
The one with chains became chaste after Salma

عفت ذات السلاسل بعد سلمى

1. The one with chains became chaste after Salma
And pregnancy after your time and entering

١. عَفَت ذاتُ السَّلاسِلِ بعدَ سَلمى
وحَومَلُ بعدَ عَهدِكَ والدَّخُولُ

2. Became chaste and the fort dressed up
With few companions in it

٢. عَفَت وتَرَجَّزَ القَلَعُ السَواري
عَليها فالأنيسُ بها قليلُ

3. Except for the bleary-eyed whose tears
Roam her day in her

٣. سِوى سُفعٍ مَدامِعُها ورُمدٍ
تَظلُّ نَهارَها فِيهَا تَجُولُ

4. And Suleima had sung about her for a while
With her, comforts and entering

٤. وقَد تَغنى بِها حِيناً سُلَيمَى
بِهَا النَّعَمُ المُرَوَّحُ والحُلُولُ

5. Tell the people of Shayban about me
He who has dignity may guide you

٥. ألا أبلِغ بَني شَيبانَ عَنِّي
وَقد يَهدِيكَ ذُو الحِلمِ الأَصيلُ

6. That now your watering place has water
Mixed, turbid and urine

٦. بأنَّ الحينَ مَورِدُكُم مياهاً
مُخَالِطُ شُربِهَا كَلأٌ وَبيلُ

7. Did we not set you free yet you disbelieved us
Freed blessings have no circulation

٧. أَلَم نُطلِقكُم فَكَفَرتُمُونَا
وَلَيسَ لِنِعمَةِ المَكفُورِ جُولُ

8. If Obeidullah speaks ignorantly
The slaves do not know what they say

٨. فَإن يَنطِق عُبَيدُ اللَّهِ جَهلاً
فلَم يَعلم عُبيدٌ ما يَقولُ

9. An envoy came to us from the people of Zi Qar
With guidance not mixed with misguidance

٩. سَما مِن أهلِ ذي قارٍ إِلَينا
بِهَادٍ لا يُخالِطُهُ الضَّلُولُ

10. So when he stayed with the people for a month
And clarified what the guide told him

١٠. فلَما أن مَضى بالقَومِ شَهراً
وَبيَّنَ ما يَخبِّره الدَّليلُ

11. With an army loud voices among them
When they camp humming and neighing

١١. بجَيشٍ عِليَةُ الأَصواتِ فيهِ
إِذا نَزَلوا التَّحَمحُم والصَّهيلُ

12. They camped overnight with us while we were
Hospitable when camping was hated

١٢. فَباتوا نازِلينَ بِنا وكُنا
أَبا الأَضيافِ إذ كُرِهَ النُّزولُ

13. When dawn broke they came
A group behind another group

١٣. فَلمَّا أن أضاءَ الصُّبحُ جاؤوا
رَعيلاً خَلفَهُ مِنهم رَعيلُ

14. They did not notice us until they saw us
And the split veins were dripping in us

١٤. فَما شَعرُوا بِنَا حتَّى رأَونا
وأكثِبَةُ الشَّقيقِ بنا تَسِيلُ

15. They did not look at the villages and saw few faces
In their observation the mediator

١٥. فَما نَظروا القِرى وَرأوا وجُوهاً
قليلاً في تأَمُّلِهَا الوَسِيلُ

16. They saw the blessings of the split vein and it was pregnancy
And meeting it had severe harm

١٦. رأَوا نعَمَ الشَّقِيقَةِ وَهوَ حَومٌ
وَدون لِقائِه شَرٌّ بَجِيلُ

17. It delighted the eye when the dappled
Of color with no stallion flew upon them

١٧. أقرَّ العينَ إذ طَارَت عليهم
شَمِيطُ اللَّونِ لَيسَ لها حُجُولُ

18. And they were on the ropes fierce
For them in every battlefield there is a casualty

١٨. وَهُنَّ عَلَى الحِبَالِ مجَلِّحاتٌ
لَهُنَّ بِكُلِّ معتَرَكٍ قَتيلُ

19. When the weapons were hated they proceeded in it
And it was not in their nature to retreat

١٩. إذا كُرِهَ السِّلاحُ مَضَينَ فِيهِ
وَلَم يَكُ حَقُّ عادَتِها النُّكوُلُ

20. So upon the she-camels among us
A long day remained for them

٢٠. فَظَلَّ لَهُم عَلَى الأَنقاءِ مِنَّا
إلَى أَن أَظلَمُوا يَومٌ طَوِيلُ

21. And they left freely and did not reciprocate
While their leader roamed the land tyrannically

٢١. وآبُوا مُطلَقِينَ وَلم يُثِيبُوا
وَغَالَ رَئيسَهم في الأرضِ غُولُ

22. Cowardice declines with the footsteps of nights
But the cowardice of the ungrateful does not decline

٢٢. يَزِلُّ اللُؤمُ عَن قِدَمِ اللَّيَالي
ويَأبى لُؤمُ يَشكُرَ لا يَزُولُ

23. Only the ignorant among you disbelieved our efforts
By the life of your father

٢٣. وَلم يكفُر مَساعِينَا لَدَيكُم
لَعَمرُ أَبِيكُمُ إلا جَهُولُ