1. O my heart, rejoice! The gloom has passed away
This place and these lights
١. يا قَلبُ أَبشِر زالَت الاِكدار
هذا المَقام وَهذِه الاِنوار
2. This is the station of my father Al-Lathami
Whose torches the storms and rains could not extinguish
٢. هذا مَقام أَبي اللثامين الَّذي
نارَت بِهِ الاِعصار وَالاِمصار
3. This is the station of the Pole, the Sultan of mankind
The cave of the chosen ones, firm and piercing
٣. هذا مَقام القطب سُلطان الوَرى
كَهف العفاة الصارِم البتار
4. This is Abu Al-Farah, the elect
From the lineage of one whose rocks could not be shaken
٤. هذا أَبو الفرحات هذا المُنتَقى
من نسل من لانَت لَهُ الاِحجار
5. This is the relief of Al-Badawi, how many
Misfortunes have I overcome through his mere glance
٥. هذا أَو فرجات البدوي كم
قَضيت به لمحه أَوطار
6. A hero, when one in distress calls him
He responds, and in him there is hope
٦. بطل اِذا ما جاء ذو كربَة
وَدعاه عادَ وَعِندَه اِستِبشار
7. How many prisoners burdened by their shackles
Have been surrounded by the infidels' ill omens
٧. كَم من أَسير أَثقَلته قُيوده
وَسَطَت عَلَيهِ بشُؤمِها الكُفار
8. The earth was too narrow for them until they had
No choice but to flee from that severe distress
٨. ضاقَت عَلَيه الاِرض حَتّى مالَه
من ذلِك الكرب الشَديد فرار
9. They called you, O Al-Badawi, save me, for
The horizons and lands have narrowed around me
٩. ناداكَ يا بدويّ أَنقِذني فَقَد
ضاقَت بي الآفاق وَالاِقطار
10. So you rescued them and returned them to their homes
After the home had become so distant for them
١٠. فَأَغثتَه وَأَعدته لِدِيارِه
مِن بَعدِ ما بعدت عَلَيهِ الدار
11. How many distressed people came to you seeking wealth
Generously, and returned cured of their poverty
١١. كَم معسر وافاكَ يَلتَمِس الغنى
كرما فَعادو ما بِه اِعسار
12. And how many people were blessed with good fortune
You noticed them and lifted the veil from them
١٢. وَكَم اِمرىء سَبقت له الحُسنى فذ
لاحَظته كَشفت لهُ الاِستار
13. My master, your flesh is radiant light
And your station commands awe and dignity
١٣. يا سَيِّدي لحماك نور ساطِع
وَعَلى مَقامِكَ هيبَة وَوِقار
14. Your visitors have beauty and majesty
And through you they take pride over all people
١٤. وَلِزائِريك جَمالَة وَجَلالَة
وَلَهُم عَلى كُل الاِنام فخار
15. I have not come to visit you once
Except that secrets were unveiled to me from you
١٥. ما جِئت حبك لِلِّزِيارَة مَرّة
الا وَلاحَت مِنكَ لي أَسرار
16. And today I came to you hoping that you would relieve
A great affliction, as your gifts are ever-flowing
١٦. وَاليَوم جِئتُكَ أَرتَجيكَ لِكُربَة
عَظُمَت وَكفك بِالعطا مدرار
17. My pillar, my treasure, my means
My master, whose ancestors were virtuous
١٧. يا عمدَتي وَذَخيرَتي وَوَسيلَتي
يا سيديا أَسلافِه أَخيار
18. O Pole of poles, whose grandfather
Was Taha the Bringer of Glad Tidings, the Chosen One
١٨. يا سيد الاِقطاب يا من جدّه
طه البَشير المُصطَفى المُختار
19. May Allah, Lord of the Throne, bless him
As long as suns shine or moons appear
١٩. صَلّى عَلَيهِ اللَه رب العَرش ما
لاحَت شُموس أَو بَدَت أَقمار
20. And his family and Companions, the guides
Whether night enshrouds or day breaks
٢٠. وَالآل وَالاِصحاب أَعلام الهُدى
ما جَنّ لَيل أَو تَلاه نَهار