
No, and your eyes and your ransomed forehead,

لا وعينيك والجبين المفدى

1. No, and your eyes and your ransomed forehead,
I have never become accustomed to your beauty turning away.

١. لا وَعَينَيكَ وَالجَبين المُفَدّى
ما تَعَوّدت مِن جَمالِكَ صَدّا

2. And may God excuse you one day,
No, and you have never betrayed your oath of love.

٢. وَلَكَ اللَهُ أَحَل عَنكَ يَوماً
لا وَلا خُنتَ في الهَوى لَكَ عَهدا

3. And my passion which I am passionate about,
And my heart that did not want to turn away from you.

٣. وَغَرامي الَّذي عَهدت غَرامي
وَفُؤادي لَم يَبغِ عَنكَ مَرَدّا

4. No, God protect the jealous one who strove against me
And intended my misery and opposed me.

٤. لا رَعى اللَهُ واشِيا قَد سَعى بي
وَتَعنى لِشَقوَتي وَتَصَدّى

5. By what is between us and you we will not be frustrated,
If the jealous one has transgressed and overstepped.

٥. بِالَّذي بَينَنا وَبَينَك لا نُص
غِ لِواش فَقَد بَغى وَتَعَدّى

6. If you want to punish me, with my glance,
Take revenge, O gazelle, with forgiveness and mercy.

٦. اِن تَرد بي عُقوبَه فَبلحظَي
كَ اِقتَصص يا غَزال صَفحا وَحَدّا

7. I, o my love for you, and who do I have
That you see me, my master, as a servant to you.

٧. أنا ياق عَلى هَواك وَمن لي
أَن تَراني يا سَيِّدي لَك عَبدا

8. The branches have exposed me gently, and my heart,
From passion for you, has molded and adapted.

٨. قَد فَضَحت الغُصون لينا وَقَدّي
ت فَؤادي مِن اِعتِدا لَك قَدّا

9. Be however you want, union and separation,
And come near if you wish, intimacy and distance.

٩. كُن عَلى ما تُريد وَصَلا وَهَجرا
وَدنوّا اِن شِئت مُنى وَبعدا

10. So I am the passionate, patient with what
Befalls me in my love for you, intentionally and inadvertently.

١٠. فَأَنا المُغرم الصَبور عَلى ما
نابَني في هَواكَ سَهوا وَعَمدا

11. For you I have replaced my chastity with disgrace,
And poverty, and I cannot find any alternative to you.

١١. فيكَ أَبدَلت عِفَّتي بِاِفتِضاح
وَاِفتِقار وَلَم أَجِد مِنكَ بَدّا

12. O my beloved, for God's sake, have compassion for a
Passionate shaykh whom passion has guided and destroyed.

١٢. يا حَبيبي بِاللَهِ عَطفا عَلى شَي
خ غَرام قَد هَدّه الوَجد هَدّا

13. He lived an age and never tired of you one day,
Because of night chat, and in love he died opposing.

١٣. عاشَ دَهرا وَلَم يَمل فيكَ يَوما
لِسُلُوّ وَفي الهَوى ماتَ صَدّا

14. O my wish, by God, have you turned away from your
Servant jokingly or have you turned away seriously?

١٤. يا مُرادي بِاللَهِ أَعرَضت عَن عَب
دِكَ هُزلا أَم أَنتَ أَعرَضت جَدّا

15. May God be sufficient for you, O unjust one, indeed you have
Envied me about you and prepared against me.

١٥. حَسبُكَ اللَهُ يا ظَلوم لَقَد أَش
مت بي حَسدا عَلَيكَ وَأَعدا

16. Whenever a blamer passed me and saw my
Emaciated body, he counted ribs and prepared to attack me.

١٦. كُلَّما مَرّ عاذَلي وَرَأى أَض
لع جِسمي تَعَدّ ناح وَعَدّا

17. I did not confess love for you to the enemy to appear
Nor did I fear that you would twist, O my demise, my heart intentionally.

١٧. لَم أَكُن أَجب الهَوى فيكَ يَبدى
لِلاِعادي ما من نحولي أَبدى

18. And to this day, my opinion of you has not waned,
No, and your eyes and your ransomed forehead.

١٨. لا وَلا كُنت اِختَشى مِنكَ اِن تَئ
لف يا مُنيَتي فُؤادي قَصدا

١٩. وَاِلى الآن لَم يَخِب فيكَ ظَنّي
لا وَعَينَيكَ وَالجَبين المُفَدّى