1. To whom do I voice complaints unheard?
And spend my life between hope and despair.
١. إِلى مَ أُورِدُ عُتباً غَيرَ مُستَمَعِ
وَأُنفِقُ العُمرَ بَينَ اليَأسِ وَالطَمَعِ
2. How often I put off to days what I pretend,
Innovation produces not but more innovation.
٢. وَكَم أُحيلَ عَلى الأَيّامِ مُفتَرِياً
ما تُحدِثُ البدعُ النَوكَى مِن البِدَعِ
3. I thought to disentangle myself from encamping and moving,
Or hopes saying: take this, leave this.
٣. آلَيتُ أَنفَكُّ مِن حِلٍّ وَمُرتَحَلٍ
أَو أَن تَقولَ لِيَ الآمالُ خُذ وَدَعِ
4. No soul accompanied me that told me not
The stages of glory, had it seen the eye of a lion.
٤. لا صاحَبَتنِيَ نَفسٌ لا تُبَلِّغُني
مَراتِبَ العِزِّ لَو في ناظِرِ السَبُعِ
5. What is glorious and excellent from me
Shall accompany time, though it tread the nostrils of death.
٥. سَيَصحَبُ الدَهرَ مِنّي ماجِدٌ نَجِدٌ
لَو داسَ عِرنِينَ أَنفِ المَوتِ لَم يُرَعِ
6. Shall I accept inferiority while my fathers are great?
And the house of glory has insight and audience?
٦. أَأَقبَلُ النَقصَ وَالآباءُ مُنجِبَةٌ
وَالبَيتُ في المَجدِ ذُو مَرأىً وَمُستَمَعِ
7. I will mount among calamities the greatest
Terror, and what the Merciful protects is not lost.
٧. لَأَركَبَنَّ مِنَ الأَهوالِ أَعظَمَها
هَولاً وَما يَحفَظُ الرَّحمنُ لَم يُضَعِ
8. And I will not be like one who seeks and whose goal
And end of seeking is for food and fullness.
٨. وَلا أَكونُ كَمَن يَسعى وَغايَتُهُ
وَمُنتَهى سَعيِهِ لِلرِّيِّ وَالشِبَعِ
9. Shall life pass and my opponent not fear contending with me,
My adversary and neighbor derive no benefit from nearness?
٩. أَيذهَبُ العُمرُ لا يَخشى مُعانَدَتي
خَصمي وَجاري بِقُربي غَيرُ مُنتَفِعِ
10. Between my ribs is a resolve needing great determination
Did the breast of this time encompass it, it would not suffice
١٠. وَبَينَ جَنبَيَّ عَزمٌ يَقتَضي هِمَماً
لَو ضَمَّها صَدرُ هَذا الدَهرِ لَم يَسَعِ
11. So no land but I will be in it
A pillar for the disdainful, rain for the seeker of rainwater.
١١. فَلا رَعى اللَهُ أَرضاً لا أَكونُ بِها
سُمّاً لِمُستَنكِفٍ غَيثاً لِمُنتَجِعِ
12. How much has time seen in me enduring perseverance
Since the patience of a twig is not found in a trunk
١٢. كَم عايَنَ الدَهرُ مِنّي صَبرَ مُكتَهِلٍ
إِذ لَيسَ يُوجَدُ صَبرُ العودِ في الجَذَعِ
13. And how much has it made me drink from a cup bitter
In taste from toil and commerce.
١٣. وَكَم سَقاني مِن كَأسٍ عَلى ظَمَأٍ
أَمَرَّ في الطَعمِ مِن صابٍ وَمِن سَلَعِ
14. And no maiden of its calamities shot me
But I stamped the brow of panic with my patience.
١٤. وَما رَمَتني بَكرٌ مِن نَوائِبهِ
إَلّا صَكَكتُ بِصَبري هامَةَ الجَزَعِ
15. Ask the sincere about me, did they accompany me
A day of time but loyalty was with me?
١٥. سَلِ الأَخِلّاءِ عَنّي هَل صَحِبتُهُمُ
يَوماً مِنَ الدَهرِ إِلّا وَالوَفاءُ مَعي
16. I meet those who wrong me smiling
As though he violated no covenant and betrayed none.
