجِلُنا
مِن قَبلِ إِلحاقِ تالينا بِماضينا
5. And they knew that all kingdoms are soon lost
Though they last for a while with their people
٥. وَاِستَيقَنَت أَنَّ كُلَّ المُلكِ مُنتَزَعٌ
وَلَو تَمَكَّثَ في أَربابِهِ حِينا
6. And they worried about a state after its state
That comes quickly and aims its arrows at us
٦. وَحاذَرت دَولَةً في عَقبِ دَولَتِها
تَأتي سَريعاً فَتُلقِي سُمَّها فِينا
7. So they left no rest, plundering its blessings
By our hands, no ease, no comfort for us
٧. فَلَم تَدَع لِمُرجٍّ سَلبَ نِعمَتِها
أَرضاً قَراحاً بِأَيدِينا وَلا لِينا
8. And this has been their care for us
Until the son of sixty equaled the son of six
٨. وَلَم تَزَل هَذِهِ فِينا عِنايَتُها
حَتّى تَساوى اِبنُ سِتٍّ وَاِبنُ سِتِّينا
9. This is wisdom and upright opinion, so
Let not the people think it austerity for us
٩. هَذا هُوَ الحَزمُ وَالرَأيُ السَديدُ فَلا
تَظُنّهُ القَومُ زَهداً في مَغانينا
10. For those who will rule after them
Cannot be trusted; evil surrounds us
١٠. لِأَنَّ مَن يَتَوَلّى الأَمرَ بَعدَهُمُ
لَيسُوا بِمَأمُونِ شَرٍّ في نَواحينا
11. Poverty in our land is better for its owner
Than wealth, and little suffices us
١١. وَالفَقرُ في أَرضِنا خَيرٌ لِصاحِبِهِ
مِنَ الغِنى وَالقَليلُ النَزرُ يُرضِينا
12. Due to what the wealthy lord suffers
In our land, not that money corrupts us
١٢. لِما يُعانيهِ رَبُّ المالِ مِن تَعَسٍ
في أَرضِنا لا لِأَنَّ المالَ يُطغِينا
13. And how much wealth among us
Has led to arrogance, leaving the people's mischief
١٣. وَكَم غِنىً عِندَنا قَد جَرَّ داهِيَةً
دَهياءَ تَترُكُ فَحلَ القَومِ عِنِّينا
14. So look, oh wise reasonable man, for it
Has great stature; record it in the books
١٤. فَاِنظُر أَخا العَقلِ وَالتَدبيرِ إِنَّ لَهُ
شَأناً عَظيماً وَدَوِّنهُ الدَواوِينا
15. Not even Chosroes found guidance to manage it
Though he was the wisest and most enabled of them
١٥. لَم يَهتَدِ المَرءُ كِسرى أَن يُدَبِّرَهُ
وَكانَ أَرجَحَها عَقلاً وَتَمكِينا
16. A friend said to me, while the eye watched him
At times, while he complained, saddening me:
١٦. وَصاحِبٍ قالَ لي وَالعَينُ تَحرُسُهُ
حِيناً وَيَنطِقُ بِالشَكوى أَحايينا
17. Do you not see what our people did to us
They left no hope for us hopeful ones
١٧. أَما تَرى قَومَنا فِينا وَما صَنَعُوا
لَم يَترُكُوا أَمَلاً فِينا لِراجِينا
18. They turned against us over time and listened
To our slanderers and backbiters
١٨. مالُوا عَلَينا مَعَ الأَيّامِ وَاِستَمَعُوا
فِينا أَقاوِيلَ شانِينا وَقالِينا
19. With no fault but brief lapses in our speech
And lengthy boasting of our glories
١٩. مِن غَيرِ شَيءٍ سِوى قَصرٍ بِأَلسُنِنا
عَمّا يُعابُ وَطُولٍ في عَوالينا
20. And that we return the war cries thinking us
From our cries in war, demons possessed
٢٠. وَأَنَّنا نَرِدُ الهَيجاءَ تَحسَبُنا
مِن زَأرِنا في الوَغى جِنّاً مَجانينا
21. We care not if we split its ruggedness
Or the people's valleys or split our valleys
٢١. وَلا نُبالي شَقَقنا في عَجاجَتِها
هَوادِيَ القَومِ أَو شَقَّت هَوادِينا
22. And their youngest scorns the bronze-skinned elderly
And silences the people's talking elders
٢٢. وَيُكرِهُ الصَعدَةَ السَمراءَ أَصغَرُنا
سِنّاً وَيُفحِمُ كَهلَ القَومِ ناشِينا
23. We are the kings, the kings' relatives, and in
The prime of glory we built glories
٢٣. نَحنُ المُلوكُ وَأَردافُ المُلوكِ وَفي
بَحبُوحَةِ العِزِّ شادَ العِزَّ بانينا
24. We protect neighbor and patron, and those unlike
Trust us in the changing nights, befriending us
