1. A gazelle prayed beside me,
Wounding with a glance, then despairing.
١. صَلَّى إِلى جانِبِي غَزالٌ
يَجرَحُ بِاللَّحظِ ثُمَّ ياسُو
2. If the full moon is obscured by darkness,
The magic of his eyes cannot be measured.
٢. إِن قِيسَ بِالبَدرِ وَهوَ ظُلمٌ
فَسِحرُ عَينَيهِ لا يُقاسُ
3. Eyes turn from him, radiant with light,
So each glance of his is a theft.
٣. تَرتَدُّ عَنهُ العُيونُ نُوراً
فَكُلُّ لَمحٍ لَهُ اِختِلاسُ
4. In his beauty people are infatuated,
Some became passionate, some pensive.
٤. لِلخَلقِ في حُسنِهِ اِفتِتانٌ
فَهامَ ناسٌ وَهَمَّ ناسُ
5. If he takes my heart by storm,
Then my cheek has its requital on his.
٥. إِن نالَ مِن قَلبِيَ اِفتِراساً
فَلي عَلى خَدِّهِ اِفتِراسُ
6. A flirt, but difficult - so I was amazed
By a coquetry with pride underneath.
٦. غِرٌّ وَلَكِنَّ صَعبٌ فَاِعجَب
لِغِرَّةٍ تَحتَها شِماسُ
7. Each union with him is a promise,
And each promise from him is despair.
٧. فَكُلُّ وَصلٍ لَدَيهِ وَعدٌ
وَكُلُّ وَعدٍ لَدَيهِ ياسُ
8. O magic of a glance, beauty of face,
The moon borrows from his light.
٨. يا سِحرَ طَرفٍ وَحُسنَ وَجهٍ
لِلبَدرِ مِن نُورِهِ اِقتِباسُ
9. By that look some died,
By those roses others picked.
٩. قَد حُفَّ مِن ذا بِاللَّحظِ مَوتٌ
وَحُفَّ مِن ذا بِالوَردِ آسُ
10. I won't forget the prayer of a day
When people envied its intimacy.
١٠. وَلَستُ أَنسَى صَلاةَ يَومٍ
يَحسُدُ في كَونِها أُناسُ
11. My eyes were seduced by a gazelle of company
In its voluntary prayer - was I heedless of me?
١١. غازَلَ طَرفِي غَزالُ أُنسٍ
في نَفلِها هَل عَلَيَّ باسُ
12. I don't know, though I did know,
Was that gathering or solitude?
١٢. فَلَستُ أَدرِي وَكُنتُ أَدرِي
أَجامِعٌ ذاكَ أَم كِناسُ