١٦. أَلقى مُسيئَهُمُ بِالبِشرِ مُبتَسِماً
حَتّى كَأَن لَم يَخُن عَهداً وَلَم يُضِعِ
17. And ask them did any free man keep faith with me
And not share in violating me nor sell me?
١٧. وَسَلهُمُ هَل وَفى لي مِن ثِقاتِهمُ
حُرٌّ وَلَم يَشرِ في نَقضي وَلَم يَبِعِ
18. May they lose them – the loss of an eye in which
Is hidden a mote or like the loss of a limb in pain!
١٨. ثَكِلتُهُم ثُكلَ عَينٍ ما تَبَطَّنَها
مِنَ القَذى أَو كَثُكلِ العُضوِ لِلوَجَعِ
19. I have pondered my state and theirs
And it was clear to me my offense to them is my piety.
١٩. لَقَد تَفَكَّرتُ في شَأني وَشَأنِهمُ
فَبانَ لي أَنَّ ذَنبي عِندَهُم وَرَعي
20. Alas from sighs whenever they rose
In my breast, almost igniting fire from my ribs
٢٠. فآهِ مِن زَفَراتٍ كُلَّما صَعَدَت
في الصَدرِ كادَت تُوَرّي النار مِن ضِلعي
21. Impelling them a sorrow raging from regret
Nurturing the regret of the duped from stupidity.
٢١. يَسُوقُها أَسَفٌ قَد ثارَ مِن نَدَمٍ
يُربي عَلى نَدَمِ المَغبُونِ مِن كُسَعِ
22. And that is not over wealth which I enjoyed
A time then squandered in the extravagance of the wastrel.
٢٢. وَلَيسَ ذاكَ عَلى مالٍ نَعِمتُ بِهِ
حِيناً وَأَفناهُ صَرفُ الأَزلَمِ الجَذِعِ
23. Nor over a sin I feared its consequences
With people partisans, one secure and one frightened.
٢٣. وَلا عَلى زَلَّةٍ أَخشى عَواقِبَها
وَالناسُ حِزبانِ ذُو أَمنٍ وَذُو فَزَعِ
24. But over pearls whose jewels shine
In a necklace of every harmonious order.
٢٤. لَكِن عَلى دُرَرٍ تَزهُو جَواهِرُها
في عِقدِ كُلِّ نِظامٍ غَيرِ مُنقَطِعِ
25. I crowned them with a band I do not seek compensation
For them though among my people I have little.
٢٥. تَوَّجتُها مَعشَراً لا أَبتَغي عِوَضاً
عَنها وَإِنّيَ في قَومي لَذُو قَنَعِ
26. And I was more right to them than they were and how many gifts
Were lost and what is past goes not back.
٢٦. وَكُنتُ أَولى بِها مِنهُم وَكَم مِنَنٍ
ضاعَت وَما فائِتٌ يَمضي بِمُرتَجَعِ
27. And their words deceived me and people are
Between deceived and deceiver.
٢٧. وغَرَّني مِنهُمُ لَفظٌ خُدِعتُ بِهِ
وَالناسُ ما بَينَ مَخدوعٍ وَمُختَدِعِ
28. If their origin were to shells
I would have bounty keeping me from craving.
٢٨. فَلو تَكونُ إِلى الأَصدافِ نِسبَتُها
لَكانَ لِي كَرَمٌ يَنهى عَن الهَلَعِ
29. But it is the innate jewel assured
From fragmentation the passage of days and nature.
٢٩. لَكِنَّها الجَوهَرُ الطَبعِيُّ قَد أَمِنَت
مِنَ التَشَظّي مَدى الأَيّامِ وَالطَبَعِ
30. What makes me keep away from them is intensity of cooing
And the asylum of heedlessness from convention and shock.
٣٠. ليُبعِدَنِّيَ عَنهُم شَدُّ ناجِيَةٍ
وَجناءَ غُفلٍ مِن التَوقِيعِ وَالوَقَعِ
31. Or one dislodging the rooted not known
In its deterring any day of stinting or calm.
٣١. أَو ذاتُ قِلعٍ مِنَ العَيناءِ ما عُرِفَت
في زَجرِها بخَلٍ يَوماً وَلا هِدَعِ
32. Nor complaining in carrying burdens of annoyance
Nor inclining to foolishness or squareness.