٢٤. نَحمي عَلى الجارِ وَالمَولى وَيَأمَنُنا
عَلى اِختِلافِ اللَيالي مَن يُصافِينا
25. Our fathers were the best fathers when named
They were the proud, the noble people
٢٥. آباؤُنا خَيرُ آباءٍ إِذا ذُكِرُوا
كانُوا المَشاوِذَ وَالناسُ التَساخِينا
26. Our days remain wrapped in honor
And cannot be traded for any days or nights
٢٦. أَيّامُنا لَم تَزَل غُرّاً مُحَجَّلَةً
وَلا تُباعُ بِأَيّامٍ لَيالينا
27. Kingship was raised in our homes and grew
Until it stood straight, we its straight raisers
٢٧. تَرَعرَعَ المُلكُ في أَبياتِنا وَنَشا
حَتّى اِستَوى وَمُرَبِّيهِ مُرَبِّينا
28. Oh I wish I knew what sin was ours
That caused our near and far to be lost
٢٨. يا لَيتَ شِعري أَيُّ الذَنبِ كانَ لَنا
حَتّى بِهِ اِجتيحَ دانينا وَقاصِينا
29. Our gardens became cheap, their best
Traded for the slightest, lowest of our patrons
٢٩. أَضحَت بَساتِينُنا نَفدي بِأَحسَنِها
شِقصاً لِأَدنى خَسيسٍ مِن مَوالينا
30. To Allah we belong; kinship did not benefit
Nor the spears of tribal protectors avail us
٣٠. بِجُلَّةِ التَمرِ وَالشاةِ الرَعُومِ غَدَت
أَملاكُنا وَاِحتَمَت أَملاكُ عادينا
31. This is the reward for what our tongues dictated
Oh for the men and what their pens dictated
٣١. إِنّا إِلى اللَهِ لا أَرحامُنا نَفَعَت
وَلا طِعانُ حُماةِ القَومِ يَحمينا
32. The day of misfortune when companies came
Bent toward us, with death assailing us
٣٢. هَذا الجَزاءُ لِما سَنَّت أَسِنَّتُنا
يا لَلرِجالِ وَما أَمضَت مَواضينا
33. Three thousand were martyred, no more
Than thirty in count, their spears and the darkness of battle shields hiding us
٣٣. يَومَ العَطيفَةِ إِذ جاءَت مُغَلِّسَةً
كَتائِبٌ نَحوَنا بِالمَوتِ تُردِينا
34. As we retreated, and the glitter of swords revealing us
A thrust with which our father Ibrahim - before descending the two seas - entrusted us
٣٤. تُوفي ثَلاثَةَ آلافٍ مُضَمَّنَةً
وَلا تجاوِزُ في عَدٍّ ثَلاثينا
35. Until they withdrew, their souls raging
With anger at our audacity
٣٥. رِماحُهُم وَظَلامُ النَقعِ يَستُرُنا
وَكَرُّنا وَضِياءُ البيضِ يُبدِينا
36. And before, their advance was turned back four times
By us, so who can elevate us to glory?
٣٦. طَعناً بِهِ كانَ إِبراهيمُ وَالِدنا
مِن قَبلِ أَن يَنزِلَ البَحرَينِ يُوصِينا
37. The day of youths, we do not tire, aroused
Like angry, provoked lions
٣٧. حَتّى تَوَلَّوا وَقَد جاشَت نُفُوسُهُمُ
غَيظاً لِما عايَنُوهُ مِن تَحامِينا
38. Followed by the family of Hajjaj, and what
The mother of scabies birthed is not like our mange
٣٨. وَقَبلُ رَدَّت رُبُوعَ القَومِ أَربَعَةٌ
مِنّا فَمَن ذا إِلى مَجدٍ يُسامِينا
39. They left no spear points in their hands
As we approached, clashing with them
٣٩. يَومَ الشَباناتِ لا نَثني أَعِنَّتَها
كَأُسدِ خَفّانَ هِيجَت أَو عِفرِّينا
40. Who but us faced them with our weapons? No,
By He who clarified the Furqan, revealing
٤٠. تَتلُوهُمُ آلُ حَجّافِ وَما وَلَدَت
أُمُّ العَجَرَّشِ مِثلَ الجُربِ طُلِّينا
41. And how many a stand we have with no fault
Nor faith or worldly blame
٤١. لَم يَترُكُوا فَضلَ رُمحٍ في أَكُفِّهِمُ
وَنَحنُ نَقصدُها قَرعاً فَتُخَطِينا
42. Oh loss of life, oh loss of our deal
Oh ill luck of the most miserable present and loss
٤٢. هَل غَيرُنا كانَ يَلقاهُم بِعُدَّتِنا
لا وَالَّذي بَيَّنَ الفُرقانَ تَبيينا
43. We feared the transference of the kingdom among Mudar
So hello to you, oh kingdom of Yaman
٤٣. وَكَم لَنا مِن مَقامٍ لا نُعابُ بِهِ
وَلا نُذَمُّ بِهِ دُنيا وَلا دِينا
