
When that face appears and the lips smile,

اذا لاح ذاك الوجه وابتسم الثغر

1. When that face appears and the lips smile,
Delaying love for him is no excuse.

١. اِذا لاحَ ذاكَ الوَجهُ وَاِبتَسَم الثغر
فَالى في التَأخير عَن عِشقه عُذر

2. When you see his soft body and grace,
You know who is worth killing the brown-skinned girl.

٢. مَليح اِذا عايَنت لين قَوامه
عرفت الَّذي من أَجلِه تقتل السمر

3. If not for my indifference, by his eyes,
I'd not realize they were magic.

٣. أَما وَالهَوى لَولا فُتور رَأَيته
بِعَينَيه ما حَققت انهما سحر

4. If not for my swoon when kissing his lips,
I'd not believe his saliva was wine.

٤. وَلَولا ذُهولي عِند تَقبيل ثَغره
لما صح عِندي أَنّ ريقته خمر

5. I enjoyed him for years despite my jealousy,
A pleasure of life the mind cannot encompass.

٥. نعمت بِه دَهرا عَلى رُغم حسدي
بلذة عيش لا يَكيفها فكر

6. How often I've been silent about my worldly joys in modesty,
Though his saliva was what I naturally craved.

٦. وَكَم صُمت عَن لَذّات دَهري عِفّة
عَلى أَنَّه كَم لي عَلى ريقه فطر

7. How pack-hunting nights crept up on me,
While each night it visited, the moon was a guest.

٧. وَكَم شَق أَنواب الدياجي وَزارَني
وَكل لَياليه اِذا زارَني قمر

8. How often that branch bent towards me and swayed,
While I had no patience when it would bend.

٨. وَكَم مال نَحوي ذلك الغُصن وَاِنثَنى
وَما لي عَنه عِند ما يَنثني صَبر

9. How often he leaned by me, my hand his pillow,
His hair disheveled, while my chest and the strings of the lute bore witness.

٩. وَكَم انسه اذبات عِندي وَساعدي
وَسادَته وَالصدر يَشهد وَالنجر

10. How much pleasure I got from him openly,
While the best pleasures without it have no cover.

١٠. وَكَم لذة قَد نِلتَها مِنه جَهرة
وَلا خَير في اللّذات من دونِها ستر

11. He acts coyly then turns gently,
Gets mad randomly then is pleased and relents.

١١. يَصدّ دَلالا ثُمَّ يَعطف رقة
وَيَغضَب تبها ثُمَّ يَرضى فَيَفتر

12. O how often my hand enjoyed his neck,
Neither weakening nor burdening me.

١٢. وَيا طالَما متعت بِالجيد ساعدي
وَما صَدّني اِثن وَلا عاقَني وَزر

13. I said to my asceticism, "Be gone," and to my piety, "Do not stand,"
For the rule of passion is absolute and its authority victor.

