1. Follow with your might this best of paths
For your might is with the truthful friend from the beginning
١. اِسلُك بِعِزِّكَ هذا أَحسَن السُبُل
فَاِنَّ عِزك بِالصَديق في الازَل
2. And I take pride, but pride is only for the Prophet and whoever
And to the Prophet from following and intimacy
٢. وَاِفخَر فَما الفَخر الا لِلنَبِيَّ وَمن
وَاِلى النَبِيِّ من الاِتباعِ وَالخول
3. You have given, O sons of the Truthful, a status
Whoever wished to vie or extend it has not reached
٣. أَعطَيتُموا يا بَني الصِدّيق مَنزِلَة
مَن رامَ شَأو مداها قَد لَم يَصِل
4. I reported from you the hadith of honors, and about
My love for you, O sons of the Truthful, I did not permit
٤. عَنكُم رَويت حَديث المُكرَماتِ وَعَن
حُبّي لَكُم يا بَني الصَديق لَم أَحل
5. O you who aspires to a glorious position, refrain from any resemblance
He seeks protection there is no protector for him other than the Master
٥. يا مَن يَرومُ مَقاماً جَلّ عَن شبه
يَمم حِمى لَيسَ في مُغناهُ غَير وَلى
6. And descend into the plains of the sons of the Truthful taking refuge
In Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr and his family members
٦. وَاِنزِل بِسوحِ بَني الصِدّيق ملتجئا
لاحمد بن أَبي بَكر وَصنو عَلى
7. And look to the light of his beautiful appearance, you will find
In its rising the sun that will suffice you from Saturn
٧. وَاِنظُر لِنور مُحياه البَديع تجد
في طَلعَتِهِ الشَمسَ ما يُغتيك عن زحل
8. You have not ceased, O Ahmad the unmatched of the time
To quench from your righteous ancestors
٨. لا زِلتَ يا أَحمَد العَصر الفَريد عَلا
تَروى المَحاسِنَ عَن أَسلافِكَ الاول
9. And he who composes your praises will not
Stop hoping for more might and longevity for you
٩. وَلا يَزال الَّذي يُنشى مَدائِحَكُم
يَرجو المَزيدَ لَكُم في العِز وَالاجَل