1. Ummayma, do not deny my fine garments and possessions,
For the youth has always been wrapped up with camels.
١. أُمَيمُ لا تُنكِري حِلّي وَمُرتَحَلي
إِنَّ الفَتى لَم يَزَل كَلّاً عَلى الإِبِلِ
2. Ask the caravan leaders about my news,
It will inform you that I am the eye of the heroic warrior.
٢. وَسائِلي وارِدَ الرُكبانِ عَن خَبَري
يُنبيكِ أَنّيَ عَينُ الماجِدِ البَطَلِ
3. I do not drink water unless its source is clear,
Nor do I say to the crooked lover, "Unite with me!"
٣. لا أَشرَبُ الماءَ ما لَم يَصفُ مَورِدُهُ
وَلا أَقولُ لِمُعوَجِّ الوِصالِ صِلِ
4. You impose on me to stay among you,
Yet the gleam of the sword does not show through cracks.
٤. تُكَلِّفِيني مُقاماً بَينَ أَظهُرِكُم
وَلَيسَ يَبدُو فِرِندُ السَيفِ في الخِلَلِ
5. As long as the whites of eyes are still sheathed,
Nothing manifests itself to them in determination.
٥. ما دامَتِ البيضُ في الأَجفانِ مُغمَدَةً
فَما يَبينُ لَها في الهامِ مِن عَمَلِ
6. Moving around brings honor and elevation to the youth,
The full moon would not be complete without frequent movement.
٦. وَفي التَنَقُّلِ عِزٌّ لِلفَتى وَعُلاً
لَم يَكمُلِ البَدرُ لَولا كَثرَةُ النَقلِ
7. While still moist, the date fruit is just firewood in its homelands,
But when traveling it can be bartered for a camel.
٧. وَالمَندَلُ الرَطبُ في أَوطانِهِ حَطَبٌ
وَقَد يُقوَّمُ في الأَسفارِ بِالجُملِ
8. I would have cured you, striving hard, if your disease
Could be treated without eggs and honey.
٨. داوَيتُكُم جاهِداً لَو أَنَّ داءَكُمُ
مِمّا يُداوى بِغَيرِ البيضِ وَالأَسَلِ
9. But the more my advice increased, the more your disdain grew,
May God not bless an affection built on fraud!
٩. وَكُلَّما زادَ نُصحي زادَ غَيُّكُمُ
لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في وُدٍّ عَلى دَخَلِ
10. You did wrong and assumed I have no sense
To taste the bitterness mixed into the honey.
١٠. أَسَأتمُ وَظَنَنتُم لا أَباً لَكُمُ
أَن لا أُحِسَّ بِطَعمِ الصابِ في العَسَلِ
11. If I refrain from the lute during your times of need,
The gaze of my eyes makes up for illnesses.
١١. إِن أَترُكِ العَودَ في أَمرِ اِغتِنائِكُمُ
فَنَهلَةُ الطَرفِ مَجزاةٌ عَنِ العَلَلِ
12. How much virtue have I planted in you
If only plants would fruit on barren mountains!
١٢. كَم قَد غَرَستُ مِنَ الإحسانِ عِندَكُمُ
لَو يُثمِرُ الغَرسُ في صَفواءَ مِن جَبَلِ
13. Do not think the distance of my house has saddened me,
Distance is more intimate than nearness built on fraud.
١٣. لا تَحسَبُوا أَنَّ بُعدَ الدارِ أَوحَشَني
البُعدَ آنَسُ مِن قُربٍ عَلى دَغَلِ
14. I have changed from you only the best change,
So now change from me the worst you can exchange!
١٤. لَقَد تَبَدَّلتُ مِنكُم خَيرَ ما بَدَلٍ
فَاِستَبدِلُوا الآنَ مِنّي شَرَّ ما بَدَلِ
15. The most wicked companion is one whose hours
Creep by - no good in a man who twists and turns!
١٥. شَرُّ الأَخِلّاءِ مَن تَسري عَقارِبُهُ
لا خَيرَ في آدِمٍ يُطوى عَلى نَغلِ
16. Do not complain about one who does not spend his nights scheming against you
Or jeopardize your honor on a whim.