٣٢. وَلا رَغَت عِندَ حَملِ الثِقلِ مِن ضَجَرٍ
وَلا إلى هُبَعٍ حَنَّت وَلا رُبَعِ
33. It flows with the wind, be it gentle or impetuous
So excellent an emergence from dreadful emergence!
٣٣. تَجري مَعَ الريحِ إِن هَوناً وَإِن مَرَحاً
فَنِعمَ مُطلِعَةٌ مِن هَولِ مُطَّلِعِ
34. With this or that I dispel the darkness
When extends the night of the helpless supplicant.
٣٤. فَتِلكَ أَو هَذِهِ أَجلو الهُمومَ بِها
إِذا تَطاوَلَ لَيلُ العاجِزِ الضَرِعِ
35. Glory refuses I should accept other than pleasure
And solid counsel and resolve not borrowed.
٣٥. يَأبى لِيَ المَجدُ أَن أَرضى بِغَيرِ رِضاً
وَرَأيِ ماضٍ وَعَزمٍ غَيرِ مُفتَرِعِ
36. How ugly is humiliation for the noble free man! And what
Is more evil and uglier than glory for the sluggard!
٣٦. ما أَقبَحَ الذُلَّ بِالحُرِّ الكَريمِ وَما
أَسوا وَأَقبَحَ مِنهُ العِزُّ بِاللُكَعِ
37. Why do I chatter in my breast? While the shoulder of the ground
Is remote and spacious.
٣٧. ما لي أُجمجِمُ في صَدري بَلابِلَهُ
وَمَنكِبُ الأَرضِ ذو مَنأىً وَمُتَّسَعِ
38. And every land when I set my course to it my homeland
And every people when I joined them my intimates
٣٨. وَكُلُّ أَرضٍ إِذا يَمَّمتُها وَطني
وَكُلُّ قَومٍ إِذا صاحَبتهُم شِيَعي
39. And I have of merit that polished it and ennobled it
And a resolve exceeding every towering one.
٣٩. وَلي مِنَ الفَضلِ أَسنَاهُ وَأَشرَفَهُ
وَهِمَّةٌ جاوَزَت بي كُلَّ مُرتَفِعِ
40. Glory I emancipate and letters outstanding
And the pinnacle of glory my lounge and seat.
٤٠. المَجدُ أَعتَقُ وَالآدابُ بارِعَةٌ
وَذِروَةُ المَجدِ مُصطافي وَمُرتَبَعي
41. Wit is my nature I am known for
And every meaning from words my coinage.
٤١. لِيَ النَّباهَةُ طَبعٌ قَد عُرِفتُ بِهِ
وَكُلُّ مَعنىً مِنَ الأِلفاظِ مُختَرَعي
42. Your despair for my returning after my withdrawal –
The turns of the Tigris will suffice me for the draft.
٤٢. فَيَأسكُم مِن رُجُوعِي بَعدَ مُنصَرَفي
نِطافُ دِجلَةَ تُغنِيني عَنِ الجُرَعِ
43. The loser duped will know his deal with us
And who wasted the excellent for the paltry.
٤٣. سَيَعرِفُ الخاسِرُ المَغبُونُ صَفقَتَهُ
مِنّا وَمَن ضَيّعَ البازِيَّ بِالوَصَعِ
44. There is no good in an abode where the generous are wretched
And master followed joins follower.
٤٤. لا خَيرَ في مَنزِلٍ تَشقى الكِرامُ بِهِ
وَيُلحَقُ السَيِّدُ المَتبُوعُ بِالتَبَعِ
45. How I blamed my people! Nay, how I ordered them
To excise the disease of enmity among them but was not obeyed!
٤٥. كَم لُمتُ قَومي لا بَل كَم أَمَرتُهُمُ
بِحَسمِ داءِ العِدا فيهِم فَلَم أُطَعِ
46. Then after my despair I found naught but my departure
From them to a care diverting me and extended.
٤٦. فَلَم أَجِد بَعدَ يَأسي غَيرَ مُرتَحَلي
عَنهُم لِهَمٍّ أسَلِّيهِ وَمُتَّدَعِ
47. If they pasture I will pasture and reason is gained
While pasturing is better and who for the blind with hastening?
٤٧. فَإِن يُرِيعُوا أَرِع وَالعَقلُ مُكتَسَبٌ
وَالرَيعُ خَيرٌ وَمَن لِلعُميِ بِالرَسَعِ