1. O beautiful one, God has perfectly created your form
And graceful one, eyes have not seen the like of you
١. يا مَليحاً قَد أَبدَعَ اللَه شَكلَهُ
وَظَريفا لَم تَنظُر العَين مِثلَه
2. I am in need of you, so fulfill
My good expectations, for it is easy for you
٢. اِنَّ لي حاجَة اِلَيكَ فَحقق
حُسن ظَنّي فَاِنَّها مِنكَ سَهله
3. Greet me with a kiss on my cheek
That will heal my loving heart
٣. قَبلى أَجتَني بها وَرد خَدّي
كَ وَأَشفى بِه الفُؤاد الموله
4. Do it whenever I see you, else
I will be content with a kiss from you each month
٤. جد بها كُلَّما أَراكَ وَاِلّا
أَكتَفي مِنكَ كُل شَهر بِقُبلَه
5. And make it customary with me, a hand and beauty
Especially if you allow without delay
٥. وَاِتخذها عِندي يَدا وَجَميلا
سيما اِن سَمَحت من غَيرِ مُهلَه
6. And seize the opportunity, O salt, for I
Have become like you among people in love
٦. وَاِغتَنِم يا ملح أَجرى فانّي
صِرت بَينَ الوَرى بِحُبِّكَ مِثله
7. Your affection has killed me completely
And the blankets of swords are the worst killings
٧. قَتَلتَني مَعاطف منكَ هيف
وَلِحاظ سِيافَة شَرّ قَتلَه
8. And your face's light has guided me when
I lost my way in the dark valleys of feelings
٨. وَهَداني ضِياء وَجهِكَ لما
تهت في غَبهب الشُعور المَضله
9. So fear Allah regarding killing me and tell me
Is it lawful to kill the likes of me in any country?
٩. فَاِتَّقِ اللَه في فَتاك وَقُل لي
قَتل مِثلي يُباح في أَيّ مله
10. My friends in love are suns while, in contrast,
My family and loved ones are people
١٠. رِفقَتي في الهَوى شُموس وَنَدما
ني بُدور وَأَهل ودّي أَهله
11. And my heart, though it pretends patience
Is a lover who knows the place of passion
١١. وَفُؤادي وَان تصبر مُغرى
مُغرم يعرف الغَرام محله
12. So take me as a slave, for I am the one
Truthful in love, and leave all people
١٢. فَاتخذني عَبدا فاني أَنا الصا
دِق في الوُدّ وَاِترُك الناسَ جُملَه
13. I love you, O beautiful one, but
Allah knows it is not "mayhap"
١٣. أَنا أَهواكَ يا مَليح وَلكِن
يَعلَمُ اللَه اِنَّهُ لا لعله
14. I am pure in conscience, my soul disdains
Every trait in love that angers Allah
١٤. أَنا عفّ الضَمير تأنف نَفسي
في الهَوى كل خُصله تغضب اللَه
15. Ask the governors of passion about me and about my soul's purity
For that is my natural disposition
١٥. سل وُلاة الغَرام عَنّي وَعن عف
ة نَفسي فَتِلك فيّ جبله
16. I do not accept humiliation in the doctrine of love
Nor do I seek union through humiliation
١٦. لَست أَرضى الهوان في مَذهب الحُب
وَلا اَطلُب الوِصال بذله
17. My doctrine is to love beauty, and wherever
An elegant gazelle appears, I love it right away
١٧. مَذهَبي أَعشِق الجَمال وَمَهما
لاحَ ظَبي أَهواهُ أَوّل وَهلَه
18. And if the celibates claim about my ways
I will establish the proofs upon my youth
١٨. وَاِذا ما اِدَّعى العذول سَلوّى
فَعَلى صَبوَتي أَقيم الادِلّة