١٦. لا تَنقِمُونَ عَلى مَن لا يَبيتُ لَكُم
مِنهُ سَوامٌ وَلا عِرضٌ عَلى وَجَلِ
17. Your party will be weighed on the day of reckoning
As poems are weighed by proverbs.
١٧. يُزانُ ناديكُمُ يَومَ الخِصامِ بِهِ
كَما تُزانُ بُيُوتُ الشِعرِ بِالمَثَلِ
18. When your speaker makes his most eloquent address
And is answered without undue brevity or length.
١٨. إِذا خَطِيبُكُم أَكدَت بَلاغَتُهُ
أَجابَ عَنهُ فَلَم يُقصِر وَلَم يُطِلِ
19. I enriched an era but no petitioner found fault in it,
I lacked wealth but did not plead or beg.
١٩. أَثرى زَماناً فَلَم يَذمُمهُ سائِلُهُ
وَقَلَّ مالاً فَلَم يَضرَع وَلَم يَسَلِ
20. Every day it clothes you in its virtues
And glories, garments more splendid than splendid garb.
٢٠. يَكسُوكُمُ كُلَّ يَومٍ مِن مَحاسِنِهِ
وَمَجدِهِ حُلَلاً أَبهى مِنَ الحُلَلِ
21. His sole concern has been to establish your glory,
He only wishes he had reached the zenith.
٢١. وَلَم يَزَل هَمُّهُ تَشييدَ مَجدِكُمُ
يَوَدُّ لَو أَنَّهُ أَوفى عَلى زُحَلِ
22. He humiliates in his affection those who do not love him,
And honors the impaired and infirm.
٢٢. يُهينُ في وُدِّكُم مَن لا يَوَدُّ لَهُ
هُوناً وَيُكرِمُ فيهِ عِلَّةَ العِلَلِ
23. If you speak well one day, he says insolently,
"It didn't come from you," but if you speak nonsense, he is silent.
٢٣. إِن قُلتُمُ الخَيرَ يَوماً قالَ مُبتَجِحاً
عَنكُم وَإِن قُلتُمُ العَوراءَ لَم يَقُلِ
24. What harm to you, if you had kept your word? The noble,
When the ignoble fail their word through nature, not choice.
٢٤. ما ضَرَّكُم لَو وَفَيتُم فَالكَريمُ إِذا
حالَ اللَئيمُ وَفى طَبعاً وَلَم يَحلِ
25. Have I not been truest to my vow to you,
And most forbearing of pacts, and most steadfast in duty and supererogation?
٢٥. أَلَستُ أَوفاكُمُ عَهداً وَأَحلَمُكُم
عَقداً وَأَقوَمُكُم بِالفَرضِ وَالنَفَلِ
26. Is not the position of your house one of glory?
My house - whatever pride is because of me!
٢٦. أَلَيسَ بَيتُكُم في العِزِّ مَركَزُهُ
بَيتي فَما كانَ مِن فَخرٍ فَمِن قبلي
27. Am I not most open-handed in every honor,
And most burdened by grave events?
٢٧. أَلَستُ أَطوَلَكُم في كُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ
باعاً وَأَحملَكُم لِلحادِثِ الجَلَلِ
28. How much hypocrisy and ostentation is spent among you,
And you do not incline toward honest advice or rebuke!
٢٨. كَم يَنفُقُ الغِشُّ فِيكُم وَالنِفاقُ وَكَم
لا تَرغَبُونَ إِلى نُصحٍ ولا عَذَلِ
29. If your dislike befalls my fortune, that is your right,
The nearest rose pricks deepest in the palm.
٢٩. إِن يُمسِ مَقتُكُمُ حَظّي فَحُقَّ لَكُم
الوَردُ مِن قُربِهِ يُغمى عَلى الجُعَلِ
30. But if you devote yourselves to one of no merit,
Over me, a people has devoted itself to raving madness!
٣٠. وَإِن عَكَفتُم عَلى من لا خَلاقَ لَهُ
دُوني فَقَد عَكَفَت قَومٌ عَلى هُبَلِ
31. I hoped to repel the woes of adversity through you,
But alas! What disappointment from frustrated hopes!