١٣. وَقُلت لزهدي اِرحَل وَلِلرّشد لا تَقم
فَحُكم الهَوى جتم وَسلطانه قَهر

14. We were as passion desired in a state
That makes chaste ladies jealous and the full moon envious.

١٤. وَبتنا كَما شاءَ الغَرام بِحالَة
تَغارُ لَها الجوز وَيَغبِطُها البَدر

15. Between us - I seek Allah's forgiveness - is much suspicion,
Though it is all reward.

١٥. وَما بَينَنا أَستَغفِرُ اللَهَ ريبَة
عَلى أَنَّهُ كَم ريبَة كُلَّها أَجر

16. I indulge him until the live coals
Nearly ignite from the kindness of his cheek.

١٦. أَعاتيه حَتّى يَكادُ من الحَيا
بر وَمنة ذاك الخَد يَلتَهِب الجَمر

17. I deny my love then complain of his rejection,
So my complaint embarrasses him and my thoughts amuse him.

١٧. وَأَنكر وَجدى ثُم أَشكو صدوده
فَتَخجله الشَكوى وَيُضحِكُه الفِكر

18. May Allah watch over those nights, for how much
They have with me that cannot be thanked enough.

١٨. رَعى اللَه هاتيكَ اللَيالي فَكَم لَها
أَيادي عِندي لا يَقوم لَها شُكر

19. Nights that made passion sweet helped me,
Leaving me with no abstinence or considerations.

١٩. لَيالي أَعطيب الغَرام أَعنتي
وَلَم يَبقَ عَندي في نَهى وَلا أَمر

20. I gave my heart to playfulness and passion,
Not heeding any rebuke or prohibition.

٢٠. وَسلمت قَلبي لِلصَبّابَة وَالجَوى
وَما راعَني عَذل وَلا عاقَني زَجر

21. The nights pass with my beloved as company,
And I know not if the year died or the month ended.

٢١. تَمُرّ اللَيالي وَالحَبيب مسامري
فَلَم أَدرِ ماتَ العام أَو سلخ الشَهر

22. Why wouldn't I stay up nightlong in rapture?
For that is a night of bliss entirely dawning.

٢٢. وَما لي لا أَصبو اِلى اللَيل صَبوَتي
وَذلِك لَيل بِالهَنا كُلُّه فَجر

23. Past nights - if not for Abu Umar - I would have
Wished them to extend after they had gone.

٢٣. لَيال مَضَت لَولا أَبو عمر لِما
تمنَّيت أَن يمتَدّ لي بَعدَها عمر

24. He has in every crisis the resolve
Of nobility, with victory following his endeavors.

٢٤. همام لَه في كُل دَهماء همة
بِاِسلافة الاِشراف يَتبَعها النَصر

25. Rely on him, O you fearful of fate's tricks:
In his company is safety, and in his peace an ocean.

٢٥. عَلَيكَ بِهِ يا خائِفاً رَيب دَهره
فُساحته أَمن وَراحته بحر

26. Ask the rain of al-Muzn or the north wind about him,
For with them is news of his good character.

٢٦. وَسَل عَنهُ ماء المزن أَو نسمة الصِبا
فَعِندَهما عَن طيب أَخلاقِه خبر

27. For one seeking the gaze of his approval
And from his words glad tidings and from his sight joy.

٢٧. لقاصد من وجهه نظرة الرِضا
وَمن لَفظه البُشرى وَمن لحظه البَشر

28. Restrain yourself, O one who would limit his traits,
For the virtues of Muhammad's family have no limit.

٢٨. رُوَيدَك يا مَن رامَ حَصر صِفاتِه
مَحاسِنَ آل البَيت لَيس لها حَصر

29. Virtues - if you sensed their perfume - would suffice you
Above musk or, if cast, would make pearls unrecognized.

٢٩. مَحاسِن لَو شمت لا غنت بِطيبِها
عَن المِسكِ أَو صيغَت لما عرف الدر

30. They are a people whose pride cannot be recounted -
No match or parallel for their worth.

٣٠. أولئك قَوم لَيسَ يُحكى فَخارهم
فَخار وَلا يَعلو عَلى قَدرِهِم قَدر

31. Suppose I exceeded in praise what I can express,
For what can my praise accomplish after the mention praised him?

٣١. وَهب أَنَّني بِالغت في المَدح طاقَتي
فَما قَدر مَدحي بَعد أَن مدح الذِكر

32. Abu Umar, your glory, might, and esteem suffice you,
And the exalted rank of your pure, immaculate grandfather.

٣٢. أَبى عمر يَكفيكَ عزا وَسونددا
وَرَفعَة قَدر جَدّك الطاهِر الطهر

33. I'm astonished by people who aspire to greatness
When loftiness was originally your family's abode.

٣٣. عجِبت لِقَوم يَرمِقون اِلى العُلا
وَاِن العُلا بكر لها بيتكم خدر

34. How they have tried to catch up with you when between them
And you, Abdullah, is - I see - a gap.

٣٤. وَكَم حاوَلوا اِن يَلحقوك وَبَينَهُم
وَبَينَك عَبد اللَهِ فيما أَرى عسر

35. I'd sacrifice you, dignified yet humble,
Sweet to loved ones, bitter to enemies.

٣٥. فديتك من ذي هيبَة متواضع
لاحبابِه حلو لا عدائه مرّ

36. Through you Allah has been generous; often
Allah was miserly towards one like you.

٣٦. بِك الدَهر عَبد الله جادَ وَطالَما
بمثلِكَ عَبد الله قَد بخل الدَهر

37. Alas! After you the world will meet no master
With a nobility that shines like stars or flowers without you.

٣٧. وَهيهات يلقى الدهر بعدك سيدا
له شَرف من دونه الانجم الزهر

38. You made the world beautiful for people in their time
With a wedding that secretes joy in every heart.

٣٨. أَعدت لاهل الدهر رَونَق دَهرِهِم
بعرس له في كل قَلب اِمرىء سر

39. I'd give my soul for that wedding! How much
Joy it held, how it erected whoever it granted victory.

٣٩. بِروحي أَفدي ذلِكَ العرس كَم حَوى
سُرورا وَكَم شَخص به ناله جبر

40. The corners of the sky avoided it in awe,
Had it not been for your palm's dripping.

٤٠. تحاشته أَنواء السَماء مهايَة
وَلَولا نَدى كفيك نقطه القطر

41. You filled all hearts with joy by it
And Egypt's landmarks were lost to it.

٤١. ملأت به كل القُلوب مسرّة
وَتاهَت عَلى كُل البِلاد بِهِ مِصر

42. You seized by it glory, pride, and esteem
And registered it to the noble, proud master.

٤٢. وَحزت به مجدا وَفخرا وَسوددا
فارّخته لِلسَّيد الماجِد الفَخر

43. So I remain in strong, protected bliss
With your son whom no evil or harm touches.

٤٣. فَلا زِلتُ في عز مَنيع مُمتعا
بنجلك لا يَعروك سوء وَلا ضَرّ

44. And I remain, O noble one, my refuge and treasure,
My contentment in life being you as my treasure.

٤٤. وَلا زِلت ذُخري يا شَريف وَملجىء
وَحَسبي من دُنيايَ أَنك لي ذُخر

45. Greetings be upon your grandfather the guide, giver of glad tidings,
Worthy of him before whom the moon in the pasture twittered.

٤٥. عَلى جَدّك الهادي البَشير تَحية
تَليق بِهِ ما غَرَّدت في الربا القَمر