
You are my wish and desire,

وحقك أنت المنى والطلب

1. You are my wish and desire,
You are whom I seek and want.

١. وَحقك أَنت المنى وَالطَلَب
وَأَنتَ المُراد وَأَنتَ الارب

2. For you, O my love, I have a passion,
That perplexes any ardent lover to describe.

٢. وَلي فيكَ يا هاجِري صَبوة
تحير في وَصفِها كل صَبّ

3. I refuse to pass my nights in talk
When you appear to me in the darkness or disappear.

٣. أَبيت أُسامِر نجم السَما
اِذا لاحَ لي في الدُجى أَو غرب

4. And I turn away from one blaming my love for you,
When he hints at separation or complains.

٤. وَأَعرِض عَن عاذِلي في هَواكَ
اِذا نَمّ مُنيَتي أَو عَتب

Go gently, O beloved of God, with one

٥. أَمَولايَ يا لِلّهِ رفقا بِمَن
اِلَيكَ بذلّ الغَرامِ اِنتَسَب

6. Who gave himself up to love for you.
For you are my defender against harshness,

٦. فَاِنّي حسيبُكَ من ذا الجَفا
وَيا سيدي أَنتَ أَهل الحسب

7. And my master, you are of noble lineage.
And O my love, after such acceptance,

٧. وَيا هاجِري بَعد ذاكَ الرِضا
بِحَقِّكَ قل لي لِهذا سَبَب

8. For your sake tell me the reason for this.
For I am a lover as you know,

٨. فَاِنّي مُحب كَما قَد عَهِدت
وَلكِنّ حبك شَيء عَجَب

9. But your love is a wondrous thing.
When, O beautiful faced one, will I see

٩. مَتى يا جَميل المحيا أَرى
رِضاكَ وَيَذهَب هذا الغَضَب

10. Your pleasure and this anger disappear?
The slanderers have spread that I became bored,

١٠. أَشاعَ العذول بِأَنّي سَلوت
وَحقك يا سيدي قَد كَذَب

11. By God, my master, they have lied.
And one like you should not turn away

١١. وَمِثلُكَ ما يَنبَغي اِن يَصد
وَيَهجر صبا لَه قَد أَحب

12. And desert a love who has loved.
I see in you such exquisite beauty,

١٢. أَشاهد فيكَ الجَمال البَديع
فَيَأخُذُني عِند ذاكَ الطَرَب

13. That I am seized by rapture.
And I admire your graceful form,

١٣. وَيُعجِبُني منكَ حُسن القَوامِ
وَلين الكَلامِ وَفَرط الادَب

14. Your gentle speech and great courtesy.
It is enough for you that you are the beautiful one,

١٤. وَحَسبُكَ اِنَّكَ أَنتَ المَليحُ الكَ
ريمُ الجدود العَريق النَسب

15. The generous, of ancient noble ancestry.
By Him who adorned your brow,

١٥. أَما وَالَّذي زانَ مِنكَ الجَبين
وَأَودَع في اللَحظِ بنت العنب

16. And placed within your glances the grapes' juice,
And caused to sprout upon your cheeks beauty's blossoms,

١٦. وَأَنبَتَ في الخدّر وَض الجمال
وَلكِن سَقاه بِماء اللَهَب

17. Watering them with the water of flames.
If you are earnest or jest, you are the one I desire,

١٧. لَئِن جدت أَو جرت أَنتَ المُراد
وَما لي سِواكَ مَليح يُحِبّ