1. Your protector has sung joyously in it
And the house of your glory is gardens and orchards
١. حَماكَ قَد غَرّدت فيهِ المَسَرّات
وَبيت عِزك رَوضات وَجنات
2. And O son of Abu al-Takhsis, virtues and signs
Have appeared to the visitors as generosity and miracles
٢. وَمِنكَ يا اِبن أَبي التَخصيص قَد ظَهرت
لِلوارِدين كرامات وَآيات
3. And in your smile there is a radiant light I witnessed
Signs of your noble origin with it
٣. وَفي مُحياكَ نور ساطِع شَهدت
بِهِ عَلى أَصلِكَ السامي عَلامات
4. And how many glories your noble ancestors have
And how many rests your good land has
٤. وَكَم لا سلافك السادات من عدد
وَكَم لِراحَتِك السحاء راحات
5. O son of glories, goodness of soul, you have been fortunate
With the light of your face times and hours
٥. يا اِبنَ الاماجِد طِب نَفساً فَقَد سعدت
بِنور وَجهِكَ أَوقات وَساعات
6. And live happily with cheerful eyes
Supremacies are your servants and happinesses
٦. وَعِش مهنا قَرير العَين مُبتَهِجا
لَكَ السِيادات خدم وَالسَعادات
7. O you who aspires to the position of glory that has no
Measure and glory has arrangement and times
٧. يا مَن يَرومُ مَقام المَجد لَيسَ لَهُ
حَصر وَلِلمَجد تَرتيب وَأَوقات
8. Go to the field of masters, you will find them
The people of loyalty and gestures have been sufficient
٨. عَرّج عَلى ساحَة السادات تلقهم
أَهل الوَفاءِ وَقَد تَغنى الاِشارات
9. A people when they plead on the day of bounty they pardon
And if they aspire, they have ascents in glory
٩. قَوم اِذا اِستَعطَفوا يَومَ النَدى عَطَفوا
وَاِن رَنوا فَلَهُم في المَجدِ رَنّات
10. And if their love came to one distressed
Whom flashes and gusts of distress afflicted
١٠. وَاِن أَتى حُبِّهم ذو كُربَة وَبِهِ
ضيق أَصابَتهُ لَمحات وَنَفحات
11. O seeker of their utmost glory
Desist for this glory has no limits
١١. يا طالِبَ الغايَة القُصوى لِمَجدِهِم
أَقصر فَلَيسَ لِهذا المَجد غايات
12. And O keen to spread virtues, does
The sun ever need a lamp
١٢. وَيا حَريصاً عَلى نَشر الفَضائِل هَل
لِلشَّمسِ يَوماً اِلى المِصباح حاجات
13. White faced they are guided, green handed they give
Above the skies for them in might are impenetrables
١٣. بيض الوُجوهِ هُدى خُضر الاكف تدى
فَوقَ السَماك لَهُم في العِز أَبيات
14. Talk about the sea or the outpouring of their generosity
They are oceans which happiness skirts
١٤. حَدّث عَنِ البَحر أَو عَن فيض جودِهِم
فَهُم بُحور لَها الاسعاد حافات
15. And leave talk of meanings when you mention them
For none but them have narrations in it
١٥. وَدَع حَديث المَعاني عِندَ ذِكرِهِم
فَما لِغَيرِهِم فيهِ رِوايات
16. And look to the lights of Abdelkhaliq bin Wafi
He is the full moon and the people are glimmerings
١٦. وَاِنظُر لِاِنوار عَبد الخالِق بن وَفي
فَاِنَّهُ البَدر وَالاِقوام هالات
17. Good are the gifts of our Master and plenty they were
But they have particularities of them
١٧. نِعم مَواهِب مَولانا وَاِن كَثُرَت
لكِنَّهُم لَهُم منها اِختِصاصات
18. And the saints are many but they
Are in the rank of the slave and the masters are masters
١٨. وَالاِولِياء كَثير غَير أَنَّهُم
في رُتبَة العَبد وَالسادات سادات
19. And if the heroes of sainthood compete
In the racecourse of precedence and the heroes have charges
١٩. وَاِن تَفاخَر اِبطال الوِلايَة في
مِضمار سَبق وَلِلاِبطال صولات
20. The master scholar Abdelkhaliq stands out
His glory banners amongst the people of virtue
٢٠. فَالسيد الحبر عَبد الخالِق اِنتَصَبت
لِمَجدِهِ بَينَ أَهلِ الفَضلِ رايات
21. A cave that if your eyes see its rise
Renewed joys will recur at the time
٢١. كَهف اِذا شاهَدت عَيناكَ طَلعَتُه
تَجَدّدت لَكَ في الحالِ المَسَرّات
22. The light of prophecy in the brilliance of his cheek
His good morals diffuse it from him
٢٢. نور النُبُوَّة في لألاء غُرَّتِهِ
تُذيعُه مِنهُ أَخلاق زَكيات