44. If the kings of Rome turned away, they did not reach
A tenth of what our brothers did to us
٤٤. يا ضَيعَةَ العُمرِ يا خُسرانَ صَفقَتِنا
يا شُؤمَ حاضِرِنا الأَشقى وَبادِينا
45. We complained to them of deprivation and sought
Glory and gardens from them
٤٥. كُنّا نَخافُ اِنتِقالَ المُلكِ في مُضَرٍ
فَمَرحَباً بِكَ يا مُلكَ اليَمانينا
46. So today we rejoice if they leave an eighth
To our wealthy from the inheritance of his grandfather
٤٦. فَإِن تَوَلَّت مُلُوكُ الرُومِ ما بَلَغَت
مِعشارَ ما صَنَعَت إِخوانُنا فِينا
47. I sacrifice myself for he who said, while poetry flows
Before me, recorded by the narrators
٤٧. كُنّا نَضِجُّ مِنَ الحِرمانِ عِندَهُمُ
وَنَطلُبُ الجاهَ فيهِم وَالبَساتِينا
48. Oh seeker of vengeance, rise, fear not our power
For we do not respect those who don't respect us
٤٨. فَاليَومَ نَفرحُ أَن يُبقُوا لِمُوسِرِنا
مِن إِرثِ جَدَّيهِ سَهماً مِن ثمانينا
49. So the cups of injustice will be served boiling hot
To those who served us the cup of betrayal
٤٩. أَفدي الَّذي قال وَالأَشعارُ سائِرَةٌ
قَبلي يُدَوِّنُها الرَاوُونَ تَدوِينا
50. No enemy of ours is more deserving of our hate
Than the cousin who pained us endlessly
٥٠. يا طالِبَ الثّأرِ قُم لا تَخشَ صَولَتنا
فَما نُراعي بِها مَن لا يُراعِينا
51. More dear than the son of Ali and the nobles
Of our fathers that injustice reached our valley
٥١. فَسَوفَ يُسقى بِكاساتِ العُقوقِ عَلى
حَرِّ الظَما مَن بِكَأسِ الغَبنِ يَسقِينا
52. The obstinate took from us what he wants
Secretly and openly, indirectly and directly
٥٢. فَما المُعادي لَنا أَولى بِبَغضَتِنا
مِن اِبنِ عَمٍّ مَدى الأَيّامِ يُؤذينا
53. Our leaders wanted to extinguish our embers
Then add the Ahsāʾ to those who abandoned us
٥٣. أَعزِز عَلى اِبنِ عَلِيٍّ وَالأَكارِمِ مِن
آبائِنا أَن يُسيمَ الضَيمُ وادِينا
54. Oh how ugly their views of us! Had they known
The truth of precedence, they wouldn't choose mollifiers
٥٤. نالَ المُعانِدُ مِنّا ما يُحاوِلُهُ
سِرّاً وَجَهراً وَتَعرِيضاً وَتَعيينا
55. Tell them, may Allah not empower them
And increase their weakness and subjugation
٥٥. رامَت ذَوُو أَمرِنا إِطفاءَ جَمرَتِنا
فَبَعدَها أَلحِقِ الأَحساءَ يَبرِينا
56. Do they resent us except that through us
They became obeyed kings, obeyed by us?
٥٦. يا قُبحَ آرائِهِم فينا فَلو عَرَفُوا
حَقَّ السَوابِقِ ما اِختارُوا البَراذِينا
57. Their early ones gained footing through our first ones
Thus their later ones gained footing through our later ones
٥٧. فَقُل لَهُم لا أَقالَ اللَهُ صَرعَتَهُم
وَزادَ أَمرَهُمُ ضَعفاً وَتَوهِينا
58. How much we sufficed them in trying times
If only they reciprocated good with good
٥٨. هَل يَنقِمُونَ عَلَينا غَيرَ أَنَّ بِنا
صارُوا مُلوكاً مَطاعِيماً مَطاعِينا
59. We protect and strike the king beneath them
Strikes that send the chicks of resolve fleeing
٥٩. عَزَّت أَوائِلُهُم قِدماً بِأَوَّلِنا
لِذاكُمُ عَزَّ تاليهِم بِتالينا
60. Soon they will know the biggest losers are they
If they call for help, shouting, "Oh defenders!"
٦٠. كَم قَد كَفَيناهُمُ مِن يَومِ مُعضِلَةٍ
لَوَ اِنَّهُم مَن عَلى الحُسنى يُكافِينا
61. Did we not protect and strike for them
Blows that send the concepts of resolve fleeing?
٦١. نَحمي وَنَضرِبُ رَبَّ التاجِ دُونَهُمُ
ضَرباً يُطيرُ فِراخُ الهامِ سِجّينا
62. Soon they will know the biggest losers are they
If they call for help shouting, "Oh defenders!"
٦٢. فَسَوفَ يَدرُونَ أَنَّ الأَخسَرينَ هُمُ
إِذا اِستَغاثُوا وَنادُوا يالمُحامِينا