
On the like of this position, there is no alternative to building

على مثل هذا الوضع فاليبن من بني

1. On the like of this position, there is no alternative to building
For every elevated building is less than this building

١. عَلى مِثل هذا الوَضع فَاليبن من بَني
فَكل بَناء مُشرف دونَ ذا البنا

2. Contemplate and you will find it a garden of delight
Wherein all happiness is unveiled and gathered

٢. تَأَمّل تَجده رَوضَة ذات بَهجَة
بِها يُجتَلى كل السُرور وَيَجتَني

3. It has an elegance that rises above all elegance
And here it is, a goodly garden with thriving vegetation

٣. لَه رَونَق يَعلو عَلى كُل رَونَق
وَها هو رَوض طَيب يانِع الجَنى

4. A place wherein the human spirit bird calls out
Saying, behold, all beauties are here

٤. مَكان عَلَيه بُلبل الانس صائِح
يَقول أَلا كل المَحاسِن ها هُنا

5. An honorable place, all its times are acceptance
And a seat of truth in whose plains there is no hardship

٥. مُقام كَريم كُل أَوقاتِهِ رِضا
وَمُقعَد صِدق لَيسَ في سَوحه عَنا

6. The state of affairs calls out to the guest when he comes
Oh our guest, if only you would visit us to find us

٦. يُنادي لِسان الحال لِلضَّيف اِذ أَتى
أَيا ضَيفُنا لَو زُرتَنا لِوَجتنا

7. The singular one of the age confronted glory with his might
To renew it in the mold of beauty and took great care

٧. تَصَدّى فَريد العَصر مجدا بِعزه
لِتَجديدِه في قالِب الحُسن وَاِعتَنى

8. And this brilliant transcendent one achieved with what
He erected of its pillars, the epitome of purpose

٨. وَأَدرك هذا الفاضِل الالمَعي بِما
تَشيد من أَركانِهِ غايَة المُنى

9. Perfection of beauty is complete for him from every side
And through sound judgment it has become flawless

٩. تَكامُل فيهِ الحُسن من كُل جانِب
وَاِصبَح بِالرَأى المسدّد متقنا

10. So it is like the full moon in nobility and like the garden in fragrance
And like the sun when it rises and like the wild cows when they chime

١٠. فَكَالبَدر اِشرافا وَكَالرَوض نَفحَة
وَكَالشَمس اِن لاحَت وَكَالظَبى اِن رَنا

11. It contains an ascending fortune and abundant glory
Whereupon this seat of glory and loftiness was established

١١. حَوى طالِعاً سَعدا وَمَجدا مؤثلا
فَاِرخت هذا مُقعَد المَجد وَالسنا

12. Thus the door of victory, opening, and acceptance does not cease
And he who built it does not cease to be in might and ease

١٢. فَلا زالَ باب النَصر وَالفَتح وَالرِضا
وَلا زالَ مَن أَنشاه في العَز وَالهَنا

13. And may its builder remain forever powerful and supported
For him praise lives and eulogies are composed

١٣. وَلا زالَ بانيهِ عَزيزاً مُؤَيَّدا
لَهُ المَدحَ يَحيى وَالمَحامِد تُقتَنى