1. For my people I gathered youth when war wrapped some people around others
When Muzahij informed us and we were accused
١. فِدىً لِقَومِيَ ما جَمَّعتُ من نَشَبٍ
إذ لَفَّتِ الحَربُ أَقوَاماً بِأَقوامِ
2. That he would not refrain from attacking us
They lived in comfort for a while, then they were hit by a blow that terrified the ambitious
٢. إذ خُبِّرت مَذحِجٌ عَنَّا وقَد كُذِبت
أن لَن يُوَرِّعَ عَن أَحسابِنَا حَامِ
3. Hyena cubs remained, delighting in them
And their flesh adhered to them, what firm adhesion!
٣. دارَت رَحانا قَليلاً ثمَّ صَبَّحَهُم
ضَربٌ يُصَيِّحُ مِنهُ جِلَّةُ الهَامِ
4. They marched against us while they were prey, their heads
So we made them a day like [our] days
٤. ظَلَّت ضِباعُ مُجَيرَاتٍ يَلُذنَ بِهِم
وَأَلحمُوهُنَّ مِنهم أيَّ إلحَامِ
5. Until Huthnah, we left no hyena in it
Except it had anklets of leather from its snout
٥. سَارُوا إلَينا وهُم صِيدٌ رُؤوسُهمُ
فَقَد جَعَلنا لهُم يَوماً كأيامِ
6. It continued trampling the clan of Ka’b with its anklets
And the day of Banu Nahd thought of darkness
٦. حتَّى حُذُنَّةُ لَم نَترُك بِها ضَبُعاً
إِلا لَها جزرٌ من شِلوِ مِقدامِ
٧. ظلَّت تَدوسُ بَني كَعبٍ بِكَلكَلِها
وَهَمَّ يومُ بَني نَهدٍ بِإظلامِ