
Someone told me, "I saw you passionately loving the family of Taha (the Prophet's family) and always hoping for them."

قال لي قائل رأيتك تهوى

1. Someone told me, "I saw you passionately loving the family of Taha (the Prophet's family) and always hoping for them."
It was really incumbent upon you to devote a long time praising them and those after them.

١. قالَ لي قائِل رَأَيتُكَ تَهوى
آل طه وَدائِماً تَرتَجيهِم

2. I said, "What can I say when the universe derives perfection from their hands?"
What meaning is there to my praise when the Revered Scripture has come praising them?

٢. كانَ حَقّاً عَلَيكَ تَستَغرِق العُم
ر مَديحا فيهِم وَفيمَن يَليهِم

3. I cannot praise people who Gabriel was a servant to.
May God grace our time with the noblest of their sons - rather, for their sake.

٣. قُلت ما ذا أَقول وَالكَون طَرّا
يَستَمِدّ الكَمال مِن أَيديهِم

4. He has uncovered treasures of pride for us to collect as if we are collecting them.
He is the emblem of their glory, so if we do not see them, their glory tells of them.

٤. أَيّ مَعنى لِلمَدحِ منى وَقد جا
ءَ الكِتاب العَزيز بِالمَدح فيهِم

5. My Lord, I have no means but my love for the family of Taha and all those loyal to them.
So help me for their sake, my God. I am a guest who has descended in their association.

٥. أَنا لا أَستَطيع أَمدَح قَوماً
كانَ جِبريل خادِما لا بيهم

6. Overlook my misdeeds, increase my good deeds, and treat me well for I have become one who praises them.
My God, permit clouds of prayers to gather over where they lie.

٦. متع اللَه عصرنا بِشَريف
من بنيهم بَل من أَجل بنيهم

7. And prayers upon the one who came with the light from their Lord to guide them.
And upon his noble companions, those who followed them, and the followers of their followers.

٧. هو أَبدى لَنا كُنوز فخار
نجتليها كَأَنَّنا نَجتَليهِم

٨. هُوَ عُنوانُ مَجدِهِم فَاِذا لَم
نَرهم كانَ مَجدَهُ يحكيهِم

٩. رَب مالي وَسيلَة غَير حُبّي
آل طه وَكل من يَقتَضيهِم

١٠. فَأَغِثني بِحَقِّهِم يا اِلهي
أَنا ضيف نزلت في ناديهِم

١١. وَاِعف عما جَنيت فَضلا وَاِحسا
نا فَاِنّي قَد صِرتُ من مادِحيهِم

١٢. يا اِلهي وَأذن لسحب صَلاة
تَتَوالى لِمَضجع يَحويهِم

١٣. وَصَلاةُ عَلى الَّذي جاءَ لِلكُلِّ
بِنور من رَبِّهِم يَهديهِم

١٤. وَعَلى صَحبِهِ الكِرام وَقوم
تَبَعوهُم وَتابِعي تابِعيهِم