٣١. أَمَّلتُ دَفعَ مُلِمّاتِ الخُطوبِ بِكُم
فَآهِ واشَقوتا مِن خَيبَةِ الأَمَلِ
32. I thought you were those by whom
My eye would be delighted, but I found you causes of my burning sorrow!
٣٢. وَكُنتُ أَحسَبُكُم مِمَّن تَقرُّ بِهِ
عَيني فَأَلفَيتُكم مِن سُخنَةِ المُقَلِ
33. If my superiority over you diminishes, no wonder -
A blind man cannot grasp the rays of the sun.
٣٣. إِن يَخفَ ما بَينَكم فَضلي فَلا عَجَبٌ
لا يَستَطيعُ شُعاعَ الشَمسِ ذُو السَبَلِ
34. Oh, would that I knew, though news has not yet ceased
To travel with the winds at dawn and nightfall:
٣٤. يا لَيتَ شِعريَ وَالأَنباءُ ما بَرِحَت
تُسايِرُ الريحَ بِالأَسحارِ وَالأُصُلِ
35. Have my people come to rebuke me, they who,
If I aim an arrow, are not the target but the bowman?
٣٥. هَل جاءَ قَومي وَأَخداني الَّذينَ هُمُ
إِن أُرمَ مِن قِبَلِ الرامينَ لا قِبلي
36. That I have not returned to a watering-place in shame
Or on any day stood in an embarrassed stance?
٣٦. بِأَنَّني لَم أَرِد وِرداً أُعابُ بِهِ
وَلَم أَقِف ذاتَ يَومٍ مَوقِفَ الخَجَلِ
37. I clothed my people and both seas in a garment of elevation
Remaining ever new like the lives of whale and penguin.
٣٧. كَسَوتُ قَومِيَ وَالبَحرَين ثَوبَ عُلاً
يَبقى جَديداً بَقاءَ الحُوتِ وَالحَملِ
38. I have surpassed in excellence those who preceded me,
And my glory reached those born previously.
٣٨. لَقَد تَقَدَّمتُ سَبقاً مَن تَقَدَّمَني
سِنّاً وَأَدرَكَ شَأوي فارِطَ الأوَلِ
39. By that the leading exemplar of scholars,
Abu Bakr Muhyi al-Din bears witness to me.
٣٩. بِذاكَ قُدوَةُ أَهلِ العِلمِ قاطِبَةً
أَبو البَقاءِ مُحِبُّ الدَينِ يَشهَدُ لي
40. He is the Imam whom all who stand guard over the world follow,
From every crescent-blade and new-gemmed scabbard.
٤٠. هُوَ الإِمامُ الَّذي كُلٌّ لَهُ تَبَعٌ
مِن كُلِّ حافٍ عَلى الدُنيا وَمُنتَعِلِ
41. No peer to him exists by whom he might be measured,
Can one compare the sea and the pit?
٤١. فَما الخَليلُ لَهُ مِثلٌ يُقاسُ بِهِ
وَهَل يُقايَسُ بَينَ البَحرِ والوَشَلِ
42. Yet some of his servants suffice - so what of him,
Well-mannered, neither rough nor wearied!
٤٢. وَبَعضِ غُلمانِهِ يَكفي فَكَيفَ بِهِ
مُهَذَّباً لَم يَحِف جَوراً وَلَم يَمِلِ
43. Not he alone has said this, but the best minds
Of Baghdad have testified to his perfection.
٤٣. وَلَم يَقُل وَحدَهُ ما قالَ بَل شَهدَت
بِهِ الأَفاضِلُ مِن بَغدادَ عَن كَمَلِ
44. In poetry, none can boast favours equalling mine,
Even if he climbed to the height of the Great Bear!
٤٤. وَلَيسَ في الشِعرِ مِن فَضلٍ يَطُولُ بِهِ
مِثلي وَلَو فاقَ أَعلى سَبعِها الطُوَلِ
45. Rather, the favour of the likes of me is to aspire through their ambition
Beyond praising the insignificant, busy with petty matters.
٤٥. بَل فَضلُ مِثلِيَ أَن يَسمُو بِهِمَّتِهِ
عَن مَدحِ فَدمٍ عَن العَلياءِ في شُغُلِ