
My friend, though I fall short, the truth is my master

خليلي وإن قصرت والحق سيدي

1. My friend, though I fall short, the truth is my master
Pity me, for since you left I have been in loss

١. خَليلي وَإِن قَصَّرتُ وَالحَقُّ سَيِّدي
أَصِخ لي فَإِنّي مُذ نَأَيتَ لَفي خُسرِ

2. Do not neglect me now that I wander desolate
In a sea vaster than oceans and narrower than a handspan

٢. وَلا تُغفِلَنّي حينَ أَصبَحتُ ثاوِياً
بِأَرحَبَ مِن بَحرٍ وَأَضيَقَ مِن شِبرِ

3. When cares assailed me and longing took me back
To lost thoughts, I found respite unraveling a parchment

٣. وَكُنتُ إِذا اِهتاجَت عَلَيَّ لَواعِجي
وَعاوَدَنِي شَوقي فَأَنحى عَلى فِكري

4. On which you inscribed the exalted in line after line
You sent it when company was but fleeting

٤. أَرَحتُ اِكتِراثِي أَن أَفُكَّ صَحيفَةً
نَظَمتَ بِها العَلياءَ سَطراً عَلى سَطرِ

5. Say, a master gifted refuge from fate's caprice
And a face the scroll framed, though it fade to ashes

٥. بَعَثتَ بِها وَالأُنسُ بَعضُ حُداتِها
فَقُل سَيِّدٌ أَهدَى الأَمانَ مِنَ الدَّهرِ

6. Let none veil it but the flash of bright blades
Lest it guide amiss and from wisdom stray

٦. وَوَجهٍ بِها زُهراً حَوَتها صَحيفَةٌ
وَإِن تَستَرِب فَليَحوِها مَعدِنُ الدُّرِّ

7. For few in this world are true in their faith
You see news until it becomes stale rumor

٧. وَلا تُمطِيَنها غَيرَ صَهوَةِ بارِقٍ
فَرُبَّتَما أَدَّى وَحادَ عَنِ المَكرِ

8. The mark of one steadfast, if you would know it
Is that he lends the softness of water to the hardness of rock

٨. فَإِنَّ بَني الدُّنيا قَليلٌ وَفاؤُهُم
تَرى خَبَراً حَتّى تَجيءَ إِلى خُبرِ

٩. عَلامَةُ ذي جَدٍّ إِذا ما خَبَرتَهُ
أَفادَكَ لينَ الماءِ في قَسوَةِ الصَّخرِ